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Sometimes I really get these moments when I take a step back and gaze with no expression or insight at a crazy situation.

The one with Kanye is one of these. From my perspective of being basically right wing before I consciously knew I was by just kind of thinking things through. The thoughts he is offering are VERY very basic! It made me realise that if the left are so fanatically upset by these things he is saying they must lean more towards being a cult than being a political tract.

While I find progressivism annoying and do lose respect for celebrities a bit if they come out with something stupid, like Johnny Depp did (or JK Rowling)... I don't REALLY care and do have a lot of respect for some left wing people. (left not a very accurate term as in Ralph Mc Tell and Robert Downey Junior are not professing the same beliefs really!)

Plus the lefts support of certain types of immigration despite it's obviously bad results a lot of the time.

I'm not saying this to put the left down... truly. I imagine slacktivist liberals are not much of a problem. I'm saying this... out of a kind of warped concern. That how safe is our society going to be if there are loads of crazy people about that have an emotional meltdown if Kanye says a few things like... "Think for yourself." They must have a fanatical, daily attention on these matters and experience anger when anyone opposes their ideals!

I saw someone say recently on twitter that they had to visit a group of family members who all stay glued to CNN and genuinely believe the Trump Russia narrative!

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Leftists, might be dissolved into collective consciousness. Rightists not necessarily any better, as they end up relying on dogma. I remember Stefan talking about a black politician in the USA saying something along the lines of overwhelming violence by whites against blacks had become reality for him. And that a difference of facts had caused a differnce of reality. Maybe like Jame Joyce Ulysees (haven't read it), although played an add on to Fallout New Vegas (The lonesome road) which I think is based on it. Tend to infer things from multiple sources.

Alternatively you may have a balence of left & right, where by you either externalise your consciousness to multiple other people, Frankestein(made of multiple people), or Legion(my name is legion for we are many) style. Or attempt somekind of fusion of personality based on premises, ethics or god maybe.

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