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Tommy Robinson jailed in the UK.


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I'm three figures in the red and will have to borrow money to buy food, so will not be able to protest anything up in London.

I think we in the UK have reached the point of no return. Current 'facts'. (Although these are not easy to come by since Breitbart has had to remove their reporting on Tommy due presumably to police threats). Is that Tommy was arrested and convicted for 13 months in jail within six hours... And that the judge acknowledged the Muslims in jail will probably kill him.

I'm starting to wish I'd met him since he'll probably be dead soon.

I imagine Stefan will cover this. I was shadowbanned on twitter from talking about it and have no outlet to talk about this. Like Lauren Southern I feel a sense of powerlessness about it. Obviously I'm not feeling all too good about this. Although perhaps I can make some music on it as the only way to outlet on it. After seeing some of the nasty things from the left had the idea for a kind of 'mafia wife' type of song.

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19 minutes ago, J.L.W said:

I'm three figures in the red and will have to borrow money to buy food, so will not be able to protest anything up in London.

I think we in the UK have reached the point of no return. Current 'facts'. (Although these are not easy to come by since Breitbart has had to remove their reporting on Tommy due presumably to police threats). Is that Tommy was arrested and convicted for 13 months in jail within six hours... And that the judge acknowledged the Muslims in jail will probably kill him.

I'm starting to wish I'd met him since he'll probably be dead soon.

I imagine Stefan will cover this. I was shadowbanned on twitter from talking about it and have no outlet to talk about this. Like Lauren Southern I feel a sense of powerlessness about it. Obviously I'm not feeling all too good about this. Although perhaps I can make some music on it as the only way to outlet on it. After seeing some of the nasty things from the left had the idea for a kind of 'mafia wife' type of song.

I hear you. I really do. :confused:

'separating the chaff from the wheat'

Not good, yet I don't think he'll be hurt.

That... That, would be disastrous. A 'tsunami' type wave would be unleashed and the 'toothpicks' supporting the present state of affairs, barely holding back the massive body of water (already seeking cracks to breach pc dams,) would just flood everything and everyone.

A friendly reminder (Please get your foundations sorted, let others deal with this, you're not much good for yourself 'fighting on two fronts', one is solely dependent on you... I'd only focus on that. I wish you all the best @J.L.W.)

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A recent Raheem tweet: Reporting restrictions limit me from publishing any more about Tommy Robinson's arrest and sentencing. You can read the restriction notice here: -- and it goes to his Patreon.

It's a weird feel. I keep trying to go and do other things and then going back to twitter!

This from Lauren Southern:

This is insanity: Leeds T Robinson Details:Contempt of Court Proceedings - Case adjourned until 12:30 - 12:22 Contempt of Court Proceedings - Case adjourned until 14:00 - 13:12 Contempt of Court Proceedings - Resume - 13:59 Contempt of Court Proceedings - Case Closed - 14:26

LBC, Raheem and Breitbart cannot republish. Normally there is some recourse as to what will happen next to move forward the situation. But there is just nothing. The media is silent, people are impotently raging on twitter. There is a protest tomorrow at 15:00. Amazing. Normally I would expect a Farage like person to come forward and start pressuring the government but the alternative media are not allowed to discuss this!

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Cassandra Fairbanks:

Articles from the Daily Record, Birmingham Live, The Mirror, RT and even Breitbart News were all taken offline in the hours following his detention. @CaolanRob who was present and filmed has deleted his tweets under the reporting restriction. Orwell must be rolling in his grave.

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Cassandra Fairbanks

Articles from the Daily Record, Birmingham Live, The Mirror, RT and even Breitbart News were all taken offline in the hours following his detention. Caolan Roberts who was present and filmed has deleted his tweets under the reporting restriction. Orwell must be rolling in his grave.

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The guy is a hero. Literally had his face smashed in, and he still kept going.

With birth rates being what they are, what's the point in trying to build career, family; either go out right hedonism or try and fix the situation.

Leaflet and build networks perhaps the only way? Otherwise, I think we all know where this leads.

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The beginning of a song I thought I'd share with my comrades here! Obviously that rhyming scheme might not be able to be kept up so the found and allowed might have to be changed.

Oh Rachael

She is standing under a warm grey cloud

She is helping a young boy who's fallen down,

She is a girl that's found

Attends the protests she's allowed

But when Daddy rapes a girl she makes no sound.

A mixture between Dylan and Art Garfunkel.

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In the US, the left had violent protests trying to defend a man who committed a crime and threatened the life of another. In the UK, a man is wrongfully imprisoned. This is not US-UK comparison. I'm just saying that if criminals are going to have violent protests, maybe good people should at least have scary ones. If shutting down streets is OK for criminals, totally legal, etc, why aren't people doing this for Mr. Robinson?

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How does freedom of speech work in the UK? 

In the US, it is the first amendment so I can't see how what Tommy did could lead to a conviction. Was he able to get a competent lawyer? curious how the legal process works, seems terrible atm

If anything happens to Tommy Robinson, I am sure it would spark more than what the statist want, so, I hope that alone makes them make sure nothing happens to him. 


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How does freedom of speech work in the UK? 

It doesn't.

Plenty of times people have revealed the truth, usually nationalists. Only to be attacked by the MSM, State, internal betrayal, 3rd party commentators who pick up on the slander unconsciously. etc

I'm convinced that any come back, would have to be a focus on one nation at a time. France, The UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, S.Africa are all screwed, for the forseeable future.  Although I think Sweden, Norway & Austria. Could be salvaged. I think the best outcome would be balkanisation. Personally I think it's the numbers of people. Europe in the past had way many more countries. How would a small group of pesants in China for instance, going to make any difference, without massive outside interference. With smaller countries a localised effect could be acheived.

Free Tommy!!!! ... Well the state is just going to ignore that. Could try it anyway, but give one instance where it has worked.

Anyone going to match the money, violence and blood ties of the oil sheikhs , paying off people for European conquest, tomorrow the USA. Plenty of billionaires , such as Trump that could. Not saying Trump is bad, I think he's the best thing possibly that has happend to America in terms of trying to do stuff and not just virute signal. But aside from all the virtue signalling cr*p those guys have made their money right? I remember the presentation Stefan did on Cuba, where the communists essentially bought off the general, tasked with defending Cuba. Perhaps similar with the orignal Arabic conquest of Spain. Despite being outnumbered if you kill the king and he has no replacements. Can take them out piecemeal. Local superiority.


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It seems like it's only me in this whole subforum!

I put this thread on Threadapp from someone I follow.



12) Watch specifically the attack methodology of AntiFa.
They use inexperienced agitators.
They run in & toss a crappy punch, rendering it useless as they are backing off before it lands.
Tossers, in reality.

15) Let's return to today's crowd, at the Tommy Robinson demo.
Amongst that crowd were numerous ex-military men, unafraid of lifting their hands, should need arise.
There are many football lads, who will have plenty/some experience in street combat.
16) I saw a number of 'angry' men, the ones easily triggered.
Sometimes these men are the ace card for an agitator.
They become extensions of himself, letting him release a multitude of triggers simultaneously.
These angry men can often be handy, their nature forcing experience.
20) His 'thug' image, whether deserved or not, is there.
He has baggage that will always give his detractors ammunition, but I still feel the guy is trying hard not to promote violence.
There are few who have lived by the street, who haven't some baggage.
I suspect that escalation may be part of what the establishment is trying. Like it might help their aims. They must have known an Orwellian media ban would bring out the internet Western media.
Brings up Stefans philosphies... When is violence relevant etc.
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OK, looks like no one has researched the facts as  his arrest has nothing to do with the freedom of speech 

The guy had a suspended sentence for fraud and also doing something similar a year back of trying to reveal the identities of the accused. 

There is currently a child-abuse sex case ongoing and for the last few days, he has been trying to record and reveal publicly the accused in the case (which he did), who at the time had NOT yet been convicted.

There are laws in place to protect the accused and also to prevent any kind of influence of the Jury. If you disagree, then research "Cliff Richards" and was branded a paedophile by the mainstream, never charged or convicted.

Tommy Robinson who is, in fact, a convicted fraudster is now serving his suspended sentence, he knew exactly what he was doing.

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Because he is being charged "again".

IF there is a Jury trial, then you cant have anything that may influence the decision of the Jury, and any reports of the arrest could affect the jury decision of the ongoing case.

Just watched his hour broadcast, and he revealed the names of the accused and even confronted the accused saying "Do you have you prison bags with you" , " Do you have any remorse what you did". At that time the accused have not yet been convicted.

I was nearly selected as a jury in a high court for a Rape Case, however as the guy was popular in the area the case was held on the other side of the country, they at the end had to re-select the Jury as one of the members knew or had knowledge of the accused.  There were strict controls on reporting, to the point when he got a non-proven verdict there was no media coverage as if the case never happened.

Because of Tommy actions the whole trail/case could fall apart.


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It is up to the courts, but what is important is to allow for a fair trial
As soon as someone is charged, you won't hear about the case (or most cases) in the media until the verdict.

Tommy was warned, and ignored the warning and knew exactly what he was doing.

There was a recent fallout between the UK and the US last year, during the Manchester bombing case when Donald Trump (or someone in the white house) revealed the names of the individual charged. The UK government for several weeks restricted the US access to the UK security/police database.

What is important is when a trial occurs that it is fair as possible.

Tommy, I am sure will also get a fair trial, if he gets a Jury trial.


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@jgw2001 Still seems arbritary/evil to me, one of the papers I heard that reported on the names isn't being charged. I mean the guy could die in prison. unless they isolate him.

After covering up child r.ape and m.urder for so long, I think a lot of people's trust in the authorities and media is non-existant. 

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Are you talking about the police or the courts?

I do have faith in the UK high court system when a jury is involved. 

While the legal system is not perfect, it is all we have, and we need to allow the legal system to work and not undermine it like Tommy has done.

Sorry, but do have faith in the legal system, but it should be noted the police is separate from the courts.

Do I have faith in the police system, well, i would say I have mix views



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1 hour ago, jgw2001 said:

Because he is being charged "again".

IF there is a Jury trial, then you cant have anything that may influence the decision of the Jury, and any reports of the arrest could affect the jury decision of the ongoing case.

The 'accused' have already been declared guilty. He was not influencing the Jury.

His suspended sentence was for three months although he has been arrested for 13. He was arrested for Breach of the Peace although nothing he was doing was breaching the peace. The court case, which was only minutes long and did not allow him to have his own lawyer (.e. due process), quoted 'contempt of court'.

How many times have you seen the media outside other court cases, such as Count Dankula's?

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Yeah I don't have faith in either. With the Sharia courts in the UK, being a challenge not addressed by the current courts. Plus little faith in the police as well. Mostly I wouldn't careless, but being a part of a fairly interconnected society. I find it lame that I could be literally ripped apart by the same society I grew up in and within my own lifetime, more annoyance at how messed up things are. At least with the USA you can sod off to the wilderness somewhere with relative ease 


4 minutes ago, J.L.W said:

The 'accused' have already been declared guilty. He was not influencing the Jury.

His suspended sentence was for three months although he has been arrested for 13. He was arrested for Breach of the Peace although nothing he was doing was breaching the peace. The court case, which was only minutes long and did not allow him to have his own lawyer (.e. due process), quoted 'contempt of court'.

How many times have you seen the media outside other court cases, such as Count Dankula's?

Yeah that would make sense. As Tommy has been doing it for years, I'd imagine he'd be extremely careful.

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No, media restriction was NOT YET lifted, and he was recording the day before.

Regarding media coverage:


Also full discussion on Scottish Libertarians facebook group :


Please remember to read the WHOLE thread.

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"The 'accused' have already been declared guilty. He was not influencing the Jury. "
Few points:
- He recorded the previous day and revealed the identities including those who are currently ON TRAIL
- Media coverage has NOT yet been lifted as other members are still on trial and these cases are indirectly linked.

"His suspended sentence was for three months although he has been arrested for 13"

Also has a suspended sentience for fraud.

"He was arrested for Breach of the Peace although nothing he was doing was breaching the peace."

Yes, that what he was arrested for, and the police always use the "Breach of the Peace" as it can be used for virtually anything

"How many times have you seen the media outside other court cases, such as Count Dankula's?"

Yep, we the Scottish Libertarians was outside the court in Falkirk however this is due to SNP law which we are continuously campaigning against. We blame the government policy not the legal system. It was covered by the local media including BBC Scotland and STV the two main local channels.

Anything else ?

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I have attached the court order regarding the ban of the media coverage.

As clearly stated, coverage is restricted until after two other trails.

Tommy 13 months, is related to this breach and a suspending sentience for two other cases.


court order.png

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Personally I still think he was singled out, the mortgage fraud a technicality. As I said I don't trust the authorities in general after wide spread covering up of child rape and murder for decades. If there is any solution, I think it involves shifting incentives to a local level, narrowing the balance of power. I'm pretty sure the Saudi's tried to buyout Tommy Robinson. After nearly being murdered, the fact that he would be doing any of this for money or attention is beyond belief.

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That is good Richard, however due to Tommy revealing the names of the accused these individuals could get off scot free due to "technicality".

Here is the case reported on Tommy last year:

He was given a  18 months suspended sentience.

 www DOT dailymail DOT co DOT uk/wires/pa/article-4545794/Ex-EDL-leader-Tommy-Robinson-spared-jail-contempt-court.html

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Much as I hate to admit it you may have made a good case here. I do not have the resources to give you an informed opinion at the moment.

So what do I do when I either can't find, or can't confront the facts on something?...

Oh yeah! Stefan Molyneux has a new video!

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