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Similarities between Socialism and Judeo-Christian beliefs


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Hahaha... Scroogle can't answer that?!

Would you like to provide your line of thinking, the base on which you've established the validity of your question?


Edited by barn
Had someone told me it wouldn't answer that... 'all - knowing' smile...
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Ideologically? They're polar opposites. Socialism violates all of the 10 Commandments and twice on Sundays. Shall we list them? 

(Copied the bullet points and wording from another site, not sure what denomination they're from nor what translation.)

"You shall have no other gods before Me."

Instead of God and Christ, Socialists have Marx and Engels as well as a litany of local gods based on who pioneered socialism there. Big ones being Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zetong, and Mussolini.

"You shall not make idols."

See above. Socialism is all about the worship of false idols as if they were gods. Kim Il-sung being a big one.

"You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain."

100,000,000 dead in the name of Socialism. So either they were abusing the good name of Socialism, or that is exactly what Socialism is about. Either way they are shameless about citing their ideological founders...

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

Under Stalin (from what I remember at least) Sundays were made into workdays; thus "never-ending work weeks". Modern Socialists, however, are incredibly lazy and do what they can to make their societies even lazier. 

"Honor your father and your mother."

"Your ancestors are bigoted white supremacist cis-gendered transphobic homophobic sexist ((insert -ism here))!!"

Literally preach hate for our ancestors and often, by extension, negligence for our own children and promotion of promiscuity.

"You shall not murder."

Need I cite how quick they are to kill large numbers of people for their ideological supremacy? The 100,000,000 aren't going away. Not to mention promotion of infanticide as if it were simply a "medical procedure".

"You shall not commit adultery."

They literally promote cuckholdry and promiscuity. Massive adultery.
"You shall not steal."

Socialists are all about stealing from good, hard working people in the name of the evil, lazy, and stupid. Welfare is a huge example of this being broken on a regular basis.

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

Socialists lie and falsify so much, so often, and on such great a scale, I'm surprised they can even separate fact from fiction well enough to tie their shoes on, walk with their feet, and yap with their mouths.

"You shall not covet."

See above. Socialism is all about the armed robbery of the superior in the name of the inferior. Rob the good for the bad. Tarnish the beautiful for the ugly. Destroy the monuments of glory in the name of pettiness and spite. 


Conclusion: how could Socialism be any more different than Christianity? If anything Socialism is just the modern word for Satanism. While not all brands of Socialism are the same and equally terrible, none of them are Christian even if they dare to call themselves such.

Edited by Siegfried von Walheim
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With regards to Judaism, see Culture of Critique
Every Protestant sect that is universal will eventually become left. There is a good reason to assume that Puritan Universalism was Communism 2.0. https://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2013/09/technology-communism-and-brown-scare.htmle is a good intro for that line of thinking. The only Christian institutions that seem to be relatively immune are National Orthodox churches.

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Judeo christian is a problem here. I would argue very differently both for and against when going by new testament (Christians) vs old testament (Jews). You do know a large portion of Christians think the old testament is completely irrelevant other than as historical facts. That is why they don't believe almost anything in there and think god is nice and friendly and forgiving and love.

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How about:

1. They are both collectivist in nature (you are not good/moral unless you adhere to OUR tenets)
2. Value altruism over all (sacrifice of Christ vs. sacrifice of individuality)
3. Claim to have an idea of "the greater good" (God's will vs. Marx's will)
4. Dislike of wealthy individuals (Jesus and the rich young man vs. Redistribution)
5. Both condemn murder and at the same time violate that commandment under certain conditions i.e. DONT MURDER unless it is for God or DONT MURDER unless it is for the greater good.

I think Marxism clashes with religion, exactly because they are so similar in nature i.e. can you be a Christian under Socialism vs. can you be a Christian under Capitalism.

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15 hours ago, Aleks said:

How about:

1. They are both collectivist in nature (you are not good/moral unless you adhere to OUR tenets)

Having in common the existence of a belief structure (or the existence of tenets) is reaching to say the least. 

15 hours ago, Aleks said:

2. Value altruism over all (sacrifice of Christ vs. sacrifice of individuality)

Wanting to emulate the bold badass who stood for something great is not the same as conforming into a workerbee. 

15 hours ago, Aleks said:

3. Claim to have an idea of "the greater good" (God's will vs. Marx's will)

Literally every belief set has this in common (well, literally every belief set with morality as a desired end). And I'd argue the "greater good" of Socialism is subjective because "muh morality is subjective".

15 hours ago, Aleks said:

4. Dislike of wealthy individuals (Jesus and the rich young man vs. Redistribution)

Saying it's harder for a man of means to prove himself moral and resist temptation because he has it easier is far from the same thing as being jelly and wanting to loot his corpse. 

15 hours ago, Aleks said:

5. Both condemn murder and at the same time violate that commandment under certain conditions i.e. DONT MURDER unless it is for God or DONT MURDER unless it is for the greater good.

Technically neither would be considered murder under their belief systems. Since murder=Immoral Killing, all killing that is sanctioned is not immoral. Like self-defense as an easy example. 

And it actually is a violation of "do not take the Lord's name in vain" to use God's name as a justification for murder, btw...

15 hours ago, Aleks said:

I think Marxism clashes with religion, exactly because they are so similar in nature i.e. can you be a Christian under Socialism vs. can you be a Christian under Capitalism.


I did not realize consent and rape could be so similar. They both involve two human adults, body parts, and fluids so naturally they must clash. Not because one is consent and the other is rape, but because they both involve bodies...

...Do you get my point? 

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There is an objective moral system, seek that truth if you don’t already have it. That isn’t collectivism.

altruism, How very Ayn Rand an opinion.

so is UPB a system, systems are necessary, while I’m no fan of government intrusion/force, socially agreed upon systems allow people to work together and reduce conflict.

While I won’t deny Jesus’ obvious dubiousness towards wealth (also wealth back then was often created by force) he might be the greatest advocate of wealthy ethical entrepreneurs operating in a capitalist system, were he rational. THAT said, Judaism has no such aversion to wealth.

Murder and killing isn’t the same thing. Murder is the illegal causing of death in a human. Killing in self defense or the defense of another, is a virtuous act. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 6/1/2018 at 11:37 PM, Aleks said:

What are the most prominent similarities between those two ideologies ?

Three.  Judaic is very different from Christian.

Socialism and Judaism can go hand in hand due to the doctrine of tikkun olam.

Christianity is a religion concerning personal choice and morality and is thus entirely antithetical to the oxymoron called "forced charity".

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