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[Podcast] 4120 My Father Isn’t My Father - Call In Show - June 13th, 2018

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Question 1: [2:14] – “I am 36 years old, yet just this past year I have discovered (through a DNA test on 23 and Me) that my father is not actually my biological father and that my real father was a student and anonymous sperm donor at a medical university—where I was conceived. My brother was also revealed to be a half-brother. I had underlying suspicions for years to which my parents had always mislead me—and when the DNA results were finally revealed their response was ‘DNA was not really known in 1982 and had we known this would ever be found out we would not have lied.’ My question is whether or not you consider the practice of donor conception to be morally viable? And whether or not lying to children about who their bio father is—is akin to child abuse?”

Question 2: [46:00] – “In the fall of Bill Cosby episode, Stef talks about women needing to take greater caution when interacting with men. He equates a woman accepting an older man’s invitation to accompany him to private quarters with leaving a Rolex on a park bench in downtown New York. My interpretation of his argument was that because women are more vulnerable to predation than men, they should limit their freedom more in order to avoid being confronted by evil in our society. Vulnerability is not only an invitation for evil but also an opportunity for others to act with moral integrity. The right to freedom from the initiation of coercion and freedom of movement for women and other vulnerable citizens of a nation, whose constitution is based upon those principals, are promised defense against those who violate the constitution. It is through defending our freedom that we protect it from being destroyed by those who wish to enslave us. How much more of our individual freedom are we expected to sacrifice in order to escape the evils society claims to defend its citizens against?”

Question 3: [2:22:37] – “I'm either somebody who's being enslaved or somebody who signed the dotted line and needs to get over my regrets. The difference between that decides whether I need to chase my own dreams, verses learn to be happy with the options I have. Thus, the reasoning behind that Right to Pursue Happiness becomes the fine line from which I can gain critical introspection which I need to move on to my next career. My undergraduate degree is in Math. Everyone knows that 1 x 1 = 1, but *proving* it by the underlying definitions wasn't something I did until Senior level coursework. Thus, I figure coming up with proof for basic things that most people accept as axioms is best left to specialists. Thus, I'm calling a philosopher to prove why freedom is a right.”

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