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The Theory of Evolution (natural selection by random mutation) is dead


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It would be nice to hear some discussion on evolution. 

Most people don't know that the theory has been receiving some serious beatings over recent years, and that the scientific establishment - which is run like a global church, using intimidation, blatant lies,

and the power of the corporate-controlled media - has been desperately trying to keep the theory alive. 

A good start would be an interview with the shy and retiring Ben Stein about his documentary Expelled. No Intelligence Allowed: 




An interview with Michael J. Denton would be enlightening for many. He is a real scientist who does real genetics (i.e. he didn't give up science decades ago to write books and go around the world attacking religion). In this interview he admits that Darwinian evolution by random mutation will be dropped as a theory when establishment science comes up with something better:


Above is Stephen Meyer, a very articulate scientist and well worth watching.  I'd love to hear an interview with him on Freedomain Radio.

The next video is very important for anyone who thinks sedimentary rock layers build up over millions of years. They do not, as Mount St. Helens demonstrated back in 1980:

Other suggested interviewees:

David Berlinski, Jonathan Sarfati,  Dr. John Sanford, and Astrophysics Hugh Ross


Addendum 05/06/2018

A meeting was held at the Royal Society at the end of 2016 to discuss the future of Darwin's theory:


Developments in evolutionary biology and adjacent fields have produced calls for revision 

of the standard theory of evolution, although the issues involved remain hotly contested.

This meeting presented these developments and arguments and encouraged cross-disciplinary

discussion, which involved the humanities and social sciences in order to provide further analytical

perspectives and explore the social and philosophical implications.



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