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[Podcast] 4060 HOT OR $UCCE$$FUL - Call In Show - April 14th, 2018

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Question 1: [2:11] – “A few months ago I decided to ask a female friend of mine on a date. Of course, she said she only saw me as a friend and nothing more. As a result, I ended the friendship telling her that we want different things from each other and that maintaining a friendship will only end up hurting us both. When my parents found out they were upset and labeled me a sexist, that I don't know how to treat women, and I only see them as sex objects. To add salt to the wounds they want me to apologize to this girl and remain friends with her. I believe that this is a terrible idea and will only result in my heart crushed more than it already has. And if I apologize this will only serve to validate their opinion that I only see girls as sex objects. How do I stand my ground and at least convince my parents that what I'm doing is what is best for me?”

Question 2: [1:15:00] – “Given what Stefan says about his past, whether he thinks we as people are just a sum of our experiences? Can we rise above what happened to us as children and if so, what is it about people that can make them overcome those things? Why can some people overcome a difficult past, and some seem to let it drag them down?”

Question 3: [2:02:43] – “I am 26-year-old woman and after watching your show I have decided to turn my life around and try to find a good man to settle down with in a serious relationship. I am still single, but I am currently talking to two different men. One of the men is very good looking and averagely successful. The other is less attractive but very successful. I would generally want to go for the more successful guy but I’m worried that my future children won’t be good looking. Being an attractive woman, I know how beneficial it can be to be attractive in our modern societies. I want my future daughters and sons to have the same advantages I had being a good-looking person. Is it silly to factor in attractiveness when choosing a partner? Or is it selfish to not consider how my choice of partner can affect the lives of my future children? Especially if they are girls?”

Question 4: [2:20:15] – “Me and my girlfriend of about a year and a half recently broke up. It was my fault as I betrayed her and cheated on her. I am truly ashamed at myself for my actions. I am still in contact with her and I know we still care very deeply for each other. Is there any way I can earn her trust back and salvage the relationship? And if not, how can I: 1) Forgive myself for my absolutely terrible and stupid decisions? 2) Move past this in a healthy way that will assure I never make the same mistakes again and I can be a wonderful boyfriend and husband in the future?”

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