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Having a baby in December

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Does anybody have any good information on parenting? 

From teaching, nurturing, any additional info that is beyond the MSM as I do not trust conventional thinking.  

Books to read or YouTube channels to subscribe to would be great. 

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Here are some books I recommend:

Between Parent and Child by Haim Ginott

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, Ginott's students

Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen


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Hi @dmart1287

Congratulations, you've become a 'certified MAN'!

Are you familiar with the parenting section?

I'm not a parent but can't imagine not making sure I had listened to the Bomb in the Brain series.

Here's a great video (referring to the book) from J.B.P.

The Absolute Necessity of Fathers

Additionally, after you've seeked out the advice of virtuous family members /individuals, you can post specific queries on the boards, it might be helpful in each different question.

All the best, thumbs up on your responsibility taking(wanting to know how to do it right, I wish my parents had a shred of that, a million thank you!!!)!


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The stuff we're working on at www.napparenting.com isn't very baby-focused, and maybe we're preaching to the choir here, but we'll continue uploading and linking tips, videos, and essays around understanding and applying the NAP in the home. All of our solutions are grounded in philosophy and science, and we're always available for one-on-one discussion. Hope to see you there!

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