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[Podcast] 4044 0% Responsibility, 100% Trouble - Call In Show - March 28th, 2018

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Question 1: [1:17] – “I went to public school as a kid and recall absolutely hating it. I was diagnosed with ADHD and took medication to mitigate the condition. I still got good grades but remember it being a chore and do not have any positive feelings about it. I only had one teacher that encouraged thinking, new ideas, and creativity. Then I went to college where it was pretty obvious what type of thinking they wanted. I went along with it because I wanted the grade. As a father, I think about what effect public schools will have on my children. Was my willingness to go along instead of thinking for myself a result of the schooling I had? Or was it just my personality and laziness?”

Question 2: [40:33] – “In a recent debate, you had mentioned that the level of consciousness that animals possess is essentially worthless in the level of debate that take part in with one another. Would this viewpoint change in cases where an animal's ability to detect and draw relevant conclusions from certain types of information far surpass that of humans?”

Question 3: [56:48] – “Reason and logic combined with science, technology and the western ideals of freedom appear to inevitably lead to ‘modern’ social changes that threaten to destroy civilizations. The mechanism of destruction is vast wealth, power and success which allows us to absorb foolish social decisions until our beloved Western societies are destroyed after an inevitable ‘point of no return.’ Can we balance the positives of reason and logic against the negative social impact of techno-freedom or are the products of modern ‘rationality’ far too dangerous for to be left uncontained? Can Western civilization survive its own success?”

Question 4: [1:35:25] – “I hear you talk about the importance of committed marriage and how important it is for the healthy development of children, and I have also deeply valued this, remaining in a very difficult marriage in hopes of providing the best possible outcome for the children. However, I have also heard you speak to irreparable damage that can be done in a relationship and wonder if my marriage has reached that point. My husband has an ACE score of 8 and mine is a 1. In our marriage there have been many challenging issues, most of which I think relate to deeply entrenched unhealthy relational habits that began in childhood for him, as a result of the abuses and traumas he experienced. I also believe this unhealed trauma in his life has been at the root of a pornography addiction that started at a young age for him and, despite counseling and recovery programs, continues still. Is it possible that it could actually be better (or neutral) for the children for us to separate or divorce if I am finding that I cannot see a way forward for him to repair the damage he has caused in our marriage for over two decades?”

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Hi FDR team,

Thanks for the very interesting podcast, the myriads of references, for the "real" conversation in general. Again, for the 4044th time, still going strong...

I thought, some might not be familiar with the 'pound of flesh' reference, and so...

The Merchant of Venice


there's been a movie produced, quite good. Must read/watch, truly a character building experience.


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Something else, that's been bothering me about the 4th caller, it's something that I would appreciate people's input on... (still, the 'pound of flesh' is partly an overarching motif, here also.)

I am going to go out on a limb and guesstimate that her available mental processing ability is akin to someone in the vicinity of 130-140 I.Q. wise. (very well could be more, I'm not that smart to notice maybe... )

I'm also guessing that she is a strong willed individual who is nevertheless brave to confront resistance when it's to further her objectives.

Additionally, I'm theorising that it is 100% (yes, to me undoubtedly solid) sure, she had positively identified and pursued the partner to be married to anno. She consciously chose.

What bothers me the MOST OF ALL is this. When I would be naturally sympathetic, she's neutral or superficial. When I would be suspicious of her thinking process, she immediately overflows with "bru-hu-hu" , sorrow. Eerie.

She scares me.

I'm not being dramatic or theatrical... it's been eerie to hear her, "see" her choice of leaps while listening to the convo. Confused, less gifted individuals don't reproduce patterns of "implied" misfortune so consistently, they CAN'T drop "smoking gun" in-between comments as 'Stefan, you're not going to hold me personally responsible for...'

Man! It's like she's studied NLP.

Currently, I am scared of such women in general as they seem selfish, unemotional, almost "succubus" - like.

What do you think, thinkers and alike?



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