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Hi thinkers and alike,

So to continue with the title's ask...

... Or is it not, due to some of us, sometimes out of some choices a mixture of linear and something else?

° When I exert force on an object, it displaces and won't move back, I have changed the material reality of it in one direction, in time too and will be there where I left it.

° When I encounter with a situation that I'm unable to 'put it, in its right place', unable to process its emotional charge, that conundrum in my mind will exist until it gets resolved/understood/processed in me... I won't be able to move past it... seemingly I am 'stuck in that loop' until the time came.

Isn't it possible that the human mind though it's part of the body, exists in non-linear time, defined solely by the individual's decisions, willed curiosity?

time complexity / ->linear time<-



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Is human existence linear?

Its not clear what this means



I have changed the material reality of it in one direction

What does this mean?



Isn't it possible that the human mind though it's part of the body, exists in non-linear time, defined solely by the individual's decisions, willed curiosity?


I dont know what it means to "exist in non-linear time". Linear time, as in the webpage you linked to, is a measure of the time taken to complete a task. a computer program doesnt "exist in linear time", whatever that means. I think you are confusing two different concepts, "existing in time" and "the time taken to do a task". The fact that you think about things for a long ( or short) time, does not mean that you somehow exist "outside of time", or that time is wibbly wobbly for humans, rather than a progression from one moment to the next, or whatever it is you are trying to say.


Of course, I may have totally misunderstood what you are trying to say, you havent made it very clear.


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On 06/25/2018 at 9:27 PM, RichardY said:

Sounds like that Star Trek Episode Time Squared where there's the "negative(past)" and "positive(future)" Picard.

Hawk-eyes... Good extended memory 'device' you keep around!

Well, partly + the proposed op & the existence of the wide variety of cognitive biases, 'simon the boxer' being one of them (not all, naturally).

Any thoughts on the op?

p. s. (Seems, you might want to rewatch "Emissary". As a supplementary, you should see my meaning better...)

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The observable universe seems to run one direction in time linearly. Entropy would seem to block time reversal.

While some mathematical formulas would allow a reversal of time in theory, nonlinear time has not been discovered yet.

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If human existence wasn't a mixture of linear time and 'bogged down-ness', we wouldn't be able to observe near identical patterns neither in the family unit, nor the extended ; the cultural realm and its even greater extension ; in society.

('who benefits' -> lie ->&/manipulation ->resistance <-force , propaganda ->prevention of 'free consideration'-> indoctrination 'en masse'->who benefits = same as with puberty and the challenge to authority, when it's met with force, rather than reason&evidence, superior arguments)

We should see a greater devotion to discarding the 'loop', the 'dead end' in the here&now (I don't see it, do you?) and there should have been a near global abandonment of forceful interactions, be it for resources or for a set of beliefs that never contributed to more than the sustainment of a 'tribe' or a lineage a few thousands years ago. (being generous)

No. Human existence might be physically linear but our history and our capacity definitely does not work within linear terms. (I'm not arguing it's worth, nor the implications just the 'mechanics')

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It doesnt follow that, because we can observe near identical patterns in the family unit, the cultural realm, and society, that human existence is a mixture of linear time and "bogged down ness".


You would have to logically show how you get from 

P) We observe near identical patterns in the family unit, the cultural realm, and society


therefore C) human existence is a mixture of linear time and "bogged down ness".


You would also have to define "bogged down ness".

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  • 2 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, Person of Interest said:

The answer to your question depends on your definition of "time". 

'Good catch'!

Yes. I too think it does. (Eventhough, I could have asserted it with multiple erroneous 'if/then'-s.)

24 minutes ago, Person of Interest said:

Time can only be described as a perception, and since we only experience the passage of time in one direction and at a locally constant rate, we aren't able to know if one's consciousness exists within or outside of the flow of time.

Would you say 'living down in memory lane' is part of linearity?

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