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Rude awakening - South Africa and rest of the world in the same boat


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Living in my bubble in South Africa and the situation we're in with white hatred, I never looked at the rest of the world and whats going on. Starting to look outside my little box and realizing this is happening all over the world. Problem is you only hear from the lefties but there are a lot of blacks that don't agree with this whole " I'm a victim because I'm black" even in South Africa. Rude awakening when you start doing research. Not everyone is against you because you're white and people are starting to stand-up to the narrative and mainstream media. Following some black South Africans on twitter and must say, it gives you hope for the country and the world. Positive feedback from South Africa. #COPE 



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Personally I think the trait agreeableness makes racism worse. At the end of the day what is agreeableness based on, if not preference for one's geneset. Funny how the Democrats in the USA have former Klan members and the Labour Party in the UK, has widely publicised racism, despite being tough on racism.....

"There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless." Gunnery Hartman, Full Metal Jacket. 

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