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Is WWIII Upon Us? What Do We Do Now?

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Just a half hour ago I read some devastating news. The President approved of the bombing of Damascus and other places in Syria. The Russian Government is necessarily taking this a declaration of war. The Syrian Government is surely not going to roll-over, though unlike the Russians they cannot strike America proper. 

I am truly fearful of our country's future with this. The wrath of the unjustly tormented is a wrath without restraint. I feel a sort of guilt for this war and almost want to offer myself up to the next Syrian that comes my way as an apology for my nation's actions. 

I don't have the words. What do we do? What can we do? Should we just focus on escaping to the better parts of our countries and prepare from there for the worst of the years or do we take some sort of political action (assuming that's even viable for anything anymore)? 

The Left has sunk its hooks deep into the American Government to the point where I don't think they can ever be pulled out through the political system. So it seems logical what we have to do is wait it out, fortify our communities, strengthen our bonds, and pray to God that we will be spared His divine wrath. 

I freely admit I am greatly saddened and weakened mentally by the news. I suppose I already have my answers ("do nothing. We cannot do anything. All we can do is head out for where it's safe and likely to remain safe and prepare for the worst.") but... I want to hear what others have to say. 

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I hear you here.  Things were just about to quiet down in Syria.  Isis is being pushed back, peace talks were in the works, Russia was about to complete their business there and return home.  Things were actually going to get better for everyone involved there.

And then some BEEPhole goes "Well, this just won't do at all the little fruitcups!  Let's break out the biological weapons!  I need this war to continue, as it should!"

Here's where I go into Alex Jones wearing a Tinfoil Hat territory, people.  I don't think Assad's the one that's doing it.  I doubt that he's this fricking stupid!  I think there's some other party that's doing all this gassing.  Someone who actually wants this war to continue, or even escalate, because of reasons.  Maybe geopolitical, maybe economical because he's the one selling all the weapons.  There's someone in there we're not looking at who fricking wants this war, and he's getting his jollies off with all the crap he's kicking.

I paraphrase The Peacemaker: I'm not afraid of a country who has weapons of mass destruction.  I'm terrified of the one man who wants them.

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13 hours ago, DavidFoxfire said:

Here's where I go into Alex Jones wearing a Tinfoil Hat territory, people.  I don't think Assad's the one that's doing it.  I doubt that he's this fricking stupid!  I think there's some other party that's doing all this gassing.  Someone who actually wants this war to continue, or even escalate, because of reasons.  Maybe geopolitical, maybe economical because he's the one selling all the weapons.  There's someone in there we're not looking at who fricking wants this war, and he's getting his jollies off with all the crap he's kicking.


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On 4/15/2018 at 12:13 AM, DavidFoxfire said:

Here's where I go into Alex Jones wearing a Tinfoil Hat territory, people.  I don't think Assad's the one that's doing it.  I doubt that he's this fricking stupid!  I think there's some other party that's doing all this gassing.  Someone who actually wants this war to continue, or even escalate, because of reasons.  Maybe geopolitical, maybe economical because he's the one selling all the weapons.  There's someone in there we're not looking at who fricking wants this war, and he's getting his jollies off with all the crap he's kicking.

This is true, as evidence above will show. The truth is that someone else wants to fight this war, so all we have to do is to find that man and stop him. OR we can actually believe that Trump won't escalate to the point of war. And if we don't trust Trump, then we can get the evidence necessary to show whether or not Trump will escalate the war to the point of war. I can continue to unpack this, let me know.

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Firstly Assad may be stupid, but he doesn’t have to be stupid to use chemical weapons.

Assad used chemical weapons in the past and he wasn’t punished for doing so, therefore his behavior is within normal human behavior when he uses it again. Were Assad to use chemical weapons numerous times and be seriously punished every time he used it and he failed to learn to stop using it, only then if he uses it again can we conclude he is stupid. Without that data, his intelligence cannot be determined.

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On 5/2/2018 at 9:25 AM, Jsbrads said:

Firstly Assad may be stupid, but he doesn’t have to be stupid to use chemical weapons.

Assad used chemical weapons in the past and he wasn’t punished for doing so, therefore his behavior is within normal human behavior when he uses it again. Were Assad to use chemical weapons numerous times and be seriously punished every time he used it and he failed to learn to stop using it, only then if he uses it again can we conclude he is stupid. Without that data, his intelligence cannot be determined.

Just curious, what is your evidence for Assad using chemical weapons?

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