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[Podcast] 4049 Avoiding Sexual Danger - Call In Show - March 31st, 2018

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Question 1: [1:22] – “In light of all the stories people share with you about the mess their lives are in because of how they choose their sexual partners, and also all the information you shared on the video ‘The Truth About Sex,’ how would you, as a father, approach this subject, encouraging your child to be wise in his/her choices and possibly even waiting for marriage?”

Question 2: [20:21] – “I am an 18-year-old Serbian male who has been living in Sweden since I was 3 years old. Because I was raised in a Serbian fashion by my parents and not in a Swedish way, there are glaring differences between the basic thinking of my Swedish peers and myself on matters such as family life, in group preference and nation. I am interested in why these differences exist in the first place, and most importantly how they have contributed to the demographic and cultural mess in which Sweden is currently in. What values exactly do you think have lead this once glorious and culturally rich nation into such an obviously destructive trajectory without massive outrage from the native population?”

Question 3: [38:38] – “I am a single mum (widowed for more than ten years) living in Australia with my daughter 18-year-old, and my son 14-year-old. I acknowledge the struggles as a single mum, but not as bad as now when my son starts to become so readily to be irritated. Somehow I feel a sense of helplessness - I am deeply torn between being a soft, loving and caring mum and hard, disciplinary and authoritative dad. We recently had numbers of rough paths and I lost my temper twice ended up shouting at him even swearing at him. I felt so guilty and awful and ashamed afterwards. Can you give me your parental wisdom and advise me how to juggle between the role of dad and mum?”

Question 4: [1:53:25] – “I have been looking at different ways to explain our current political and social climate. All of the modern woes from single motherhood to a destruction of general social norms have always appeared to me, and I would assume to the public as well, as separate issues. But recently, I have read an experiment called "Death Squared: The Explosive Growth and Demise of a Mouse Population" by John Calhoun. I believe this experiment can tightly summarize our modern plague. My question is what do you think about this experiment and how can we change our behavior in order to get a better conclusion than the rats?”

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