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A Quote from Stefan's Podcasts


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Hey Guys

I have a quote that I filtered out of one or a couple of Stefan's Podcasts. I'm not sure if he said it or talked about it, if it was once or a couple of times.

First the quote, second my attempt to defend it.             *sorry that should say Paraphrase: quote and filtered out.

Be wary, Be very Wary of people who say that morality doesn't matter,
because they do get to enjoy the spoils of other people's morality.

If you believe in morality and I don't. I still get to enjoy your believe in morality. Meaning you not punching me. You not stealing from me. Whereas I can hit you, punch you, steal from you and so on.

Enjoy is a value statement and if I say morality doesn't matter, then that is a contradiction. Because morality does matter to me insofar it matters to others. In order for me to hit, punch, steal from them.

Please can someone point out where I made mistakes??

Thank you


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Hi @tymophy


5 hours ago, tymophy said:

Hey Guys

I have a quote that I filtered out of one or a couple of Stefan's Podcasts. I'm not sure if he said it or talked about it, if it was once or a couple of times.

First the quote, second my attempt to defend it.             *sorry that should say Paraphrase: quote and filtered out.

Be wary, Be very Wary of people who say that morality doesn't matter,
because they do get to enjoy the spoils of other people's morality.

If you believe in morality and I don't. I still get to enjoy your believe in morality. Meaning you not punching me. You not stealing from me. Whereas I can hit you, punch you, steal from you and so on.

Enjoy is a value statement and if I say morality doesn't matter, then that is a contradiction. Because morality does matter to me insofar it matters to others. In order for me to hit, punch, steal from them.

Please can someone point out where I made mistakes??

Thank you


I don't intend to nitpick, being constructive here, is my aim.

(For the future - Please use quotations, while it's fairly easy to assume what part is the paraphrasing; it can make things even more clear if you did so.)

If I understand what you highlighted, it stands for people who use other people's framework of belief, to predict what they'll be able to to exploit without them being able to resist much. The exploited most likely won't be able to reassess/change heading during the process and therefore those who wish to take advantage face the least resistance possible.

(it's a trap, premeditated, set in advance, based on understanding and careful observation for a clearly defined goal)

It's easy to see, why determinists would want to "play this game" and "fall for it continously" too, while it's clearly (imho) not true they wouldn't care about Morality.

Here's why I think they actually do care about Morality :

Say I wanted to steal something from you, it wouldn't be possible if you gave it to me. Likewise, I wouldn't be able to keep what I had stolen if you thought stealing was good in the first place, neither. (because you'd steal it back sooner or later and nobody would be actually keeping the object, endlessly.)

Now, to get around this I might say stealing is bad (to dupe you) but act in an opposite manner... (lying)

Still, I have a moral frame of reference just it's different than of those who I wish to exploit. (and I'm fully conscious of all of this = I'd be evil/harmful, in this example)

The contradiction would simply lie in me stating one thing, while enacting and/ expecting another. (That's why, 'an unexamined life isn't...' The actions of such people makes them a liability or a threat in one way or another. Not NAP compliant.)

Have I positively contributed to your question?


p. s. (R u sure it's not Jordan B. Peterson who you paraphrased?)

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So just people who say morality doesn't matter, or more of a contrast between morality and amorality?

My own feeling is that I'm Amoral(more of a trader principle), though I wouldn't say that morality doesn't matter (form of virtue signalling). The same way acts(due to Chance or Freewill) could be said to be Arational.

I like some vague idea, I have about Equity law. An ancestor of mine(It's how I know) implemented it in England for 19 years, another one killed himself after 1 day as Lord Chancellor.

On a community ethic level(Aristotelian) I wonder  how I could make that possible, not being generally social.
On an individualistic ethic level (Perhaps like Kant) Personally have more of a Nietzschean viewpoint, “Not that you lied to me but that I no longer believe you has shaken me.”

“Smell that? You smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn’t find one of ‘em, not one stinkin’ dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like… Victory. Someday this war’s gonna end…” - Kilgore - Apocalypse Now! 

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On 04/08/2018 at 8:23 AM, gavstone21 said:

Its like the communist who drinks coke, has an iPhone, and lives in a house without fear of getting murdered. 

Indeed. Just like a member of any anti-human movement, say a GreenpeacERR who uses a washing machine. Complete disconnect.

 "Even the most hard-core of environmentalists use washing machines,"

- Hans Rosling -

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