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Internet surveillance getting scary.

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I tried to post on a forum recently, regarding facebooks corporate abuses of power. The thread did not go through and I was banned from the forum because wordpress had an 'error' and got a weird message about email details being changed. Even when I tried to register with a second email. I had previously used autocomplete and had done for months and never had a problem previously.

The woman running the forum, who has had some weird hacking problems on there, then posted something on her blog about interesting things on the forum intentionally missing out anything political like that, because she just happens to not be left which is not everyone in that field.

I don't think this person is the type to go to long lengths of manipulation i.e. creating the impression that it was spooks in order to fool me, for instance. If that was the case then I don't know she would have been able to censor the initial thread, pass it for moderation yes but not have it just not show up like that. Or to screw with the wordpress system itself because a lot of the user details are done through wordpress.

I don't think spooks care so much about talking with people of like mind, i.e. this thread. But I tend now to think they are reading. They just don't want us 'educating' the masses, so this is probably fine to post here. I have seen quite a few other examples of this type of thing online. Anyone have any comments?:



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If you have a forum program (like FDR where we are, for example) you can pretty much do what you want, edit posts, delete them and that's what's happening to Ashton Birdie on Twitter:

Twitter and Facebook have obviously proved themselves amoral.  Wordpress, who knows, it's still a program and will respond to its owner.  Of course "spooks" are watching, or recording, it's what they do.  From personal experience, if they want us they've got us.  The Internet has convenient ways of listing us, which is wandering off your question, and it seems you're suffering the effect of people fiddling with your posts.  But hey, suppression and their bs editing with never work, a lesson the commies eventually learned after their world got broken.



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There are precious few places on the internet where we can speak freely, but there are a few.

I don't know if 'spooks' were any way involved here it could easily been that I was already blocked that was why a certain post did not go through. Took me a while to think of that though.

I have been on a very popular forum before with constant updates on a lot of sub forums and a pro Hillary moderator ran it like any leftist wants to. She would, seriously, no exaggeration or joke, go in to pro Trump posts and say 'removed delusional xyz'. Needless to say I didn't last there very long.

I wondered if people would pay a subscription fee for a massive forum that covered a lot of areas.

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On 15/04/2018 at 4:57 PM, AllanN said:

From personal experience, if they want us they've got us.

Really, do tell? Yeah probably monitor most politically inclined forums. I wonder if there's any grandplan behind it all. 

1)Cull the population. Reasonable.
2)Cause mayhem for the sake of it. Potentially fun for a while, though ultimately self destructive and finally lame.
3)Control people to make themselves feel better. Lame
4)Bribery and Corruption from Middle East and China. Leading ultimately to Western Genocide. Reasonable, but boring.
5)No grandplan. Just indulge base lusts through BS moral justification.

6)Something I missed?

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On 4/23/2018 at 10:22 AM, RichardY said:

Really, do tell? Yeah probably monitor most politically inclined forums. I wonder if there's any grandplan behind it all. 

Travelling internationally I had involvement with detectives, on a friendly basis, and they knew I belonged to a semi-religious group (only probably 70 members and definitely not political) in the previous country.  At the time they were not on the Internet and I did not discuss it on the Internet.

Grand plan, well of course, but plans will vary according ongoing situational assessments.  Although with cull the population etc, I think you're going off on a tangent and not really helping J.LW. :)   Undoubtedly there have always been elements who suppose they have responsibility regarding the ongoing direction of the human race, some more extreme than others.

J.L.W.  Unless you're an important political player, a spy, or bundles of loose money are involved, I wouldn't seriously worry. edit: I mean unless you're involved in some political intrigue it's extremely doubtful that an agency would use it's resources simply to annoy you.  The main task of agencies such as the NSA and GCHQ UK, as I understand it, is recording what people do, so that if the those agencies are suspicious they will later have a clear picture of who, what, habits.

But as you say, there's a problem, so it's good you're aware of it, and being aware is good.  Mostly likely it's some idiot messing around because they can.  It doesn't hurt to run files scanners from time to time (e.g. MalwareBytes) to check you don't have nuisance files on your computer.

Yet another edit! J.L.W.  I remember now, same happened to me on another forum and I couldn't log on because: "Too many failed logon attempts."  The reason I'm sure is because the forum listed the names of those logged on, someone had used my name and tried to guess my password.  Thankfully the forum had a logon limit or else the "hacker" could have a used a password guesser program, but then limit inconveniences the legitimate user even using the correct password.  The limit's obviously good and bad, but it gives the "hacker" time to give up and go away, just means you have to wait until the forum timer resets your password tries limitation.

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19 hours ago, AllanN said:

Travelling internationally I had involvement with detectives, on a friendly basis, and they knew I belonged to a semi-religious group (only probably 70 members and definitely not political) in the previous country.  At the time they were not on the Internet and I did not discuss it on the Internet.

Cool, a cult? Have any fun?

20 hours ago, AllanN said:

Grand plan, well of course, but plans will vary according ongoing situational assessments.  Although with cull the population etc, I think you're going off on a tangent and not really helping J.LW. :)   Undoubtedly there have always been elements who suppose they have responsibility regarding the ongoing direction of the human race, some more extreme than others.

Yeah, perhaps it's one of those situations if there really was a grandplan, going to end up like NKorea in a decade or so. 

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On 23/04/2018 at 10:22 AM, RichardY said:

Really, do tell? Yeah probably monitor most politically inclined forums. I wonder if there's any grandplan behind it all. 

1)Cull the population. Reasonable.
2)Cause mayhem for the sake of it. Potentially fun for a while, though ultimately self destructive and finally lame.
3)Control people to make themselves feel better. Lame
4)Bribery and Corruption from Middle East and China. Leading ultimately to Western Genocide. Reasonable, but boring.
5)No grandplan. Just indulge base lusts through BS moral justification.

6)Something I missed?

Well as Stefan says, the parasite is always more focused on the host than the host is on the parasite.

The thing this woman did wrong was allowing political information to flower on her boards and blogs, and she is converting to her views the non political, domestic thinkers. THAT is when these guys get angry as they did with Kanye West. Occams razor says that it would be more likely the woman herself censoring posts than security services creating trouble on her site but I am sure it is not her. She is not of that ultra controlling temperament.

Someone is definitely chowing down on internet outlets recently. There is something a good amount of you have probably heard of called the Q- Anon that is now malfunctioning and a website by someone who talks about some really "crazy" subjects called Benjamin Fulford has been having trouble recently. Add this on to youtube/ twitter problems etc.


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Well as Stefan says, the parasite is always more focused on the host than the host is on the parasite. Except when the parasite comes bursting out of someone's legs, like a particular African parasite(guinea worm). Jiggers looks pretty nasty as well.

I mean there is no doubt semi-secretive organisations do exist. So many Internet Dramatists, maybe they're right who knows, though if you genuinely believed the earth was flat for instance, why not try and findout. Get a boat or a airplane actively gather firsthand information. AND not come up with there's a "hole in my bucket excuse."

But how many Internet Philosophers are there outthere? Actual practical ones and not lecturers...or Internet trolls.

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I think you're going off on a tangent and not really helping J.LW

Yeah well, that's me suggesting RichardY went off on a tangent, when I myself did exactly the same thing!  Don't worry mate, karma will get me :)   My simple answer should have been my first, and as I said: someone saw JLW's name on the forum and tried to guess the password associated with the name, so triggering the forum's password tries restriction, but also blocking JLW in the process until the forum's password tries counter reset.

The world flat?  Maybe such an inane question inspires the word loopy because most people go with the evidence of spheres and moves on.  The inclination to loop is something like Communism's attempted reboots because "it hasn't been properly tried," bs.  Stefan mentioned in a recent video that maybe the world won't make it, to the effect: too many people, too much entrenched in bs, but would restarting the world actually help, even with the knowledge gained, considering mankind's propensity to loop?

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35 minutes ago, AllanN said:

I think you're going off on a tangent and not really helping J.LW

Yeah well, that's me suggesting RichardY went off on a tangent, when I myself did exactly the same thing!  Don't worry mate, karma will get me :)   My simple answer should have been my first, and as I said: someone saw JLW's name on the forum and tried to guess the password associated with the name, so triggering the forum's password tries restriction, but also blocking JLW in the process until the forum's password tries counter reset.

The world flat?  Maybe such an inane question inspires the word loopy because most people go with the evidence of spheres and moves on.  The inclination to loop is something like Communism's attempted reboots because "it hasn't been properly tried," bs.  Stefan mentioned in a recent video that maybe the world won't make it, to the effect: too many people, too much entrenched in bs, but would restarting the world actually help, even with the knowledge gained, considering mankind's propensity to loop?

I'm guessing that's not kill people,  and instead speculate as to motive and worldview. Though why would karma apply in the later :mellow:.

It's onething trying to find out for yourself it's another "persuading" many others to join you. I mean with the flat Earth debate, why does it matter if the Earth is flat or 911 was staged, pincess Diana assasinated etc? With the Flat Earth you could find out like on "The Truman Show". Maybe it's herd instinct instead of looping. If 90% of people told you the Earth was flat and you had no practical indepth knowledge of physics, like probably most of the population; how would you know?

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Hey Allan N. Sorry I missed your post before.

It was algorithms doing all the damage. I've been put on some crazy leftist blocklist. There are some weird things such as the fact my email was changed when I was trying to log in the first time (when my password stopped working), and why that website is a target for 'hackers'. I don't see that as financially profitable but... not really a big deal in the end although. I do think in the larger sense twitter, facebook, youtube, Q Anon and others hacked etc. it is an interesting point.

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JLW Yep, algorithms are certainly a computer issue.  Some algorithms get better, others get worse.  I guess you'll have to avoid that leftist site or rejoin and go stealth mode, perhaps utilizing sophistry.

RichardY Karma, well it's evolved from noun to adjective, something like tool and tool, for example: two tools in a synagogue doing repairs got their tools nicked.  No slight on Jews, but thankfully most have a sense of humour.

Herd instinct, lol, I hadn't thought of that.  But yeah the peasants are so often revolting.  Sadly they've either looped around today or they're just herding, wanting to burn today's equivalent of the witch.  But tomorrows children in reverse (or even forward) will loop again back to sense and wonder how yesterday's peasants could have been so stupid.

You ask how we would know whether the earth was flat or round if everyone said it was flat?  Well you're taking us back a few thousand years BC with that question which has been answered again and again by those who used navigation, also confirmed practically by circumnavigation.  The facts probably didn't matter to boat builders, sail makers or blacksmiths (or maybe MaybeNotColouredOrGenderedSmiths be preferable in this Age of New Stupidity) but people are curious and inquisitive.

And people want to be right, good and knowledgeable which are frequently superseded by the want to be rich, so that the latter countermands the former.  Countermands in the sense that someone can want both, but if there's a choice, money usually wins, and that's an obvious issue with many governments today: take the money or be right, which?  Their choice is mainly money so that the thinking population are flabbergasted by the seeming stupidity of the government regarding many issues.  But governments' seeming stupidity isn't so stupid when viewed from the money vs right perspective.  Their corruption makes ideal sense.

Although as you incline, none of it really matters.  We're all dust before the wind; builders, smiths and untold others, forgotten are many who came before us.  The only real importances as ever are: food, water, shelter and love.  Navigating elsewhere for increased sustenance was the next question, which explained to the navigator that the world is a sphere.

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Yeah pure numbers game, though whether its Communism through a bureaucracy, or a Plutocracy(Rule of the Wealthy) through a democracy. Even under Anarchism I'm sure one group(cough* Islamic Fundamentalists or various cartels) would sieze power directly or indirectly. I.Q I guess supposedly makes Anarchism a blatantly impossible situation for the forseeable future. Personally I think there should be an Aristocracy that fund their own position. Though not going to happen, because Democracy! Still more viable imo than Anarchism. Best you can do is probably flee(Yay.. white flight) various areas of the west or former colonies for friendlier regimes, bit like in the "Fortress" Movies (One with the Highlander movie Actor). I hate existing in the UK, England is the most densely populated country in the World. China & India more ghetto dwellers.

Take the money or be right. Plutocracy, money talks and bullshit walks. Had an ancestor kill himself after becoming Lord Chancellor for 1 day, read about it on Wikipedia, thought that was interesting. Would kind of be like perhaps if one of the USA presidents topped himself after becoming President, though over the opposing political party not good.

Yeah the base needs. Love is an interesting one, not really sure if it exists or whether it's just "will to power". Listening to too much Nietszche perhaps. One thing the USA or Australia is you can always form your own compound or move to some small town and say f*ck the world. Plenty of abandoned mining towns with a nice warm climate. 

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England, I wouldn't be anywhere else.  Narrow streets, 99999999999 cars, narrow streets, but it's so civilized the drivers' excellent.  And down the M1 @ 95mph often np because mostly everyone is going that speed.

Maybe your relative your had some persuasion to kill himself...?  Politics often involves persuasive methods not always evident in usual daily life.

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47 minutes ago, AllanN said:

England, I wouldn't be anywhere else.  Narrow streets, 99999999999 cars, narrow streets, but it's so civilized the drivers' excellent.  And down the M1 @ 95mph often np because mostly everyone is going that speed.

Maybe your relative your had some persuasion to kill himself...?  Politics often involves persuasive methods not always evident in usual daily life.

I think the Germanic countries are probably better for driving, though maybe not as relaxed. Though probably not as relaxed as the Americans, more stop start with lack of roundabouts, soft suspension.  I really dislike the numbers of people in England, a lot more hectic then it was. I know the region where my parents live is 50%!!! Polish speaking in some areas(then there's the baltic nationalities as well). Given an easy route(decadent) I'd move straight to Australia, USA or maybe even Canada, not really too disimilar to the Polish, except more decadent.

I don't think so, thought it was interesting reading about them. More of a passing comment from grandparents, you know you're distantly related to the Earls of Hardewicke, Oh right. So read a little on Wikipedia... apparently the 1st Earl was Lord Chancellor for 19 years. Although another ancestor was Lord Chancellor for basically a day after compromising and feeling shame. Anyway the history is on Wikipedia not that it matters much, I find it entertaining though in a way. Bit like a soap opera perhaps, but with actual bloodshed.     

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Driving in the UK not a problem only the petrol price, around $11 a gallon, a horror that fully dawned on me filling the small mower can was about £6!  But driving in Germany, a German friend complained about Romanians wandering all over their roads.  Sounds like crash cam Russia from what he said.

This is a spying thread... in the UK so many cameras even in our country town.  After they master facial recognition GCHQ staff may have redundancies.  Not a lot more for them to do anymore.

Now I get your avatar, the Earls of Hardewicke.  And I suppose my avatar says it all about me, woof, except I'm a little taller and with blue eyes, lol.





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I remember the go slow the lorry drivers did when it was at 1GBP a litre. I guess with kamizee pedestrians, and given all the "refugees" Germany is taking in, probably changing for the worse. Meant more with their standard of driving.

Even if they master facial recognition, still have to enforce or rather not enforce the law. Thinking of when they had that looting in London a few years a go. They made a point on the news to give sentences of 5 years for stealing value rice and bottled water, crazy, at least steal something decent. 

:happy: Yeah not quite like my avatar, probably the farthest thing from it in many ways. Can't see this Anarchist thing happening, would like not to care, I'm pretty sure the UK for the most part is f*cked. If I had sense I'd have probably made a way to s*d off to another anglo sphere country, like the 100,000's that leave every year. 


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Years ago I knew about this because I was interested in security conference videos. I will show you one hacker that is now a private investigator, he was pointing out these problems years ago and people were calling him paranoid. 

Here is some of his talks, they are at the HOPE conference. Steven Rambam, they are entertaining and one of them is 10 years old. 



and a more recent one 

I am not sure why the embedded videos are so large. The correct size should be 720x405

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