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[Podcast] 4070 Inevitable SJW Victimization - Call In Show - April 22nd, 2018

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Question 1: [0:47] – “My girlfriend, Alta, spoke with Stefan recently. My question is very similar to hers: we have met in the middle and compromised all throughout dating to make our relationship great, but we've gradually devolved into mostly talking about work or our own health issues. She wants to wait for marriage to have sex and although I've agreed it’s still a daily struggle for me. I need some clarity on whether to propose or if our differences really are irreconcilable.”

Question 2: [1:33:12] - "I am a manager at a large hospital and am finding it difficult to navigate the workplace given the deluge of Social Justice policies and practices being implemented by HR and upper management. The never-ending push for ‘more women in STEM’ has resulted in a nearing 40:60 split between male to female employees, and when this is coupled with the recent MeToo movement, I believe it is becoming increasingly likely that false allegations of misconduct will be leveled against me. As a result of this I have taken extreme precautions and have completely withdrawn from any non-mandatory interaction with female coworkers and ensure to record official interaction with subordinates (i.e. When I conduct an interview for any position I always record the event and make it known to the candidate that this is occurring). This is already compounded with the insane diversity agenda (equipped with an official diversity officer, policies, hiring practices, and seminars). I enjoy the technical aspects of my job, find the work fulfilling, receive good remuneration, and excel at what I do, however I am not sure I can continue much longer as options to combat the bureaucratic overreach are limited and I see no sign of this trend reversing in the near future. How should one proceed in dissenting against the implementation of such policies where even voicing opposition, or raising ‘hate facts’ transforms them into a pariah? How does one protect their reputation in an atmosphere where ‘listen and believe’ is quickly becoming official policy?”

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