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There are probably many theories, but where are all the aliens?



Part 2 (below) on my thoughts on aliens in an 'ancap' context.


Part 3 coming soon.... :-O

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Hi thinkers and alike,


(Frank Drake) 'Drake equation' to estimate probabilities (optimistic-/pessimistically). Those interested further, should look into the 'Fermi's paradox' coined by Enrico Fermi & Michael H. Hart. (references at the bottom)

Without going in too much of the calculation and all that jazz, here's a neat list of some probable reasons, +1... as always, since that additional one is likely to be always in your head... (probably:turned:)

1. Extraterrestrial life is rare or non-existent

2. No other intelligent species have arisen

3. Intelligent alien species lack advanced technology

4. It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself

5. It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy others

6. Periodic extinction by natural events

7. Inflation hypothesis and the youngness argument

8. Intelligent civilizations are too far apart in space or time

9. It is too expensive to spread physically throughout the galaxy

10. Human beings have not existed long enough

11. Humans are not listening properly

12. Civilizations broadcast detectable radio signals only for a brief period of time

13. They tend to isolate themselves

14. They are too alien

15. Everyone is listening, no one is transmitting

16. Earth is deliberately not contacted

17. Earth is purposely isolated (planetarium hypothesis)

18. It is dangerous to communicate

19. They are here undetected

20. They are here unacknowledged

+1, my take: They thought about it and then realised, resources can be used to other, more important things. (like perfecting alien versions of 'fidget-spinners:laugh:', I dunno... Ok, no seriously! :unsure:Dyson spheres?!)

Another important thing to mention is that we humans only, barely, just recently started taking locating/establishing the 'MAIN reference point' seriously:


Erm... anyways...

One of my favourite video on it (part 1):


Fermi's paradox

Drake equation

Gaia mission


Dyson sphere

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Given the age of the universe (around 13.8 billion years) and the projected lifespan of it (some estimates go into the hundreds of trillions of years) it is also feasible (though not probable) that we may be the first sentient civilisation. Given the rare earth hypothesis, this is also an explanation of the Fermi paradox.

There is also the simulation theory (advocated by no less than Elon Musk), which would also explain our apparent isolation. 

Mankind is at 0 on the scale. See Kardashev scale: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale

Rare Earth hypothesis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Earth_hypothesis#Requirements_for_complex_life

Simulation theory: 


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This is the third and final part in my mini-series of informal talks discussing alien contact and human-LGM relations in an anarcho-capitalist context. I aim to do more space-related videos as the years progresses.


Another very interesting (and better) video is on simulations, by Riddle. This is another popular explanation for the Fermi paradox. Available below.



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  • 2 months later...

The most likely answer is that alien civilisations wiped each other out before they made it to space travel or self replicating von Neumann spaceships. Keep in mind that there were three events, when nuclear war was abot to begin. Other civilisations may not have had that luck. Add to that other potential technology like nano technology or genetical modifying and you will realize why the universe is empty.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/1/2018 at 1:21 PM, barn said:

1. Extraterrestrial life is rare or non-existent

2. No other intelligent species have arisen

3. Intelligent alien species lack advanced technology

4. It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself

5. It is the nature of intelligent life to destroy others

6. Periodic extinction by natural events

7. Inflation hypothesis and the youngness argument

8. Intelligent civilizations are too far apart in space or time

9. It is too expensive to spread physically throughout the galaxy

10. Human beings have not existed long enough

11. Humans are not listening properly

12. Civilizations broadcast detectable radio signals only for a brief period of time

13. They tend to isolate themselves

14. They are too alien

15. Everyone is listening, no one is transmitting

16. Earth is deliberately not contacted

17. Earth is purposely isolated (planetarium hypothesis)

18. It is dangerous to communicate

19. They are here undetected

20. They are here unacknowledged 


A Few others for you that I did not notice.

21. We have been contacted, but it has been kept from the Public.

22. Contact Occurred, but .gov(s) of the time feared potential loss of power and told them not to try again.

23. .Gov(s) are Ignoring them and jamming the signal.

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19 minutes ago, iHuman said:


A Few others for you that I did not notice.

21. We have been contacted, but it has been kept from the Public.

22. Contact Occurred, but .gov(s) of the time feared potential loss of power and told them not to try again.

23. .Gov(s) are Ignoring them and jamming the signal.

Hi @iHuman

Thanks for (what seems to me) 'variations on a theme'.


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Just a thought ... Why would they want to visit us?

  • Natural Resources? - everything that Earth offers can be mined from an Asteroid without the need to deal with our gravity well, or another planet without needing to worry about the natives (or hide from the natives). Said asteroid or barren world might also be closer to their own homeworld, so they don't need to come to our asteroid belt
  • Slave Labor? - Think about the automation that we lowly humans have achieved with our industrial revolution ... the Aliens are likely to be far more advanced in this area than we are. What use would they have for slaves?
  • Free Trade? - I admit that this is the most likely possibility, however we also need to consider the level of investment that the aliens would need to do in order to come here, which means they would weigh all the positives and negatives. Their reveal would cause religious turmoil, which would harm our society (and any harm to our society would negatively impact our ability to participate in a trade). lets also not forget the possibility that they have a prime directive of some sort. Maybe we also want to consider the issue of germs ... neither side would have immunity to the other.
  • Our Culture? - This connects to free trade, but focused on our entertainment, music, art, etc ... I think here we need to consider how different the aliens might be to us. Maybe their vision works so radically different from ours that our computers screens will appear blank to them. Maybe they don't have hearing at all, and instead developed telepathy which serves most of the functions that hearing provides ... there goes their appreciation for our music. Maybe they do have hearing similar to ours, but have evolutionary developed in such a way that our music will be repulsive to them. Finally, take all of these considerations and flip them ... to explain why we might not be able to appreciate their culture.
  • Need new Home? - Honestly, I can't think of a rebuttal to this one. Imagine the alien homeworld was destroyed by a supernova. The challenge they will face is that there will be no world out there that is capable of accommodating their biological requirements ... without some modifications (I.E: Terraforming and/or Generic Engineering on themselves to bridge the gap). For the issue of Terraforming, i see one of two possibilities: Earth's composition is radically different to what they need biologically .. in which case they won't bother with our world, and we can rest easy. On the other hand, if Earth is similar enough ... then we have a problem. My only consolation is that this is probably a very remote possibility, and if the aliens had a choice between a primordial world, and our world, they would probably pick the primordial one because then they don't need to consider us in their plans.

To finish this off ... I've seen some videos recently that talk about the possibility that we Humans are the aliens (All the radical differences between us and the other animals. Also how we seem to be ill-adapted to our world when you consider the fact that we must wear clothes or risk sunburns / freezing). Perhaps that last option has already occurred ... and we are the genetically engineered colonists

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