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[Podcast] 4079 Marijuana Addiction? - Call In Show - May 2nd, 2018

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Question 1: [1:57] – “If we act out our beliefs in order to interact with the world and materialists don't see people as anything more than highly evolved animals, I don't think most Atheists actually believe in Atheism when they behave as though there is inherent value in life. It's as if, in the Atheist mind, we're working with a moral currency that we know isn't backed by the gold standard of inherent human value but act as if it is to keep the economy rolling. At some point we look at the pressures of suffering, the need to sacrifice for higher ideals, sacrificing for family, temptations of power and so on and get red pilled to either abandon the moral currency or accept a higher calling to withstand the trials. I am also having a hard time understanding Atheistic purpose and what I see as a square circle of free will and materialism. Is there a way to establish inherent human value in purely materialist terms?”

Question 2: [30:27] – “I was somewhat interested in the topic of universal income, as it was discussed recently in your show. Living in Finland, I understand the philosophy of self-reliance and I support it personally, but as I am a lone island within an ocean of progressive thinking, I can hardly expect to sway the public opinion on social safety nets. The arguments for universal income are the following: 1. Streamlining support payment bureaucracy. 2. Make it easier to enter the workforce. 3. Potentially lower social benefit costs (or so some would argue).”

“If I cannot live in a nation free of these wealth redistribution schemes, should I not support programs that could possibly yield beneficial results within the Finnish Pseudo-socialist system? I understand taking something from others for nothing is wrong, but this is happening already. If there is a chance that this new program could streamline government organizations (remove unnecessary agencies), help people get into the workforce more easily, and basically not add to existing costs, would it not be better to allow universal become a reality?”

Question 3: [1:07:48] – “I’m in a touring theater company that specializes in improv comedy. It’s always been a fun occupation bringing a lot of joy to the people I perform for. However, over the last 5 years political correctness has encroached more and more on my work. It appears as if most if not all theater has become entrenched in liberalism to the point where a show that’s not about politics, particularly social justice, diversity, etc. is not considered real art. My question is, must art be innately political? Must our performance stand for something in order to be considered legitimate? The left seems to think so. How can I fight back against this terrible trend so I can go back to entertaining people for the simple joy of the laughter?”

Question 4: [1:38:18] – “I started smoking cannabis about 17 years ago, when I was 17 years old. My abuse of cannabis greatly impacted my marriage. I would like to still be able to use cannabis in a healthy way, but I'm not sure if that's possible. Am I playing with a fantasy? As an aside to this: this sort of thing is not exactly talked about in "stoner culture", but the discussion is one that needs to be had. What is it going to take for cannabis culture to develop a sense of responsibility and moderation?”

Question 5: [2:35:47] – “I'm a former navy sailor and specific skills I am qualified for make me a very in demand in a wartime scenario. This means that I can be recalled to service before a draft starts and my name is on the "get these guys quick" list. I am afraid of this happening but at the same time I know I won’t hesitate should the call come. Is it just a result of my life training as a disposable male drone for the female queens that makes me willing to fight in a war that I oppose with every reasoned thought I have on the subject, or is there something more going on?”

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Books that are 'game changers':

Daniel Keyes - Flowers For Algernon
(Franz Kaffka - Transformation, here I advise you to be NOT doubtful, (lost...or...uhh... It's dense, packs a punch, emotionally.) if you are about to read forth)


Please read books of this author, he has been on the show (btb, as a side note) but he IS 'clear as a whistle', you can rely on what he puts forward, A MASSIVE intellectual PHhhhaaauwer!!! ... JPB style, 'Git Gud!' or embrace the demons! ... you choose.

(I'm comically-concentrating, aiming to deliver an effect, coming from an honest place... you know, when you are watching a video and the person gets through to you, AND SOME. Mature, truthful, humbling experience... At least, it's been for me. )

If you are a parent, WATCH THIS from him!!! (please?)

TED talk: vid
Audiobook: audio book
Website: website
Amazon: Amazon
Reviews: reviews

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