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I have been intermittent fasting since mid summer. My blood pressure came down tremendously. I have been losing weight. This simplified my life, increased my free time and I’m eating healthier.

check out any video on YouTube.

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I haven't done any intermittent fasting, yet. I've heard a lot of people find it beneficial in order to detoxify, and they feel good after the fast.

Watched the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" by Joe Cross, a few times. He went on a juice fast. Pretty interesting.

I find I do well on a restricted calorie diet with low carbs. Helps with the arthritis and increases my energy level. Kind of difficult at first because it almost feels like some sort of withdrawal symptoms going on. But after about three days it gets way better.

My best friend is a Naturopathic MD. It's nice to have access to her knowledge, which she is happy to share. I've learned a lot and do have an interest in staying healthy by reducing stress and watching what I eat. 

What type of fasting have you tried? Do you have a specific protocol? Do you use juices and/or supplements?

I always tend to put on about 15 lbs every winter. In the process of taking it off right now.

Good topic.



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