PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 Check out this major new work by an anonymous Canadian philosopher; a highly insightful critique of Western Civilization: https://www.scribd.com/document/381862525/Canadian-Manifesto#download
barn Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 Please describe the value of the 'what's innit', me doing that would net me what?
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 I will post quotes from it over the next week or so, so hopefully you can decide for yourself. 'The state-run education system in the West is completely hijacked by the powers that be, so as to deploy and maintain the George Soros narrative, and it is especially fair to say this when you consider all of the money Soros pours into these universities around the world, directly or indirectly, as well as events like pride parades and women's marches and political activist groups like black lives matter. Identity politics are used as a tool to lower the quality of education – one of the main ways in which this is happening is by replacing academic activity with propaganda battles that generate more heat than light, and this subversion of Western academia also diverts a lot of attention from the public, leaving the power structure free to pursue its own agenda, centered on maximization of wealth and power for the globalist finance capitalists. Propaganda is deployed through all of the media, which the power group controls, to make it seem that all of these artificially implemented sicknesses and corruptions are coming about through a grassroots origin, or at the very least are being embraced by ordinary people, especially those who are high-minded and "progressive", and causing them to flourish. Meanwhile, teachings of LGBTQ+ curriculum and "white privilege" have been introduced into the public school system, and are being pushed towards the earliest grades of elementary school.'
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 'In a physics class, where the goal is to learn how the physical world operates, it would obviously raise suspicion, if the class began by laying out a myriad of alternative theoretical frameworks, each with their own disadvantages and limitations, that are saturated with ideology, through which to engage with the physical world, rather than by simply applying logic to the evidence. The humanities, and social sciences in particular, all take this approach, however, when it comes to "teaching” about matters of political significance. '
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 'Social theorists, political analysts, and historians who are brave enough to attempt to be objective in taking into consideration the notable Jewish element of the powers that be (eg. The cryptoZionism of the neocons in the American deep state) often present many facts concerning Jewish influence and reactions to it, but sadly only end up obfuscating what was and is actually going on, sometimes even producing antisemitic narratives. Major Jewish capitalists have always used Jewish identity to get other Jews to act on their behalf, and this is why enemies of Jewish cognitive elites, who deploy Zionist ideology in Jewish society, have always acted against Jews in general, not just the individual Jews who were responsible, throughout all of history. During the feudal age, the attitude towards territory was the same as what the attitude of capitalists is towards capital today, but eventually the highly influential Rothschild bank family, who support Zionism, came to the realization that the annoying residual geopolitical tensions from the feudal age that exist between nations didn't have to be taken for granted, if nations could be subverted and/or dissolved. It is a complex situation: on the one hand, one should not tar every Jew with the same brush, but on the other hand, one should not overlook the role of Jewish identity in the schemes of major Jewish capitalists. The global ambitions of the major capitalists in the world today involve a pathological obsession with maximization of power and wealth, and they ultimately want to dominate the entire "free" world at any cost. To best understand how they are covertly yet effectively accomplishing these goals, one needs to take into account the dominance of Jewish capitalists in particular, who use Jewish identity as a tool, and trace the tactics that they use, noting the obstacles which have emerged, and the responses to them. '
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 'Since the nineteenth century, “western” countries have been controlled by lining people up into different political camps by means of elections, and to make the elections seem meaningful it is necessary to line people up behind “rival” politicians, who in fact are all agents of the major globalist capitalists. To accomplish this requires the creation of a great deal of misleading propaganda and polarisation of opinion. Thus some people will be pro-welfare, proabortion, etc. and some will be anti-welfare, anti-abortion, etc. But, this only lines people up behind politicians who are agents and puppets of the elite members of the power structure, who have their own strategically considered policies on these issues, which they will require the politicians to implement. In the states over which they exercise control, they will want a welfare system, to prevent their victims from becoming violent, and, under current conditions, they will want a moderate abortion policy, because either extreme would create unrest, and so on. '
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 'With Trump coming to power in the US through campaigning with an often anti-globalist or nationalistic "America First" narrative, we can only deduce that the dominant power structure has noticed that it has run into some snags in its quest to control the entire world via subversion of Western nation-states and globalization, and needs a new plan for dealing with closed off and self-sufficient nations like Russia and China. The elite finance capitalists must feel very conflicted, because, on the one hand, they wish to continue to degenerate the West with subversive ideology, but on the other hand they realize that the only way to complete their ultimate goal of global domination is probably through implementation of major worldwide military conquest, for which they would depend on the West, and need it to be stronger than it is now, especially since Putin's recent demonstration that neither the US nor Israel itself any longer have first-strike capability. The fact that Trump has not been impeached or assassinated is very significant, as is the relationship between these two powers, US and Israel, and the fact that Israel is very militant about maintaining its status as a fortified Jewish ethno-state with ruthless border control. Jews in Israel, as well as the wider population of Jews in the west, are being exploited by the identity politics pushed by the Zionist elites.'
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 (I'll see if I can sum up some of its insights and conclusions more briefly for you too once I've -reread it, if that's what you're after.)
RichardY Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 Ok so let's say I believe there is an all encompassing Zionist conspiracy to takeover the world. What are you supposed to do exactly?
barn Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 Good gracious_ all right, all right (!!!) you want to burry me under a 'heap-load' of quotes or make it rather digestible... and no, I don't mind reading long-winded stuff, nor your content as I had mentioned before (in another thread). Although I don't know what if I will be able to positively/meaningfully contribute. On 6/15/2018 at 9:54 PM, PillPuppetPoet said: (I'll see if I can sum up some of its insights and conclusions more briefly for you too once I've -reread it, if that's what you're after.) Expand Would you do it if I (couldn't) didn't guarantee that I was going to be interested afterwards? Do you think it was beneficial for others too? Do you think you could do a good enough job without taking the immense task of re-reading the whole thing, again?
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 On 6/15/2018 at 9:54 PM, RichardY said: Ok so let's say I believe there is an all encompassing Zionist conspiracy to takeover the world. What are you supposed to do exactly? Expand I really don't have an answer to that, but my personal recommendation would be to marry a Jew and convert!
barn Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 On 6/15/2018 at 10:15 PM, PillPuppetPoet said: I really don't have an answer to do that, but my personal recommendation would be to marry a Jew and convert! Expand 1
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 On 6/15/2018 at 10:11 PM, barn said: Good gracious_ all right, all right (!!!) you want to burry me under a 'heap-load' of quotes or make it rather digestible... and no, I don't mind reading long-winded stuff, nor your content as I had mentioned before (in another thread). Although I don't know what if I will be able to positively/meaningfully contribute. Would you do it if I (couldn't) didn't guarantee that I was going to be interested afterwards? Do you think it was beneficial for others too? Do you think you could do a good enough job without taking the immense task of re-reading the whole thing, again? Expand Its O.K., I'm going to re-read it anyway. And yes, of course, its up to you if you are interested or not. It may not be for everyone. You may well have better uses of your time, in fact I admit I have some connection with the author who has personally tasked me to broadcast the work. It does have quite a lot of interesting insights and arguments though, particularly the chapters on education and religion. I don't personally agree with all its conclusions.
RichardY Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 On 6/15/2018 at 10:15 PM, PillPuppetPoet said: I really don't have an answer to do that, but my personal recommendation would be to marry a Jew and convert! Expand Ok then, problem resolved.
barn Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 On 6/15/2018 at 10:21 PM, PillPuppetPoet said: Its O.K., I'm going to re-read it anyway. And yes, of course, its up to you if you are interested or not. It may not be for everyone. You may well have better uses of your time, in fact I admit I have some connection with the author who has personally tasked me to broadcast the work. It does have quite a lot of interesting insights and arguments though, particularly the chapters on education and religion. Expand That looks like an honest response to me! Thank you @PillPuppetPoet, nice one ! p. s. (I read the preface, " In all likelihood, the philosophical work provided in this document [...] "
ofd Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 Quote In a physics class, where the goal is to learn how the physical world operates, it would obviously raise suspicion, if the class began by laying out a myriad of alternative theoretical frameworks, each with their own disadvantages and limitations, that are saturated with ideology, through which to engage with the physical world, rather than by simply applying logic to the evidence. Expand What you describe (minus the ideology part) is how science works. You make observations, develop theories, pick one that is parsimonious and falsifiable. If another theory can explain more observations, is more stringent / more parsimonious you pick it, instead of the old one. Simply applying logic to 'evidence' (I think you mean observations) doesn't work for a simple reason. There are multiple theories to pick from. Seeing the sun rise and then fall again may lead to two different theories: the sun wanders around the earth or the earth wanders around the sun. Applying logic to that doesn't help you, unless you have additional evidence (parallaxes of stars) than finally kill the other theory.
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 Thank you for your time @barn. If you still have any interest, you'll be able to see some more of the highlights on this thread soon.
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 15, 2018 Author Posted June 15, 2018 On 6/15/2018 at 10:32 PM, ofd said: What you describe (minus the ideology part) is how science works. You make observations, develop theories, pick one that is parsimonious and falsifiable. If another theory can explain more observations, is more stringent / more parsimonious you pick it, instead of the old one. Simply applying logic to 'evidence' (I think you mean observations) doesn't work for a simple reason. There are multiple theories to pick from. Seeing the sun rise and then fall again may lead to two different theories: the sun wanders around the earth or the earth wanders around the sun. Applying logic to that doesn't help you, unless you have additional evidence (parallaxes of stars) than finally kill the other theory. Expand I take your point that even in the physical sciences, there is sometimes room for multiple theories. I would tend to agree the author of this article seems a bit over-optimistic in that regard. But how does that explain the author's observation of the discrepancy between hard science and social science ? Isn't it likely that the over-abundance of competing, heavily ideological theories is partly due to ideological bias, obfuscation, and divide and rule tactics ? Isn't it lamentable that Professors can't just look honestly at the data and give a reasonable account of it, rather like Mr. Molyneux does in his videos?
ofd Posted June 17, 2018 Posted June 17, 2018 Quote But how does that explain the author's observation of the discrepancy between hard science and social science ? Expand That's pretty easy. Humanities like say history don't have a method to test their hypotheses. Any interpretation interprets facts and basically any explanation of the same facts is good as another one. In science, you can repeat experiments over and over, change parameters and wha thot. That's not possible for humanities which is why they are a bunch of just so stories, even without ideology.
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 30, 2018 Author Posted June 30, 2018 On 6/17/2018 at 7:05 PM, ofd said: That's pretty easy. Humanities like say history don't have a method to test their hypotheses. Any interpretation interprets facts and basically any explanation of the same facts is good as another one. In science, you can repeat experiments over and over, change parameters and wha thot. That's not possible for humanities which is why they are a bunch of just so stories, even without ideology. Expand Ah, good point. Still, they could just stick closer to the data itself or deal with it honestly like Stefan does. I would still argue there's a lot of deliberate, politically motivated obfuscation despite such arguments, but, as I say, you make a great point!
PillPuppetPoet Posted June 30, 2018 Author Posted June 30, 2018 Sorry I haven't come back to this yet, if anyone is still interested in this I do intend to get to it eventually. Having said that, I did find the conclusion to this work rather disturbing when I read it, which put me off somewhat promoting it further. Also I don't believe the conspiracy element is well-enough supported by references, facts, etc., (which, however, isn't to say it can't be true).
barn Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 On 6/30/2018 at 1:26 AM, PillPuppetPoet said: Sorry I haven't come back to this yet, if anyone is still interested in this I do intend to get to it eventually. Having said that, I did find the conclusion to this work rather disturbing when I read it, which put me off somewhat promoting it further. Also I don't believe the conspiracy element is well-enough supported by references, facts, etc., (which, however, isn't to say it can't be true). Expand No worries, appreciate the update. On the whole, do what comes natural to you. (I would) Also, given that something similar happened to me (absorbing, mulling over), I believe I perfectly understand what you mean.
ofd Posted June 30, 2018 Posted June 30, 2018 Quote Still, they could just stick closer to the data itself or deal with it honestly like Stefan does. Expand It doesn't matter how close you stick to the data or how honest you are. Until you can create new data with experiments at will, interpretations are a just so story because you cannot test hyptheses against each other.
Motes Posted August 5, 2018 Posted August 5, 2018 On 6/15/2018 at 9:54 PM, RichardY said: Ok so let's say I believe there is an all encompassing Zionist conspiracy to takeover the world. What are you supposed to do exactly? Expand The world cannot be controlled by one group, they will inevitably purity spiral and kills us all if we do not go through any lengths to reject their tyranny. Step 1, should be retract all financial engagements with them, including relenting to work for income as to need their currency to pay taxes. That is pretty much why no one can "see" the problem, everyone with an IQ over 130 can see it, but doing something about it requires a heroism dwindling by design, it requires speaking the truth and making enemies and facing death, only the most abstemious and virtuous could fathom.
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