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'The Strangest Abortion Related Story That You've Ever Heard'

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Pregnancy decimates a female's sexual market value, which is why in a sexually immoral but democratic society both killing yet born babies and forced resource transfer has become a legal right for women. The traditional solution is 'enforced monogamy', otherwise known as marriage, which is less evident now that the institution has become a toy. The concept may be difficult for persons who are sexually addicted or have only ever seen such addiction in the opposite sex. Accordingly, societies that exploit male/female unconditioned response to sexual stimuli are unstable; clothing for instance is a civilisation universal, as are precepts against the normalisation of prostitution/promiscuity.

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The best way to turn on this is for MGTOW (or at least identify the bad women and leave them out to dry), but at the same time we gotta keep our eyes on the prize with the migration thing. We have incentives for population control of the traditional population (whites and blacks, via abortion), while we have also incentives in population growth among immigrants (via importing). It reminds me of The Dark Knight where a choice must be made between Dent and his girlfriend, except this isn't a movie, and the consequences are real, and it's more loose-loose in the long term rather than win-loose: we solve the woman problem and end up with a black-white minority, but if you don't solve the problem, you have a bunch of white and black children growing up with only lefty mothers raising them. We kinda can't win on this. But, then again, the immigrants will take the women we don't want, just like the jobs that we supposedly don't want.

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