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The left is preparing for Tommy Robinson's death


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I decided to google "Tommy Robinson" to see what's going on. As of posting this, the article linked is reported to have been posted "20 hours ago" according to google (the article timestamp doesn't disagree). Meanwhile, reading the article, we see them trying to paint "the right" as the people of the victim culture narrative. We all know that Tommy has been moved to a prison that would not be good for Tommy's health (what's the official reason why, anyway?). Perhaps we should call this all out before it happens.

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Not good for Tommy'y health. He could be murd ered in any number of ways, and I reckon they can get away with it. Speaking truth to power is worse than useless. Truth to others perhaps discomforting, but potentially amusing. Perhaps what matters is what connections you can form with people, if you can. Like the Trump & Hilary election anyone that supports mass murd er and rap e is evil, those that oppose it are good. Sounds cartoonish even. Not denying however that there's not necessarily a darker element to a persons personality that wants carnage. Tend to have a sardonic or black humour.

As I said ages a go I think military takeover or bust, but in the realms of fantasy almost. Anything else is going to be long and bloody imo. Not that the miltary could work out worse.

Still anyone who supports Tommy is a small hero. 6 or 7 police officers to arrest one guy.. Could have sent 1 or 2, blatentcy of the act. 

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