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George Sorros is a Front for the CIA


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It’s difficult to navigate the labyrinth of world politics so for those who are interested this might help place a few more pieces of that jigsaw in place. I knew politics was a dirty business but I still found myself profoundly shocked (toughen up you cuck!).

Look up the National Endowment for Democracy a NGO created by the US government and listen to F. William Engdhal on YT, particularly ‘The Rape of Russia’. It explains how Sorros made the bulk of his wealth laundering money with the blessing of the CIA.

Sorros is wealthy but I couldn’t reconcile how even he could finance so many subversive projects. It’s a lot easier to understand once you know he is just a tool of the Neocons/Deep State, good old US tax dollars at work undermining your own democracy. Surprisingly Donald Trump has proposed cutting the endowment's funding by 2/3, good luck with that one but I applaud the attempt. 

Just for balance, the clear success of hiding behind the facade of NGOs didn’t go unnoticed. It was jumped on by the EU and European governments in their quest to extinguish European identities hence the migrant ferries operated by NGOs. The peoples of Europe financing their own replacement, I tried to laugh but I couldn’t quite make it.

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