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[YouTube] The Truth About The North/South Korea Peace Summit

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Great video... Rational, witty, no dancing around the fire (imo).

It reminded me "Wood 13 - from here"

"The Merchant and the Arab

A Spanish merchant traveling a lonely road did business from town to town. One day he came aross an Arab sitting in the middle of the road with a chess board.

Curious, the merchant asked, "Why are sitting here alone playing chess?"

"Oh, I'm not alone," said the Arab.

"But I don't see anyone with you."

"That is, the Arab replied, because I play the great Allah, the One who is everwhere!"

"You have a powerful opponent, then!"

"Yes, but a fair one."

"And is He winning?" asked the merchant.

"It seems so. Can you see how I can avoid being checkmated by His next move? It will mean I cannot play anymore today."

"Why not?" asked the merchant, puzzled.

"I will have lost all my money," replied the Arab.

Stunned and not believing his ears, the merchant said slowly, "You and Allah play chess for money?" He had never ever heard of such a thing.

"Yes. See, here I lose twenty gold pieces."

"But wait, how do you pay Allah?"

"Oh, of course Allah doesn't take the money Himself. He sends some honest holy man who takes it from  me amd gives it to the poor. That is the same as giving it to Allah. And, since I have indeed lost, you must be the man Allah has sent today. Here, do Allah's and take these twenty gold pieces."

The merchant, not as honest or holy as he might have been, was delighted.

Weeks later, again traveling that road, the merchant shook his head at the thought of the Arab playing chess with Allah. Suddenly, in the middle of the road was the Arab, sitting alone with his chess board.

"Is Allah winning today?" asked the merchant pulling his wagon up alongside.

"No," replied the Arab, happily. "In fact, in one more move I shall checkmate Him, and win a hundred gold pieces!"

"And however will Allah pay you?"

"Oh, of course Allah doesn't pay me Himself. He sends some honest holy man who will give me what I have won! Today," the Arab finished, you must be the man Allah has sent to pay me one hundred gold pieces."

My take: Good f*#& riddance for now, but let your eyes do not fool you... It's for a good reason, of course.

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I hope this all works out. I hope North Korea's not as bad as experts say it is. I hope Kim Jongun can be a reformer and transition North Korea out of Communism (or "Juche" or whatever). And I hope Korea can be made great (again? Not sure if Korea was ever a swell place to live, relative to to its neighbors as Korea's has had a history of evil rulers, more so than most places I've researched). 

However hope is a paralytic for those with the power to make change happen and an opioid for people without that power.

But as one of those people without the power to "save Korea", I earnestly hope for the best since Korea's been in Hell since pretty much the time the Manchurians slaughtered the Chinese and built an empire off of their corpses. Nowhere near as bad as now, mind you (this is in reference to North Korea; South Korea is objectively doing better than it ever has); but Korea is one of those places where good times are, by our standards at least, seldom and all too short. 

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Yet another proof, Trump understanding how Asian politics works is a great asset to his presidecy... apart from gaining him even more respect in those countries.

Is Styxhexenhammer666 correct when he estimates another 'demonstration of power' might be needed to get the participants really want to finally sit down and agree on something?

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