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Tooty ta


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I brought my kid to a state sponsored preschool event today. So we were doing paper crafts and singing silly songs. Then comes this song "tooty ta" which tells kids to put their bums in the air,knees together, close their eyes, stick out their tongue and turn around. I am all for joining in for most of these songs and silly dances but this song I did not do, I thought it was fun until it got to the "bottom up" part.  This song is unnecessary and degrading. I mean I felt that way and youtube comments on a video for the song seemed to lean that way. The song seems like it is very popular with preschool and kindergarten classes. It almost seems like grooming, I am probably over reacting but I wanted to hear other opinions on it.   Looking silly for fun doesn't bother me but looking like someone bound your body and having your eyes closed, doesn't seem right. 

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Yeah, sounds very groomy to me. As far as I know, actual groomers do crap like this to "ease in" the crap they actually plan on doing. So you really ought to keep your kids out of those "dances", ones like that reek of preparation for either rape or long-term promiscuity. 

I mean, what you described sounds like the motions of someone being... Well, you know.

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I can't tell if you are being serious, I feel like I overreacted with the grooming thing. Obviously this song isn't sexual but it just doesn't sit right with me.

We are not going to take him any more of these public school things though, he doesn't benefit from them more than normal playground time anyway. 

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Yeah this is what disturbs me about the book "Brave New World".  More than "1984". Listening to songs with overt themes is one thing. "Puff the Maigc Dragon","Nelly the elephant" "the frog song" for example vs songs with "no themes", that lead to conscious or unconscious speculation. What's the motive? Anyone can throw together some cr*p, but who decides who publishes it? Are they people you trust. How does a person or child structure their world?

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4 hours ago, AMR said:


I can't tell if you are being serious, I feel like I overreacted with the grooming thing. Obviously this song isn't sexual but it just doesn't sit right with me.

We are not going to take him any more of these public school things though, he doesn't benefit from them more than normal playground time anyway. 

I would never joke or be sarcastic about such a serious issue. It's definitely possible we're overreacting, but it's also very likely we're not and with children I'd rather be safe than sorry. Besides: given culture of the government, media, and Pedowood, it would not surprise me if it was either deliberately sexualized or the maker is just crazy enough to be desensitized to the idea of sexualization. 

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