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Top 10 red flags to watch out for in women

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Hey I'm just wondering if anyone could give me the top 10 red flags to watch for in women? I think this would serve as a good set of guidelines and things to watch out for for anyone who wants to avoid setting themselves up for a disastrous relationship with a crazy woman.

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1. Has a child from a previous partner and is not a widow.
2. Has credit card debt.
3. Is Fat. "Curvy".
4. Is Dumb.
5. Likes to party.
6. Is Overly Agreeable. 
7. Health & Beauty student.
8. Is excessively quiet, or too talkative.
9. Has no ethos/ethics implicit or explicit.
10. Is a femminist.

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Hi @Crusader1986

First of all, (and I mean it) sorry for the situation, these things are never easy.

I hope you won't take it the wrong way but I'm not sure if it's a list of clearly defined clues, foreshadowing a likely negative outcome that you are really looking for. (That's basically what you'd asked for, am I right?)

This is just my opinion (no problem if you treat it as 'armpit - talk', could be wrong here)... wouldn't it be better if you could see every gradient and sized flags, wherever, whenever they popped up?

Mind you, there's also the phenomena, at times an equally 'painful' and/ daunting outcome of being with 'not the right person' who by the way didn't have red-flags. Not much use for 'flag-detection' there, obviously.


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Thanks for the input! They all seem pretty reasonable to me! Thought of some red flags of my own too:

1. They worship/love the welfare state and think it's a great idea for the hard working/productive class to be taxed and have their money redistributed to the unproductive classes of society.

2. They're hard leftists

3. They think there's nothing wrong with single motherhood and that single mothers are "heroes"

4. They think a man should always pay for the woman on the first date 

5. They think a man should always pay for women's dates even if the woman has a job of her own and isn't a poor student.

6. They go on about how bad men are and how wonderful women are

7. They don't think women should ever have to take responsibility for anything

8. They think there's nothing wrong with divorcing a man then supporting the children on child support and alimony

9. She's obsessed, heavily focused on getting a "career"

10. She thinks stay at home mums are losers.



If you ever get any of these when in a relationship with a woman end the relationship RIGHT THERE.  If you hear any of these on a first date end the date right there and make for the exit door as soon as possible. Any excuse will do, just get the hell out of that room.



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This is not gender specific, but what I would consider warning flags and deal breakers for a potential mate if I was a young person in my 20's or 30's, looking for a long term partner:


1. Cluster B personality disordered individuals.

2. Anyone who comes from a toxic family environment and has not worked through the repercussions of their FOO.

3. Those who cannot break free from past toxic environments, families, or individuals.

4. Addicts, alcoholics, porn addicts, and those who indulge in process addictions such as gambling, shopping, or hoarding.

5. If a single parent, more than one child from different partners = deal breaker. This is a tricky zone. Generally avoid, but there are rare exceptions.

6. History of adultery, promiscuity, and/or cheating on current partner. This includes emotional cheating.

7. Criminal history, especially those with theft and domestic violence.

8. Parasitic, lazy, or dishonest individuals.

9. Toxic shells. Attractive on the outside, ugly on the inside.

10. No friendship component or common interests. A partner can't simply be a resource, imo. In the best long term relationships I've witnessed, the couples viewed each other as allies. They had a lot of common ground and laughed at the same things. They always had each other's back.



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1. Has a child from a previous partner and is not a widow.
2. Has credit card debt.
3. Is Fat. "Curvy".
4. Is Dumb.
5. Likes to party.
6. Is Overly Agreeable. 
7. Health & Beauty student.
8. Is excessively quiet, or too talkative.
9. Has no ethos/ethics implicit or explicit.

That limits the options to Asian Waifus and White Tradthots.

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2 hours ago, ofd said:

That limits the options to Asian Waifus and White Tradthots.

LOL yes.

Maybe the best thing would be to find someone as equally broken/messed up as yourself. (Makes me think of Eddy Murphy RAW) Unless you're not in which case good for you.

Could always go for an import. "Me so horny, me love you long time!"


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