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I think you are far too solipsistic, judging entirely based on how abstract most of what you wrote is and how passive you are describing yourself. Naturally I think you'll struggle to marry a decent woman because...decent women like a little Genghis in their man, and to be Genghis you need to have grit, ambition, conviction, and a means of making it happen. 

You are a self-described loser. Why are you a loser? What do you do for a living? Do you have any career ambitions? What kind of woman are you looking for (I mean specifically what personal needs do you want satiated in a romantic relationship)? What do you have to offer such a woman in return? How old are you? How much time till 30? Why are you internet-dating and not face-to-face dating (not saying you're wrong in doing so, as a virgin male who am I to judge, but unless you live in the ghetto chances are there's a decent woman within a few miles radius of where you live)?

And lastly: what kind of man do you want to be and what are you willing to sacrifice about yourself to become him?

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On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

Well Siegfried, Thank you for that reply,

I aplogize for dropping this on you when you're clearly in need of help, but by God man do you need to excercise proper syntax! I'll break up my commentary into paragraphs just to show you how it's done.

And the reason why I state this is because it makes it much harder for me to read and comprehend because it feels like you're pulling me into some sort of confusing vortex or abyss.

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

in the world as it is, there are qualities that are not seen by all as of any value to the whole, and by the whole I mean the socialist group who run this show,

"This show" as in FDR or England? I assume you're English because of the words you use (like "row" for fighting). 

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

and I admit to having become very corrupted due to the total lack of any places to grab on to to enable any talents I have to enable me to get anywhere at all in life, this is why I am a loser, my definition,

Your definition of a loser is someone who has yet to accomplish anything noteworthy with any talents he might have? I guess it's on the spectrum. I'm replying as I read but I have to ask: how old are you? If you're 20 then you have a lot of opportunity to transform your life. If you're 40... Well, I won't bother trying to fix something that cannot be fixed. 30 is manageable--you still have time for an internal revolution.

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

however I have, and this is not that common from the place I grew up, I have no criminal record but due to losing my Dad to a stroke when I was 10, then the guy who moved in 6 months later, I did not get any start of a positive nature, was lost and for my educators and guides I simply had the man who hated me at home, he was super violent and not very intelligent, I annoyed him with my interests , he was a drunk who even stole the money from our electric meter and sometimes we were left in darkness while he spent it, if he had no money to drink he would cause a big row and smashed our house up several times, a very hard thing to compute for me given my Dad was a builder who I loved and we were just beginning to bond, so the swap was the worst thing really.

You may be idolizing your father too much. This is not my area of expertise (I strongly suggest finding a therapist; if you can't find a good one among your native countrymen, perhaps a foreigner will do better as that is/was my experience) but I think one of the first things you have to do is recognize the villains of your childhood and try to be accurate as possible (don't give too much credit when it isn't due, nor begrudge credit when it's due). I know nothing of your father based on this, but he is at least somewhat complicit in choosing your mother who clearly wasn't a good Christian given she apparently remarried an asshole. 

I would assume you already have, but just in case, I suggest you most definitely call out (at least in your head) your mother and her asshole for what they are: a whore and a savage. Then maybe you can take the red flags that they rose so to avoid similar types as a young man (and thus earn the feeling of safety). 

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

Then to add I had no support from the teachers or anyone really, to find a world with no need for me was hard to understand, this created in me a defence mechanism against the outside world after my inner being had been smashed so many times. I also remember at secondary school a kid, and he was what is known as a nerd?, I liked him but due to the fact that he was incredibly intelligent, the rest of the school saw him as a figure of fun and I really felt for him the way he was treated, after around 2 years, someone told me he had hung himself,

That's extra fucked up. I doubt he is a guy you ought to admire anymore; he failed so horribly that he killed himself. Don't be like him. 

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

I was shocked but not surprised due to the levels of humiliation he recieved and this told me that to disguise that part was maybe a good defence, although it would never be the best plan as the place itself was not a good situation for someone interested in art and not, boxing or fighting or other sports that involved getting my NHS glasses smashed, I was renowned for the tape that attached the broken arm after some wise person had broken them and 1 pair a year without any mercy.

I'm confused. Are you saying you were a tough guy or a victim of bullies? 

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

But that start?, as the other kid had seen probably, it would never end in anything other than a worsening until it became far to hard to deal with if the actual quality of life was put against the constant struggle to avoid the torment.

??? This is abstract as all Hell and tells me nothing but the state of your mind.

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

I also suffered from the rumour mill created by any of the groups that ran by force the place I lived in,

Oh boy, I can relate to that. It wasn't extending to my home life but I was the subject of rumors by other students. Teachers generally liked me, but I had few peers to call friends and was extremely depressed and even suicidal for a few years. That all stopped after nearly over-dosing on RedPils in 2015 though...

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

in fact the guy living with us was a part of the main group, so that was sometimes overwhelming and I have finally admitted to myself that I had been totally suffering neglect hen, Stefan is very good in the way he can get that to be a reality, I had nothing, My clothes were hand me downs from my 2 older brothers, in fact if I think, I was given nothing , just left to sit down by the railway and watch the trains go by, looking at it now I think if someone had been in any way interested I might have had a chance but spilt milk in that way is the only way I can see it now.

A chance at what? Killing yourself? Sure, you can check out and thus waste the golden opportunity of life. But your life isn't your's to take, at least as a Christian (I highly suggest you go to a Christian church of some kind, as they can do a lot of good for those who are rudderless and depressed. I mean, there's a reason why Christendom bloomed wherever it touched without the threat of force...)

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

My path with women was thus not really possible, I hadn't realised it up until recently but the way I thought I had been a part of the society was indeed false, I was given the same treatment as the poor kid who checked out but there is a thing, the pecking order and the  performing monkey I was seen as. I had really few good friend and I was pretty spiky by defence and no wonder females gave me a wide birth.

Are you saying you put on the image of a thug and thus repelled potentially decent women? Or at least put on a repulsive persona of some kind?

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

My experience of others with women was quite different, they seemed to simply regard them as a right not a privilege and I couldn't be that way,

What do you mean here? Who is "them"? Are you saying these women regarded using men as a "right" of their's? 

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

so that sort of fenced me off however I did have many conversations one to one where many people who were of both sexes admitted I was actually ok, but , weird, with the UFOs, and the things I used to say about monks in my room, I referred to these as ,grim reapers,,I am now thinking these were not anything supernatural at all, but that is not really a thing I want to explain here.

You went down the rabbit hole of bullshit? I can make conjectures of how your hate for your life and world would make you attracted to the idea of a greater world in Space, but obviously this shit has/had to go.

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

So it really was a waste of time to live but I did think that at some point, I would meet someone and that would be the thing that connected me in a way to the world and stopped me from feeling very alone, even with people around, I can learn anything in a short space of time and soon found I would be asked to fix this or do that and never wanted anything for these things, and never ever did get anything either, a mug they call it here.

So you repaired objects for free?

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

And I learned the guitar and became very good and was in the most popular punk band in town, but at gigs away I was always alone and became more hopeless even though I was told that I was not replaceable, I actually was of no use after I had played, then the group became bigger and so many really bad elements became involved, people I would never have wanted to be within a mile of, some familiar and always these rumours about my time as a kid would be thrown at me but in a way that it was not easy to protest at. long story short, I think these vicious rumours made it easy to enable anything to be sad and I was on the whipping post more often than not, I have suffered this stuff a lifetime and no wonder I have no interest, my wife, was not from here and was involved with the group before I met her, desperate I just accepted any idea about her attraction and could never say that she simply married me , but did it for other reasons, but that is another nightmare in humiliation I cant go into here. I have only had since then internet relationships and these, as far as I have seen go , it starts with an understanding that the profile picture is the person, the story they give is also true, but after , usually 3 to 6 months it becomes obvious that this is not the case and I am seeing I am in the position being a punchbag emotionally  for the womans hatred of men due to her being badly treated by others before me, and  that is not their fault at all, but to get into a intense conversation having to type it into a keyboard or phone for me is actually impossible,

You were an emotionally unstable and needy guy who thus attracted a similar woman who used you as a tampon, then?

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

I need to hear the way the words are said and how they are meant clearly to respond, my last relationship was I thought the most amazing person ever, but that became a bad thing after she claimed to have been told I was gay, but never said who it was, said I was lying to her and knew many things about my area even though she was over 1000 miles away, if I liked a females post I was a cheat, if I had a male friend I was secretly gay and my trust was smashed and I should have gotten out but she would always find a way of contact me, the final straw was she actually sent me a picture that was not off her website pool she always used,  and it wasnt her, someone made up to seem like her but not even close, it was doctored and I felt such an idiot again.

So you were being emotionally manipulated by other emotionally damaged girls? Obviously you got to keep your dick to yourself from now on. I doubt you can fall into anything but black holes as no decent woman would be attracted to you as you describe yourself. 

Therefore, as the "Rational Male" Community would put it, it's time for "Monk Mode": where you stop chasing tail and focus on making yourself into a decent, stable, and wise man.

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

I think the only chance of a job now is art, I cannot see any way to get a job with my skills as I am not in the correct category and I wouldn't want to explain this to you but it is a very common thing to discriminate against anyone thought of as traditionally being discriminatory in history.

What? I know you don't want to but I have no idea what you're thought of as discriminating for or against. Styles of art? Do you have actual talent and ability? In which case you could start a one-man corporation and work on the internet. I recommend reading Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki for more on how to conduct yourself, especially mentally, as a proper entrepreneur. 

On 5/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, Strat lover. said:

until I had to simply give up all my friends, she contacted my family saying untrue things and the result is I just got sick of the way everything I did have was being removed, there are other factors to this but even though I have tried many times to solve them, to even do that is akin to being in quicksand and moving to get free, but the problems I have have a remedy and no one seems to want to move, I am totally confused and know what is on the minds of people but they simply just seem to want to believe the image they have, so a limbo I am in and what woman would want a  part of that?, add that I have many enemies on the extreme left as I am scab and worked to help out at a strike in 1997 and some people cannot forget and have very clear ideas about how to deal with that. so for me, maybe there is no future, and I am just trying to prove I have value and causing myself a harder life that will never end well in the process, I am very talented however in my defence in art and music abut to play alone is no fun, to try to share my art is not either, I have found my defensive siege mentality inst going to improve here, and many wouldn't like to see me leave to get anything else. so that is why I said that stuff up there, I actually had found a person I really found so sweet, unfortunately I believe she may have been contacted and again this image appears, so basically its hopeless and I have given up in that area with all the things internally that brings, its awful to be tormented into being cold sounding and then have this presented as the natural state, also hard to hear a rumour that is never proved and is false but the truth may affect someone much more than it would affect me, I do think to be alone for too long is the worst thing a human being can do, in a city, if in a natural setting I could deal with it but alone in a built up area and there is no happy ending to that, I cant possibly see how anyway.., I hope my answer has helped to see my rather desperate writing up there, that was at the end of a 2 month period of severe stress and total emotional breakdown untreated and actually helped by all concerned. Anyway, I still try to wake up positive, have sold my camera as it upsets the locals, dont play pc games any more and if I didnt have my guitar?, would maybe , I have no idea, there is the problem, The past is dictating my future and if the past unproved is here, I must solve that first, but to be honest I dont think of it as solvable. But that is where I am.

The title should have read, unbelievably ,,, so another typo ,another day,, maybe it was correct by accident?.

Well, to sum up: stop dating women or having any romantic relationships with women. Find a good therapist. Divorce yourself from your familiar crowds and company. Move to another city if you have to. I think you have too much bad rep and heat to really be productive if you're going to keep bumping into familiar assholes wherever you go. 

If your name is tarnished, perhaps you can get a legal name change. Or at least work with a new alias. Reset yourself, especially your public persona. I think your best bet is to start fresh but appreciate the skills you've acquired and set about being productive with them. Leave the degenerate, r-selected, Punk crowd and go to Church (even if you're an atheist) and meet some decent people. Work on reforming yourself so that you project honesty and reliability--easily the two most important signals a man can emanate. Get a new hair-cut (ideally a professional one). Dress like a professional (wear slacks and buttoned shirts, or something similar). And, assuming you have a bad accent, speak like a professional. I don't know if uppity Oxford accents are the rage among professionals but assuming you sound like a Cockney or a hoodrat then you ought to learn how to speak like a professional so people can have positive first-impressions from you.

Also remember: WE LIVE IN UTOPIA. Our ancestors would have literally killed to live in the good and soft times of today. We have running water, plumbing, easy access to large amounts of food, and we have the FRIGGEN INTERNET. We live in perhaps the best time in human history; appreciate that. Thank the inventor of whomever invented what you commonly take for granted; like refrigerators, toilets, air-conditioners, heaters, the internet, video games, soft beds, fans (the motorized kind), etc.! 

Your mindset, along with your persona, are what makes you, YOU. I have found it very motivating in my own life (disclaimer: I am 20 years old) and thus I can honestly say I am almost always happy (or at least content). I thank my ancestors for giving me the opportunity to live in the cushiest and easiest time in human history. Bad women are honest and open, good women are thus easier to select for (once you recognize what makes a woman "good"), and the same is largely true of men.

I'm not a motivational expert, but I think I know a thing or two about the power of positive thinking (read the book by Norman Vincent Peele) and being appreciative of what I have versus bemoaning what I don't. 

I hope this helps you--if it doesn't, I don't know what to say--but if it does, then you know your life is all in your hands. Even if you're some burnt out 35 year old, you can still use the next 5 years to become a stable and middle-class guy with a house and use your life experience as wisdom to know who to avoid. You've got the rare gifts of life and sentience combined with living in utopia; don't waste them. 

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32 minutes ago, Strat lover. said:

In a decent world, sacrifices are a fantasy  idea from a distant historical past, another idea, a correction made by others who solved a problem  and the remedy is forgotten, deliberately or carelessly by the joys of peace, so heaven or hell or whatever word anyone prefers, it makes no difference. no one should be felt compelled to rip a part of themselves away to become anything.

Why "no one should be felt compelled to rip a part of themselves away to become anything."? Why "should"? You do not have control over the lives of others, you are not an autocrat or a god. Most people have issues they have to work with or else they have to prepare for problems to ensure.

To take an extreme example: pedophilia. Are you saying a pedophile shouldn't feel compelled to "rip a part of themselves" (their lust for children)? What about people with a trigger finger for violence? Or addictive personality? Now it is nearly impossible to literally take out a part of someone, but at the very, very, very least a bad trait can be repurposed. I don't know about pedophilia (I don't think it can ever be "made good", it can only ever be a predilection towards great evil) over-aggressiveness can be honed towards healthy competitiveness while someone who is prone towards addiction can abstain from addictive substances to build his self-discipline and perhaps repurpose his desire into something productive. Like turn a drug-addict into a workaholic and suddenly you go from self-destructive to productive. Of course there is always the risk of working too hard/too much and that would have to reigned in, just like being too competitive and too sensitive etc. etc. but the point is that people with weaknesses (i.e. everybody) have to reign them in and repurpose them otherwise they'll have to put up with it and suffer the consequences accordingly.

32 minutes ago, Strat lover. said:

But always for the better, I have and would always give it all, no matter what anyone thinks of this ideal, it is we who know our position on how we proceed based on our own thought and experience in life, To live is to enjoy life, if its always miserable and uncertain ?, this is obviously not correct. I am already a man, but corrupted by the denial for a long time of that what makes a man complete, it is not a thing that anyone one wants to become, but to remember who they are, and to remove the corruption identified.

To live is to breath. That's it. If you want happiness, that takes effort. Depending on your personality is the kind of effort needed to become happy. Putting things into perspective (like recognizing how every first and second worlder lives in a veritable utopia) definitely helps. 

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27 minutes ago, Strat lover. said:

Well, here tonight, no reply,,I have discovered that which no one was ever able, my entire life,,to point me to and I ask, and receive Peace at heart, Georgia,,there is where my heart is, I have seen,,and basically I have been misled, by probably the marxist civility=nation destroyer,,but what I have witnessed in that place,,is my perfect non storm,so a major Peace for me at last,, but no war, friction, the faces I know?, somehow?,,,and the music i love so much,,they could never have made this , a place ,I am out of me,,so  will leave this leave this here,,punish me for my passion if anyone wants,,for my corruption,but I love and admire beautiful and fine and real Women, who have me as a slave, but let me decide if thats a good plan?,and let me b who I am,,a perfect balance,,,and I wouldnt post here again anyhow, there are treasure, but for me? it was never here, the price demanded in words was far too high,at least now I see a kingdom I would bow before. Ask your self now, are you really free?, I am and have seen how it can be.the mods are crap here, get some idea going to resolve it if its to be anywhere near a good product, too many delays. ,. and I'm Out, there was nothing here for me.

Dude, you're 50-something and have a lot of work to do. No decent woman will ever be interested in you unless you pull an Abraham and become all kinds of great and reformed. At present you could sniff around the wasted druggies and single moms but any half-decent woman would sooner bang any random grandpa over a guy who has 40 years of work to make up in less than a decade's time.

Pull an Abraham, who did amazing shit as a 75-ish deadbeat and became literally the Father of Nations, or realize you are pretty much an example for others of what not to be. 

You might have been surrounded by cowards without the balls to tell this to your face or fellow ditch-diggers who fed you more of their ear-poison, but it's pretty much too late to have a family unless you REALLY reform and manage to get a half-decent risk-taking 30 year old as a reformed 60 year old. Granpas can get some too, but they have to compromise on pretty much everything and compensate with a grampa's worth of life experience and wealth. 

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Bloody hell! I would say all that text represents baggage you must jettison without further ado. 

There are no unbelievable and great women. Women are limited in all their faculties when compared to men. 

If you believe in God then understand that all people are face-down in the filth in God's eyes. Grasp this status for yourself and others and you will become stronger and freer, and you will draw people towards you in a miraculous way. 

Do not worship any false idol, especially human idols. Here is a great talk by Tim Keller. You don't have to be religious to benefit from the profundity and wisdom in the message: 


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Thanks Graf von Walheim, You too are a great man, forgive my sensitivity about my mother , that is not white knighting I dont think, I just have this thing within me that makes me very protective of people who have suffered a bully or similar, I know you meant well and I actually wish my way was more like yours, I think my life would have been a much more enjoyable thing, so, Thanks, and its very hard for me to imagine but, if I can help you out in any way, yes, Thanks again bud, Have a fantastic day!, also I am sorry if some of the things I said offended you, Peace Always.

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Hi @Strat lover.

Three things.

1. Is it true (have you observed) that emotional dilemmas can't be influenced by intellectual arguments.

i.e. - (rationalisation, abstractions, common sense)

2. Appeasement of the 'evil' diminishes the strength of the virtuous.

i.e. - (avoidance, maintaining/facilitating vulnerability)

3. What we allow we normalise and what we have normalised we tend to reinforce, practise.

i.e. - (unexamined ______s become embeded, after a point they become part of the foundations of our personality)

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12 minutes ago, Strat lover. said:

Thanks Graf von Walheim, You too are a great man, forgive my sensitivity about my mother , that is not white knighting I dont think, I just have this thing within me that makes me very protective of people who have suffered a bully or similar, I know you meant well and I actually wish my way was more like yours, I think my life would have been a much more enjoyable thing, so, Thanks, and its very hard for me to imagine but, if I can help you out in any way, yes, Thanks again bud, Have a fantastic day!, also I am sorry if some of the things I said offended you, Peace Always.

Hey man, you're welcome! I'm glad you took it the right way since I know I was being very blunt (but I like to be very blunt!). It's not up to me to forgive anything because I was never offended; I had an excess of happiness and ambition and wanted to share it; also it's ultimately up to you whether you're being too revealing (on a forum where being revealing when talking about one's problems has fuzzy lines depending on the subject) or whatnot. I do think you ought to shame the Devil whenever you find him, but again it doesn't bother me much if you don't. It's all up to you; if I were you, and this is me projecting all my wants, aspirations, and fears directly into you in the moment, I'd do what I could to be like Abraham and go from zero to hero before departing the Earthly coil. However you might find that a chore and perhaps would rather navel-gaze continuously. I didn't ask if you had any kids; if you do, I think you're morally obligated to steer them away from repeating your and their mother's lives. 

And take care. I want you to do well and pull an Abraham, but I don't know if you have what it takes internally to do it or the will to get it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/16/2018 at 8:58 AM, barn said:

Hi @Strat lover.

Three things.

1. Is it true (have you observed) that emotional dilemmas can't be influenced by intellectual arguments.

i.e. - (rationalisation, abstractions, common sense)

2. Appeasement of the 'evil' diminishes the strength of the virtuous.

i.e. - (avoidance, maintaining/facilitating vulnerability)

3. What we allow we normalise and what we have normalised we tend to reinforce, practise.

i.e. - (unexamined ______s become embeded, after a point they become part of the foundations of our personality)

Thanks Barn, I think that my ability to be misunderstood by bad grammar has been totally shown to me in great detail here. 

Sometimes I think everyone I have ever known were all  just playing games with me.

sad I am

But cheers for the comment.

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On 5/16/2018 at 9:00 AM, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Hey man, you're welcome! I'm glad you took it the right way since I know I was being very blunt (but I like to be very blunt!). It's not up to me to forgive anything because I was never offended; I had an excess of happiness and ambition and wanted to share it; also it's ultimately up to you whether you're being too revealing (on a forum where being revealing when talking about one's problems has fuzzy lines depending on the subject) or whatnot. I do think you ought to shame the Devil whenever you find him, but again it doesn't bother me much if you don't. It's all up to you; if I were you, and this is me projecting all my wants, aspirations, and fears directly into you in the moment, I'd do what I could to be like Abraham and go from zero to hero before departing the Earthly coil. However you might find that a chore and perhaps would rather navel-gaze continuously. I didn't ask if you had any kids; if you do, I think you're morally obligated to steer them away from repeating your and their mother's lives. 

And take care. I want you to do well and pull an Abraham, but I don't know if you have what it takes internally to do it or the will to get it. 


Right maybe, but in a personal life?, that is in regards to just ourselves, and the crap smeared all over us by some path we ended up on in life , a journey of only bad feeling,

I do think to avoid any more torture, a person may prefer the illusion , the truth may indeed be the truth of a thing, but to simply apply that scythe to every problem in a life which has so may limitations, is maybe overusing it??, bring me the person who claims they have told and used the Truth their entire life, might be a start,

I have found one person connected with my honesty before people who would like to dismember anyone by their words, has suffered a great deal because of this post.

I think I was stupid and a bit naive, but this person has maybe forced me into realising I cant continue,

I used to care a great deal about this world and I always would try to do the right thing, dont do the wrong thing, 

But now the world can go and do as it wishes, I wont stop it from the course it is taking now,

I can see where this is going, and I would be bothered usually,

right now after hearing what I wrote has caused in another persons life?, and the benefit of this?,,

Also all will claim, "ah, but you wrote them here?, so, it's your fault",,OK, well maybe, but,does anyone really belive that was my original intention here?

To see the way this went?, from a question about advice into the maybe destruction of a persons life?, wow, thats far too much power for any medium to have over a person or group , or anything, I also realise I cannot function with my levels of honesty on the medium of social media, I find with certain subjects , nearly everyone, nearly all of those commenting, , all are only looking for the most base levels only, therefore the broad issue gets forgotten on the glow of the torches, the silent screams,

I want nothing more to do with it.



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@Strat lover. I would like to try to help you, but your writing is so confusing and twisted that it barely makes sense. Please please try to use some basic English sentence composition rules. It will really help people on here figure out what you’re saying and how to best offer help. 

It really sounds like you fixated on a pretty picture and wanted a pretty woman to give you attention even though you seem to be a self-proclaimed loser. This will generally only scare women. It basically advertises that you wish to add value to yourself by taking from her alleged high status that comes from owning a pretty face, since you have so little value that you don’t even consider yourself more than a loser. That’s basically a lose-lose scenario for any woman (or person, for that matter).  It’s pretty common for all people to fall into this in times of low self-esteem, so don’t be too hard on yourself about it, but do recognize that you have to be able to bring something to the table of a relationship in order to have love. 

On 5/14/2018 at 6:28 AM, Strat lover. said:

You refer to my Mother in very harsh terms yet you have never met
her or know anything about her, I dont think I can allow you to do this

@Siegfried von Walheim can be very blunt and he is typically ruthlessness analytical, but he generally has some good comments. Try to take what he says without feeling personally attacked. 


On 5/15/2018 at 7:43 PM, Loz said:

There are no unbelievable and great women. Women are limited in all their faculties when compared to men. 

Lol you sound like an Islamic fundamentalist. The average woman is more average than most men, who tend to be extraordinarily gifted or extraordinarily dull. Anyways, there is no reason to put up a man vs. woman comparison. Men and women are both excellent at being either men or women. Saying women are limited in their capacities when compared to men is like saying humming birds are limited when compared to blue jays. 

If your definition of “great” and “unbelievable” is based on public works of achievement, there are women who have made incredible contributions. Obviously there are more men who contribute in this way, but it’s silly to act like the women who have also contributed in large-scale, public, scientific or philosophical manners don’t exist. 

You basically just made masculinity itself the measure of greatness. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but it sounds like an awfully slippery slope of an argument. Women could just as easily flip this type of statement and say that no great men exist as compared to women. This is just as valid as saying no great women exist because they’re all limited in comparison to men. The only difference is which group gets preference of being the benchmark for “great.” 

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On 5/4/2018 at 3:51 PM, Strat lover. said:

Hi, I am a loser, in love things forever it seems,but a very talented and sometimes funny guy, or bloke in English, and play guitar and record music and take photos and Photoshop them into nice designs. anyhow, due to some faults in my ability to tolerate people who are in my steam of life but only or mostly cause friction, and wind me up and know they do it. fights about things only the vanishing of the 2 people into a non internet environment would desolve, so, non reality is at war with a much more challenging True reality, And how would you know?, Philosophy can at least have a effect only positive. only one wins in the most luxurious and path that isnt always super fun, isnt always super love ins, maybe not very many marriages, or first kisses, but get to the line without any real friction must at this point in time be the way to attempt this difficult slope of the Mountain, to plant a flag, ,'I woz ere', or similar and lots of flags from happy campers makes for a sense of self worth and you were walking in the company with some real life and True Heroes.
Obviously I have no girlfriend and all internet dates that take a long time to end always never seeing these people, and after a 2 year real heavy one just ended I had given up, I then spoke to the incredible Woman, it was a chat about a photo, and She was very pretty but her txt it had no friction, I was sort of under no attack and couldn't understand the feeling of just such an easy person to get along with, and also there is this really vivid dream but that isnt philosophy with any deep examination of it so, I fell in love with her, and is it me but when you really go into the love zone no one else exists in the space this person takes, and here is the problem, the last relationship, she sent a message but a ambiguous one the one of a few people was married, and I fell apart, of the three females  I had just commented with , al were just super honourable and excellent, so I just went to bits, but I cant stop thinking about her, so, she has posted an image?, a sort of medical type scan thing and I dont know what its for?, just that it is her, now, I wouldn't be concerned about about the physical side really  with her as her mind is more than enough for me and she would be real and I know for sure she is genuine, so anything in that way would make no difference really. so rare and a true treasure. and I have seen her correct image but dont know the age of it but that really makes no difference. and she is beautiful, but there is no other info, all a mystery, and I dont know what to do to not think about her, and I would be happy to be her slave even as she dosnt have the slave mind component with me, its very nice and so authentic, I did try to contact her to explain and I thnk she didnt reply. I just would love her I know. Now, she is in America or close, and thats all I know, how can I forget her effectively and how to think of her any other way than wanting to know?, if she was married?, I had messaged the guy she spoke to most and explained as I would never do that, so, I would dp anything to know a way to resolve this as I cant do anything that wont make it better to handle. I would ask her out if she was not with anyone and that would be a first. so any help in a plan would be great. thanks.



You either step up or step out of my way. 

I remember running into my high school cherish oneitus years later. She is a single mom. Typical girl following society and her outcome is piss poor. 

You either approach or your genes are weeded out of existence. Chad's will just pump and dump. You can suffice the courage to make your feelings known. Exchange your numbers. You can rest assured that you did that. 

It's the Gita, 'being unattached to the fruits of your labor.' 

You are free to approach. Freedom from outcome but the results are out of your hands. Take action. Step up. 

I llost count of cold approach. I am at the point, I am numb to rejection, flakes, ghosting. You can too. 

It's piss poor cesspool that is dating especially online/tinder /pof. It's 'proud single moms' bios, it's 'no fuck boys' write ups but, she's cratering her smv with Chad's. It's not until smv has plummeted or cratered that common sense kicks in, the party phase ends, and in comes baby rabies. 

Most change and evolve not because she's a good girl. she evolves because that dating market no longer provides the dopamine spikes she once had gotten from Chad's. 

It's dating Olympics as Stefan has said. I recommend that you approach and find out if you are interested and if you have any common interests. I messaged Elizabeth once about a hot young girl I met. She was really cute and after several encounters, I got her number, and we went out. I was ecstatic. 

Guess what? She was awful. She was a cultural Marxist, feminist, SJW, and clung to victimhood. She went on a rant about white privilege. This coming from a single white girl in a high end middle class background. I ended the date immediately. I made out with her and I never spoke to her again.

It was shit but, I will never mental masturbate about what would happen? 

Funny I saw her recently. She death stared as I approached girls in front of her. 

Op, I either approach or my genes are weeded out of existence. The choice is yours. That or wait for her to hit the wall or be a single mom to pick you. I prefer her young not plummeted smv. 




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On 5/28/2018 at 10:47 PM, Elizbaeth said:

@Strat lover. I would like to try to help you, but your writing is so confusing and twisted that it barely makes sense. Please please try to use some basic English sentence composition rules. It will really help people on here figure out what you’re saying and how to best offer help. 

It really sounds like you fixated on a pretty picture and wanted a pretty woman to give you attention even though you seem to be a self-proclaimed loser. This will generally only scare women. It basically advertises that you wish to add value to yourself by taking from her alleged high status that comes from owning a pretty face, since you have so little value that you don’t even consider yourself more than a loser. That’s basically a lose-lose scenario for any woman (or person, for that matter).  It’s pretty common for all people to fall into this in times of low self-esteem, so don’t be too hard on yourself about it, but do recognize that you have to be able to bring something to the table of a relationship in order to have love. 

@Siegfried von Walheim can be very blunt and he is typically ruthlessness analytical, but he generally has some good comments. Try to take what he says without feeling personally attacked. 


Lol you sound like an Islamic fundamentalist. The average woman is more average than most men, who tend to be extraordinarily gifted or extraordinarily dull. Anyways, there is no reason to put up a man vs. woman comparison. Men and women are both excellent at being either men or women. Saying women are limited in their capacities when compared to men is like saying humming birds are limited when compared to blue jays. 

If your definition of “great” and “unbelievable” is based on public works of achievement, there are women who have made incredible contributions. Obviously there are more men who contribute in this way, but it’s silly to act like the women who have also contributed in large-scale, public, scientific or philosophical manners don’t exist. 

You basically just made masculinity itself the measure of greatness. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but it sounds like an awfully slippery slope of an argument. Women could just as easily flip this type of statement and say that no great men exist as compared to women. This is just as valid as saying no great women exist because they’re all limited in comparison to men. The only difference is which group gets preference of being the benchmark for “great.” 

I can see what you mean but , there is no perfect person, no one can be exactly that one, a jigsaw of our minds that one night or day solidifies into that ideal,that one we all want but after a while must concede they don't exist, although to hope is maybe in this case is not the 'jam tomorrow' hope, is close as we can get, and that I don't think is unreasonable , the planet and the genders have been dragged around, pulled by their hair, in pubic,,by the hidden voice, the marxist voice, they have never shown their face unless forced to, and if that happen's?,, the whole world can see just how ugly the monster is driving the machine that knows no other way, seek and destroy anything that may be in the way.

 Have we all not suffered this in some way?, I think so, some have grown cold and become an island, others decide upon attack and are ground into dust and scattered to the four winds.

I  couldn't hide and a person who was involved in my plight contacted me ,sent an image of them,,, but, it had an 50% percent extra bonus most females don't have extra item, I may need new glasses, these rose tinted ones are so last chance saloon,,, enough said.

And also to seek beauty only?, I am not really guilty of, I wouldn't think so anyways.

So, what to do?, well for me, I think it's actually pointless to try find love and any of that with the planet poised to maybe become a war of idea's, what is the next move as the left is finished, they know it, and have in history always liked a scorched earth policy, they can't have it so no one gets it, it sucks big time

As regard's my grammar?, I was expelled from school for wearing a badge, having fought with adults who had no answers and I had no idea the size and ferocity the monster I was poking in the eye, I do now though, it has the power to make mediocre people able to enact their socialist fantasies, to have a victim to abuse and no comeback's, to invent, their idea of the perfect person to tie to the political whipping post, and I admit I was actually given no education, that I can write in a legible way I think is an achievement. 

As to great, unbelievable?,,,I see your point,

when without something, water, heat, food,,,anything vital, when finally close to any oasis,,, people become delirious, and of course this is not the natural state,

I would love it another way but that's how it is with me. 


Thanks for the input however Elizabeth.

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On 5/16/2018 at 1:43 AM, Loz said:

Bloody hell! I would say all that text represents baggage you must jettison without further ado. 

There are no unbelievable and great women. Women are limited in all their faculties when compared to men. 

If you believe in God then understand that all people are face-down in the filth in God's eyes. Grasp this status for yourself and others and you will become stronger and freer, and you will draw people towards you in a miraculous way. 

Do not worship any false idol, especially human idols. Here is a great talk by Tim Keller. You don't have to be religious to benefit from the profundity and wisdom in the message: 


Thank's Loz, I will say that I cannot now think in the same way about God as such,I haven't gone to the dark side no matter what anyone may claim, it's just I have found that to ask the God for a way out , I did, just didn't do it for me, But I think a lot of people have been given wrong directions by the political assault the left has been enjoying for many a year, I will do as I can, and just become better?, objectively better, at least now I can step back and have a great framework and something that I knew must exist but always denied, it was there, UPB?,,Stefan's PDF's are excellent,  I must strip off all of this crap I was led to believe?,

and become much more of a real item , 

I must stand still when in joust, in a war, in a debate.and in peace, that is what I have learned from Stefan and many others,

I have at last found a real spring where great flower's and tree's grow, a bit late but better than never,

I love God, but if I am here?, and God is there?, I must accept I am on my own, and must choose only the best directions?,So I am steering my ship at last,  if I can know that within, it's my way,

 I simply could never translate this into another's path, it would maybe always be wrong?, , create's division and that is the last thing theplanet need's right now, 

To conclude,

Any friend of God is a friend of mine,

beyond that? is a space that belongs to anyone who want's it,

I am happy to take one day at a time. 

Thank you for the video.

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