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On 7/17/2018 at 12:35 AM, Jsbrads said:

The government is notoriously bad at keeping secrets. Terrorists have struck all over the world. This was the second attempt on the WTC. There is no reason to doubt the dominant narrative.

The government is only notoriously bad at keeping the secrets which are revealed. Otherwise, they remain secrets. There is also no reason to accept the dominant narrative, especially if you watched all the videos. No one should be socially obligated to accept a particular narrative at face value.

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It would help the cause of the truthers if they came up with one narrative. So far, we have the following explanations: mini nukes, thermite, normal tnt, laser beams from outer space, nano thermite and a few others. Which of those is it?

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12 hours ago, ofd said:

It would help the cause of the truthers if they came up with one narrative. So far, we have the following explanations: mini nukes, thermite, normal tnt, laser beams from outer space, nano thermite and a few others. Which of those is it?

I've heard before that the most plausible explanation is usually the one with the least assumptions.

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I rarely encounter anyone that knows the first thing about the dominant narrative, much less why they believe it.  My experience with those who have not taken (and likely never will take) the time to deconstruct the official narrative have a worldview that can be characterized thusly:

I trust authority.

Media (TV news, newspapers, magazines, any part of the 6 conglomerate mega-source that delivers all of the perception management narrative - let's throw in government institutions and academia for good measure) is an authoritative source of factual information.

Therefore I believe the narrative presented by the media.

Ironically, these same people may also poke fun at those with religious beliefs.

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Hi @pretzelogik

So, as of the 'completeness sake', independent of the op.; I'm curious as to what your initial thoughts were on...

a.  Tuskegee syphilis experiment

b.  Tampa Bay - Whooping cough virus release from boats and maaany others...








... at what point do you think about converting 'official communique' to equal of 'armpit talk'... not really an extreme but lacking credibility due to the track-record... daunting stuff really. I wish it was different. (You most likely are familiar with the 'If wishes were horses...')

were they reported factually at the time?

were they reported a decade later, factually?

were they described in their full extent, EVER?

were they discontinued with a pledge and reassurance as to not be possible to redo, adequate consequences would follow?


... I'm convinced that it isn't a certainty. Right?! With the interconnected telecommunications and proximity to easy access tech gadgets... verifying a claim isn't as hard as it was 40 years ago.

Maybe less meddling, more sophistication now-a-days, it's rather fashionable to use microwaves and 'low-frequency saturation' but I digress...

My two cents, sure keep a check on what the MSM is allowed to say but do your own research separate.


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On 7/25/2018 at 8:02 AM, Jsbrads said:

If your argument is that I should ignore thousands of people who have a coherent story

Only thousands?... Childs play... I ignore billions of people every day who all have coherent stories.

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On 7/25/2018 at 1:02 AM, Jsbrads said:

If your argument is that I should ignore thousands of people who have a coherent story, but trust a few individuals who have no coherent story or I love authoritay!

im good

Mr. Bond seems to have thousands of followers and a coherent narrative.


(DIsclaimer: No Jews were systemically exterminated in ovens during the making of this satire or WWII.)

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