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Stef doing Business?

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Stef talks a lot about being in the role of a business executive for a software company which he co-founded, but from what I've gathered, he's never discussed what it took him to do that role. He's never talked about how he built the business, how he performed, his contributions/achievements, work/life balance, routine, etc... that I'm aware of. If any of you know of a video where he has said these things, it would be fantastic if you post a link to it below.

That being said, if nobody knows of such a video, is there some reason as to why he hasn't mentioned these things? I'm sure, as with most people, Stef likes to talk about himself and I think he wants westerners to do well at business, so then why would he with-hold such information? If anyone knows or has heard anything about this then please share below :happy: 

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Doing business? or looking for shortcuts?

In a few of his videos he mentioned doing progamming from a fairly early age, being given leave by one of the his tutors to do so. I remember him mentioning a manager teaching him something about business and attitude, pretty vague. I'd imagine if you put in the hours you'd eventually become competent at something, if not necessarily a genius, of course factoring in genetics as well.

Personally thought in some of his earlier videos he sounded a bit like a double glazing salesman.

I'd imagine being extroverted would be a huge asset in terms of doing businesss. Due to the fact extroverts tend to be more motivated to seek stimulus.

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Hi @Spladam

Maybe you could listen to more podcasts.

For starters.

Alternatively, ...if you wrote a good enough summary of your questions and tried getting on the show... what if you sent an email to @operations ?

p.s (If you decided to write in, think about the 'what value would your proposed questions and a convo based around it represent to the listenership' ... perhaps that would help your ask gain more importance. Me thinks.)

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I share a similar background to Steph and I would be glad to tell you whatever you want to know.

I took a risky job at a startup I found by networking and handshaking for the position. I took on as much responsibility as possible such that as we grew into a normal sized and organized company I had a much higher position that I ever could have applied for. I was exposed to web development and self taught myself programming in conjunction with the position so that I could be even more valuable at the company. After 2 years of learning to code, I wrote a bunch of software on my own and sold it for under $1mm to a large top tech company that you've definitely heard about before. Then I took 100% of that money and invested it in real estate. I then took 100% of all the income from that real estate and bought more real estate. I then took 100% of all that income and bought more real estate. ... and continues.

I worked about 60-80hrs per week to get and maintain my top role at that first business, which I worked at for about 5 years and included occasionally sleeping at the office, and the same amount of hours while writing my software. I now work about 10 hours per week managing my investments.

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