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It's what happens when people don't think, choose not to ask questions and settle for the illusory comfort of mainstream thinking (I have seen it affect the highly intelligent as well, the reason isn't to do with cognitive capabilities. Fully agree therefore with 'People don't have ideas; ideas have people!' )


What's even more effective about propaganda is how it's always designed to circumvent logic/first principles and gain the emotional support first, downplay the seriousness of the despicable content. After which...


The gates are open, so that demons can stroll casually inside, without the guards even being capable seeing them as any resemblance of threat...

If there was more peaceful parenting happening, none of this 'black sut' would prevail, susceptibility would decrease. People who currently think they walked the path of righteousness would at least check if the cobblestones they threaded on resembled skulls. But until more people looked down at their feet, until more people asked 'How do I know, what I claim to know...'

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