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Heart breaking story from a famous nerd vlogger.

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Looking through my YT feed and saw this!  Start at 1min to see the desperate souls plight to find love in the UK, immigration issues for his wife, and his "man hunting" mom and sister.  BTW, his other videos are fantastic if you're into electrocuting inanimate objects ;-)


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Hi @David B_

... did a bit of juggling with the handlers, hope it gets to you.

So, perhaps I could be somewhat described as a skeptic when it comes to free-en.  but it doesn't matter here that much...

I just imagined the 'double-whammy' where something useful comes out of his project(outside the UK) and on top of that the fields of thorium over there get utilised in tandem. In theory, it could speed things up at least 10-fold economically, given there's at least a measurable drop in bribery. (around 90th place amongst 180 nations, a considerably miserable standing that is... on a second thought, very unlikely, maybe on the long term, very long term.)

Thumbs up on sharing a video about someone standing up for his principles, choosing to be determined against all odds. (I know it's about many other things, but I appreciated them the most)



p.s. (Man! Where have you been all this time!?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Barnsley,

Yeah, i'm just shocked how much the squeeze of the government is spilling over into even the tech related YT channels I'm following.  I sure hope this means we are in a government "bubble" that will pop at some point.  My hunch is that very high/hyperinflation will put the squeeze on the governments across the world when everyone starts to switch to other forms of money.  I'm sure they will try to get their fingers in that as well, but it'll def limit spending on the more ridiculous programs.

Oh, I've been following Stefan for over 10yrs....kinda went off the reservation around 4-5yrs ago when getting my business off the ground.  But now I'm back baby!!


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6 hours ago, David B_ said:

  I sure hope this means we are in a government "bubble" that will pop at some point.  My hunch is that very high/hyperinflation will put the squeeze on the governments across the world when everyone starts to switch to other forms of money.  I'm sure they will try to get their fingers in that as well, but it'll def limit spending on the more ridiculous programs. 

Carefully with those wishes pal, they might become reality.

Hard/Soft landing... both has its pro/contra.

i.e. 'Hard-Rock-no gears-extended' landings usually have the passengers screaming through the top of their lungs and more often than not it ends up in a fireball of mess, countless casualties, lives broken forever...Oh, and some companies (again, more often than not) disappear forever. Quite a scary analogy (spine crawling if you see it in the full perspective of how nature usually deals with the unprepared, the weak) if you get my meaning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I really do hope the new media can slowly turn the tide, but in my personal life it seems like most younger people have just decided to check out of news/media altogether and instead focus on what is closer/more local to them.  I can't cast any blame since dealing with one's own personal issues is already hard enough, trying to solve the problems of society at the same time.....is just overwhelming.  I know Stef is leaning towards a violent ending as the most likely outcome.  I sure hope he's wrong.

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19 minutes ago, David B_ said:

in my personal life it seems like most younger people have just decided to check out of news/media altogether and instead focus on what is closer/more local to them. 

What do you mean by closer/more local?

What I see is that the younger generation has no framework for integrating knowledge and prioritisation is acted by the whim of their group's collective 'mind' (what's popular = goes). Sort of like when a flock of birds decides to change direction. They're even more impressionable than the previous generations just resistant towards a few influences.

25 minutes ago, David B_ said:

 I can't cast any blame since dealing with one's own personal issues is already hard enough, trying to solve the problems of society at the same time..

Interesting that you separate the two, I always think of just one. Like causation, the consequences is dependent on the originator, without it can't exist. Maybe I'm wrong, why do you see them independent? (if I'm correctly grasping you)

28 minutes ago, David B_ said:

I know Stef is leaning towards a violent ending as the most likely outcome.  I sure hope he's wrong. 

Huh! I thought otherwise. Could you please help me find references?

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