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Hi thinkers and alike,

I had posted a highly relatable list of things in a thread under science that will be immensely informative if you are looking to understand a thing or two.


Furthermore, I also advise you checking out the following arguments if you cared about how information is being treated nowadays by the 'big broth.. I mean, boys:'

These are compelling arguments, not perfect by any measure but they will definitely expand your views, forever. That bit is guaranteed. (I guess, pun intended.)


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Change the word 'America' to 'Everyone' and it'll make more sense...


Yes, there's evidence 'Zucc' was lying, people got misled, it's a 'Zucc-y' situation for fecebook now even more.


Thanks goes out to The Daily Mail for publishing and reporting on it, Styxhexenhammer666 for the archive link.


(messages such as this might not be possible after 20-21, June. Regulation on sharing links is about to change to 'regulated NewSpeak'. I'm serious.)

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It's on the horizon, it's visible to all now...

The 'Zucc-ening' is here!

Meanwhile, yet another (archived) proof about the true story/strategical significance behind fecebook.

p.s (FDR TEAM! Pull out, abandon their sinking ship!... me thinks.)

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