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[YouTube] Oh My! Man Marries Single Mom With 2 Kids, Has A Kid – And Then She Gets Knocked Up By ANOTHER Man!

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This guy is beta to the core. Wife probably stopped having sex with him as soon as she got pregnant, and he accepted it. And he was willing to reconcile after she was pregnant with another man's baby. Naturally, this probably disgusted her even more than she already was with her pathetic sap of a husband. And his friends were betas too. I couldn't imagine not saying anything if a buddy of mine was about to marry a train wreck of a woman.

I cringed through most of this story. He needs to be force-fed some red pills of reality.

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Hi @g19

12 hours ago, g19 said:

This guy is beta to the core.

Most likely, yes. Having said that, there are many able men/women who aren't as well-built and irrefutablely lead great lives, especially if they have and follow principles such as the peaceful parenting or dedication to (some of the ) virtues.

12 hours ago, g19 said:

Wife probably stopped having sex with him as soon as she got pregnant, and he accepted it. And he was willing to reconcile after she was pregnant with another man's baby.

That's also likely, yet another reason why vetting could have been entirely misaligned for the fella, a bit of "historical reflection" could have cleared it up.

(((I'm completely at amiss, why not a single word has been spoken in regards to parents... trust me, the parents must have been "pieces of work" themselves. Wha..? Why no U speak them?! Clearly, he didn't just choose worthless support groups, had no aid when approaching the trap this 9 looking arachnid set... I don't think it was wise from Stefan Molyneux to skip that at all... But yet, what do I know? I only see a small slice.)))

12 hours ago, g19 said:

I couldn't imagine not saying anything if a buddy of mine was about to marry a train wreck of a woman.

Do you have "beta" friends?

(My thinking, like attracts like. It's unusual for betas to keep a close bond with strong and assertive individuals.)

12 hours ago, g19 said:

I cringed through most of this story. He needs to be force-fed some red pills of reality.

Oh, no-no-no... That's just going to make him resent the bearers of truth.

As painful it is to observe, one should never offer to help when none has requested aid. To whom is it more important to see, the self-righteous?

No-no-no, let people fall into their demise if they choose to.

Sad, fiddlestick yeah! They'll only pull you with them if they haven't tried to get a foothold first (at least, a bit) for themselves at first. (me thinks)

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The caller was the dictionary definition of Beta Male.

My God. All I could do was laugh at his self-inflicted suffering. He was so spineless his self-admitted standards were lower than Single Mom With 2 Children By 2 Men...

And he has the audacity to think he deserves custody of his maybe child? He only got the inevitable return of an obviously shady investment...

He belongs with the woman. He was right when he said they were compatitible and made for each other. When alpha f__cks he's ready to buck. 

To all young men: don't be the caller. Don't be the detestable Beta Male that feeds and sustains the bad behavior of bad women. Be an Alpha Male and set a good example with an Alpha Woman while all those r-selected betas screw and starve each other to death (without the welfare state to loot you of your earnings of course). 

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11 minutes ago, DavidFoxfire said:

Too bad we didn't see the caller in these videos.  We would've gotten a proper Soylent Grin.

Maybe for you, I personally don't need to see someone to hear their misery.

I just hope he starts making connections between learned behaviors and terrible life-choices. He's got much more responsibility now, his own child. I sincerely hope he doesn't make it worse.

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...Having said that all, I do feel a little bad for him since he probably was sheltered from real masculinity as a kid and was isolated and ill-prepared for adulthood even as a fully grown man. There's a lot for others' to take away from this though. Among which being to "man up" in the sense of figuring out what masculinity actually is (not what the Left says it is) and becoming that as well as finding good people with a straight forward, honest, and rational character to both rely upon and be relied upon. Every man ought to build a network of other men of a kind, especially the good kind. This way we can prop each other upwards and forwards rather than regress into becoming both the housewife and breadwinner of a lazy and selfish single mom. 

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