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Political Campaigning? - Help!


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I've  always been against getting involved with politics in the United Kingdom because, aside from the NAP violation, I've never felt my individual voice could have any meaningful effect on national issues. 

When Stefan changed from talking about the moral arguments against the political process to being a vocal advocate of Donald Trumps presidential bid, I think I understood why he did it. My understanding of Stefan's rational could be summarised as "I need to give it all I have and find out if political advocacy can work. If it doesnt, then I can at least say I tried."

It is a well thought out compromise considering the state of western politics and there being a clash between the moral system he believes in and what practicality sugests he should do. So, I've decided to try and do something similar - albeit on a much smaller scale!

After doing some research, I've decided that the only party even remotely likely to turn back the rising tide of collectivism in the UK is UKIP. So, I signed up with them a few days ago and attended my first local group meeting tonight. The meeting was interesting and went completely differently from what I had expected but overall in felt it was discussing to many small local issues when much larger cultural battle lines are being drawn. I think most of this was down to the structure of the political organisation rather than attendees.

I introduced myself and brielfy told my journey from socialist to anarcho capitalist. I went on to explain why I choose to join UKIP and tried to explain my love of freedom and appreciation of everyone who joins us in fighting to protect it. I really believe that within UKIP and across much of the country there really is a hunger for freedom that we can use to make real changes.

So, finally I get to the point! I have no idea what I'm doing! Help! I'm a complete novice to the political process and I'm looking for some advice from you guys and gals who have been involved in any local political work. How do you get people interested in individualisim at a local level? What books should I read about how to run grass roots movements? How do you engage with a community? How should a grass roots orgonisation be strucrured? What tips and tricks have you come acroas? And I have thousand other questions like these.


If you have any ideas you would like to share or have any links you think I should look at to get started I would love to hear them.

Thank you,


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Your request seems counterintuitive to me. You're asking an-caps who are disillusioned with politics for political advice. Shouldn't you seek the help of people who actually believe in the power of democracy to create long-lasting positive change?

I got an idea. Maybe try getting a whole bunch of people with signs to stand outside Parliament, chanting for them to let you out of the EU.

Another idea: stage a draw Muhammad day every day. Keep getting more and more provocative with your drawings until the Muslims can't help but lash out in violent protest. There are 3 possible outcomes:

1. If your fellow citizens blame the artists for the violence instead of the Muslims, you know you can give up politics because the British no longer value freedom over speech over diversity.

2. If your fellow citizens stand by your art, the violence enacted by the Muslims will create a unified hatred for Muslims. This will make it easier to kick the Muslims out.

3. If the Muslims never become violent, no matter how provocative your Muhammad art is, then it means Muslims have successfully integrated into British culture, and you are a bigot for wanting to kick them out.


For stage 1 of the draw Muhammad activity, you and your UKIP buddies could print T-shirts with a human figure and text on it saying "the prophet Muhammad." The figure can be as un-detailed as a stick figure or it could be Disney's Alladin. Doesn't really matter. Just walk around London and see what happens. I'd say wear helmets and armor, but that might look cringy. A Kevlar vest under the T-shirts couldn't hurt though.

Stage 2: If no attacks take place after a month of wearing Muhammad shirts, then you and your UKIP buddies cosplay as Muhammad for a month.

Stage 3: If still no attacks take place, stage a Muhammad parade with giant Muhammad balloons and floats. That's bound to get attacked.


If the police stop your activities, then you have no free speech. Is peaceful political activism against the status quo possible without free speech? I argue no. Therefore, if the police stop you, you can give up on politics while saying "At least I tried."

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