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The question of the absent black father

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I came across multiple articles referring to a CDC study concluding that black fathers have higher rates of parental involvement than white fathers.  The media is using this study to frame criticisms of high black out of wedlock children as unsupported racial profiling.  Considering these socieoeconomic metrics are a common theme in the podcast is anyone familair with this study or have more in depth analysis of these claims?  Has Steph addressed this already?

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Hi @Invicta

Found it, it's here in pdf.

Yes, Stefan Molyneux has touched on the subject many times with different people, including Jesse Lee Peterson.

Check out the vids and their description :

° Shocking! 77.3% of Non-Immigrant Black Births Are Illegitimate!

° Broken America | Jesse Lee Peterson and Stefan Molyneux


Also, have a look what ThinkProgress put out... (same image)


Hope that helps.

Edited by barn
found it, +a common narrative
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