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Storable food...where to find?

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As I'm sure a lot of you are aware, there could very well be an economic crash happen within the next few years, possibly this year. Some people say it will be worse than the great depression. But I'm thinking what if it's so bad that it causes complete societal meltdown and that it means that you stop getting gas, electricity and that clean water runs out? This is why I'm currently looking for some storable food to invest in. However the problem i'm running into is that all companies that deal in selling storable food say that in order to prepare their meals you just have to boil water first before adding it to the food. But like I said what if you have no access to water or gas or electricity? This is why I'm looking for storable food that doesn't require you to have to boil water to cook the food. However if the food needs to be warmed up that's ok as I'm fine with investing in a gas supply to cook the food. So does anyone have any recommendations? Also i'm happy to invest in canned/tinned food.  As long as it's a good deal i'm open to it.

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No links here, just some additional ideas... sorry.

55 minutes ago, Crusader1986 said:

As I'm sure a lot of you are aware, there could very well be an economic crash happen within the next few years, possibly this year. Some people say it will be worse than the great depression. But I'm thinking what if it's so bad that it causes complete societal meltdown and that it means that you stop getting gas, electricity and that clean water runs out? This is why I'm currently looking for some storable food to invest in. However the problem i'm running into is that all companies that deal in selling storable food say that in order to prepare their meals you just have to boil water first before adding it to the food. But like I said what if you have no access to water or gas or electricity? This is why I'm looking for storable food that doesn't require you to have to boil water to cook the food. However if the food needs to be warmed up that's ok as I'm fine with investing in a gas supply to cook the food. So does anyone have any recommendations? Also i'm happy to invest in canned/tinned food.  As long as it's a good deal i'm open to it.

Water makes food last LESS longer, hence dehydration, volumetric issues too as the % of water in foods is generally high (even 6 months worth can be a challenge to store if not dehydrated).

Active carbon filters and reverse osmosis ceramic water purifiers should be at the top of your list, surprised you haven't. (that'd save you many a headaches down the road, bit of an investment but well worth it)

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I don't think food will be a problem. There are cattle that could be slaughtered to provide food in a pinch. Maybe energy & self defense might be an issue depending where you live. Might go the way of S.Africa. Could subsist a long while on beans hobo style. I think an evac plan & physical training are more important. Or probably better than that, proactive community participation. (relationship building) Rambo ideal has more appeal, but is probably less sane to me

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How often does it rain in your area? If it rains a decent amount, it might make sense to have a water catchment device that can be set up in the case your no clean water scenario plays out. Rainwater is drinkable but make sure you use a filter of course. If rain is scarce, have a map with all the freshwater rivers in your area. 

As far as a "complete societal meltdown", I would not underestimate the free market. Especially with things like silver/gold CombiBar and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash. I do expect the market to be in operation. You can also make connections now with your local farmer for food to built trust and if your scenario plays out, you can reach out to the farmer again and I'm sure he would be happy to accept silver/gold or maybe cryptocurrencies. 


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I'm reminded of two things that I think apply: 1) Stef's recent call-in show video of the "gay" couple realizing one wasn't gay, where one of them described living out in the wilderness in a cabin effectively off the grid. 2) The YouTube channel "Primitive Technology" (basically recordings of hand-building things to live off the grid). Perhaps the solution you're looking for is less a stockpile of food that will last you, and more the skills that will help you get by if, as you say, normal societal structures break down. You gotta know how to attack problems with inventive solutions, and you're looking towards hoarding where you could be looking in the direction of resource-production. If you live in the middle of a big city where there aren't any low-population areas to set up camp in relative isolation and safety, then I think gangs and hoodlum violence is your biggest worry, not your food acquisition.

I do agree with Boss's statement of don't underestimate the free market. While I love the Post Apocalyptic genre, they're all unlikely and highly impractical scenarios of what might happen if a massive catastrophe struck the world. These storytellers assume that people are simply incapable of moving on and rebuilding after shit hits the fan. Don't underestimate the capacity of human beings to strive to make their surroundings more suitable to their needs. When outside force is removed, things that need doing people will get done.

So my suggestion? Start looking up these survival videos, see if you can arrange going camping and practice your survival skills. These will take you a LONG way in the event that they're ever needed. Stores of food, meanwhile, can always be stolen. Murphy's a bitch like that. Always account for Murphy.

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Thanks for all the feedback!  Yes joining a survival group is something i'm going to do.  What's that old saying? "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". So yes going to have to learn how to fish and hunt, pitch a tent, build a shelter etc.  However for the short term I really do NEED a supply of food that'll last me for at least a couple of months, in case something really abrupt and nasty happens some day, best to be prepared at all times.  Anybody know of any stored food that's not poisoned by BPA? I know canned tuna is dodgy and risks giving you cancer so writing that one off.

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Interesting. You don't want food that requires water because you may not have water. In that case, food will be moot. You can last much longer without food than water. Better to plan how to have abundant, clean water, then look at your food resources. It's standard disaster prep for any sort of power outage. 

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