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Revelation 3

14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

I was thinking, going along the lines of being deluded about God and hedging ones bets, that creation/universe just is, that there is no creator. Why not adopt a philosophy of say, Satanism? I don't mean in the silly dressing up ritualistic sense or even in the hedonistic sense. But in a  procreative spirtual kind of sense, still muddling through the idea. For example, Cecil Jacobson an American fertility doctor fathered at least 75 children at a fertility clinic where he worked. Is it unreasonable to say that he was wrong in what he did?  From a base biological point of view he was highly sucessful, not only that, but punishment imo was light at 5 years jail and a fine. If reason = virtue = happiness. Perhaps not acting reasonably is a kind of insanity or at least a struggle to be more consistent.

Well you might say yeah, but Satanism is morally wrong, though given that people in general do not seem to backup their morality with action, even less so, to take into account 3rd parties thereby universalising morality. And I don't mean in the big things, but in the smallest of things. For example, picking up the odd bit of rubbish from the street or in nature, things a person could easily do but do not, because of some minor inconvience and often not even that.  

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On 03/05/2018 at 6:47 AM, ofd said:

Satanism of the La Veyan variety is heavily influenced by Libertarianism / Objectivism (and the other way round).

Yeah, I've read a lot of things on the Internet mentioning that. The main drawback to Satanism seems to me not having any limits perhaps? Maybe it isn't a disadvantage, I'm not really sure. Can a person have standards without having limits???

Would like to get at the heart of the matter. Getting at either 1st or 2nd hand knowledge, might be interesting, La Veyan Satanism, knowing nothing about it I would assume is 3rd hand..... 1st hand would be studying historical events, mythology, texts, artefacts & maybe even psychedlics. Second hand would be studying someone who has studied the 1st hand. Or alternatively could try to reduce "knowledge" for certainty, perhaps the only certainty is that of Good and Evil? or maybe just the Good? Just Philosophy? 

Was thinking it might be worth reading the Complete works of C.G Jung as a 2nd hand source all 10,000 pages odd reckon it would take maybe a month for 5 decades worth of "knowledge". Maybe it's mostly cr*p, I don't know. Was initially hesitant to read it(length), kind of bummed the price got jacked up from 25GBP to 800GBP on amazon. Cheaper on a few American retailers might be able to download it somewhere...

If overload works with muscle why not the brain? Maybe overwhelmingly based on mating selection, although there is still personality that is malleable. It is often said the unconscious is often much more powerful than the conscious mind.

Listened recently to Vox Day and I agree Science was/is dependent on Christianity. What I took from his pov was the moral focus on truth; defined by him by the Aristotlian Correspondence theory of truth. To say that that which is, is not, and that which is not, is, is a falsehood; therefore, to say that which is, is, and that which is not, is not, is true - Aristotle. Although what about things you currently have no conception of, or are in error. At the least Christianity provides a framework if nothing more, which I believe is the case, not necessarily the moral element, although that may help with changing incentive, turning "morality" from the tribe to "God".

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While Jung can be entertaining at times, his books are worthless. His theories are just so stories, that cannot be falsified. Albert Ellis, Bruce Ecker or Steve Hayes have better psychological theories and their stuff actually works.

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2 minutes ago, ofd said:

While Jung can be entertaining at times, his books are worthless. His theories are just so stories, that cannot be falsified. Albert Ellis, Bruce Ecker or Steve Hayes have better psychological theories and their stuff actually works.

Could you recommend any comprehensive works? Kind of interested in messing about with the unconscious, if such a thing is possible. Thought a more associative mythological line of thinking could be one way of going about it. Out of the 3 in your opinion which person is best? 

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Kind of interested in messing about with the unconscious, if such a thing is possible.

I think that a Buddhist approach is the best way to research your unconscious with meditation. The Thai forrest tradition has the least amount of bullshit ideology when it comes to Buddhist teachings https://www.dhammatalks.org/ 


Out of the 3 in your opinion which person is best? 

That's a tough question to answer. Albert Ellis laid the foundation for Cognitive Therapy, Ecker and Hayes build on it. Hayes' focus is the academic understanding of the third generation Cognitive approaches while Ecker is more focused on therapy. All are well worth reading, Ellis being the foundation they all build on. Personally, I found Ecker's books to be the most interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Satan, Lucifer, and Christ are not individual beings. They are descriptive terms like Doctor, Lawyer, Governor. Satan means "adversary" thus anyone can be a Satan. Lucifer means "Light Bearer" thus anyone can be a Lucifer. Christ means "Annointed one" thus anyone can be a Christ. 

One could literally say "that Christ Lucifer guy is such a Satan" and be completely sane and logical in regards to the comment. Stop demanding masters, there's enough people and institutions in the world demanding to be your master without you inventing imaginary ones.

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@heartoftherebel So would you say that you are enlightened? Who is your master? To what do you exert your strength towards? Mostly playing around with ideas. Saw that you mentioned shakespeare in another post. Was reading through the complete works a while a go(never finished it) but I did finish the Tempest. Which seemed to incorporate elements of mastery. Prosperity (Prospero) and Calibos, which I guess would be nature.

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On 5/6/2018 at 11:17 AM, ofd said:

I think that a Buddhist approach is the best way to research your unconscious with meditation. The Thai forrest tradition has the least amount of bullshit ideology when it comes to Buddhist teachings https://www.dhammatalks.org/

That's a tough question to answer. Albert Ellis laid the foundation for Cognitive Therapy, Ecker and Hayes build on it. Hayes' focus is the academic understanding of the third generation Cognitive approaches while Ecker is more focused on therapy. All are well worth reading, Ellis being the foundation they all build on. Personally, I found Ecker's books to be the most interesting.

Yeah with me though I'm too addicted to mind, neurotic and attached, probably have to crash & burn. Get distracted too easy, low conscientiousness. Problem would be if it's fixed, I was higher in conscientiousness but never particularly high. I remember the coherence therapy which I thought had the best model from a post you mentioned the therapists in before.

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Yeah with me though I'm too addicted to mind, neurotic and attached, probably have to crash & burn.

That's why you'd benefit most from simple methods of meditation like breathing meditation.

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