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The number of "summers seen" does correlate with how set one is in its ways. It's a common observation, probably has to do with biological reasons initially.

The amount of people above a certain age who choose to keep an open mind, dwarfs compared to those who wave away any and all other approaches. Within those small minority, there's an even smaller few who won't stop until they have incorporated any and all superior ideas they've come across, either fully or knowingly-partially. That's... That's wisdom my friends!

Those elders must be guarded by any cost necessary, they are keeping the light of humanity alive in their fragile body...

It was a good presentation-like interaction (wouldn't call it a discussion). Great show! Instructive on how not to argue against anyone who demonstrates genuine curiosity, is a good listener and is also invested in finding/upholding truth above else.

(funny thing is, what's been demonstrated would work in ANY debate with the same minimum efficiency against any non-reality based human)

Thank you FDR team 42* for all the fish ... I mean, arguments... of course. (Respectfully, 'Flipper-y' references 'n all.)

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