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[Podcast] 4129 Syrian Migrant Against Syrian Migration - Call In Show - June 20th, 2018

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Question 1: [2:11] - “I'm originally Syrian and currently German. I came to Germany in 2008. I did my master’s in physics, I did then my PhD in particle and atomic physics, and then a did post-doctoral period in physics, and then decided to become a software developer professionally. I've been developing software since my masters. I've been doing software development professionally for over a year. Now basically the question I'd like to discuss with is: Where the hell am I going to go?”

“To put this question in context, I'm a workaholic. Besides my day job as a developer in the space industry, I have 3 other jobs, which is freelance work as a crypto developer, and my own personal project of a cryptocurrency exchange, and finally consultancy work for the university, since I built a communication platform they use for some experiment. And with all this, I trade cryptocurrency, so I made even more and more money... but... I'm going to pay half of it as taxes!”

“As you can imagine, someone who works this much wouldn't be happy with 45% taken off his paycheck. My fault and sin is that I make so much money because I work hard. And instead of buying a big house for my family after living for years in apartments that range in size from 25 to 57 square meters, I have to pay taxes for those ‘refugees’ that live in 120-meter apartments and sleep every day until noon and don't even learn the language of the country. I'm talking from what I saw and what my wife saw with our naked eyes. And yet, those people complain and are not happy with everything they're getting for free, while I tear myself 16 hours a day working... and let's not forget the sexual harassment my wife started receiving since the migrant crisis.”

“And it's not getting any better! Although the dominant right-wing part in Germany got highly voted in the last elections, it still isn't enough. The vote results are like 17% or something. And to be clear about my culture, I and my wife are ex-Muslims. Currently I'm a flaming atheist, the kind that had debates with people and argues using quantum mechanics and quantum field theory why this universe probably doesn't have a creator. So after all this, I'm thinking of leaving... this country is going down and is continuously taking a cut of my children's money... where the hell will I go? All western countries have gone crazy with leftism, and I don't see a way out! Should I just stay in Germany and shut up and outlive this crisis? How should we deal with this?”

Question 2: [1:39:35] - “I always hear Stefan urge people to have kids when they’re young. Please explain how this is possible in today’s economy? If you’re going to have a baby shouldn’t you own a home first? You would at least need a two-bedroom apartment preferably in a safe area near a good school. Most people of child bearing age don’t have the same opportunities their parents had. We are faced with sky rocketing home prices and rent. Heck, higher prices for just about everything except for stupid electronic gadgets. Jobs opportunities are few, precarious, and often low paying. Few young people can afford the healthcare needed to have a kid. Many don’t have healthcare at all. Many are living hand to mouth where having a kid is just not feasible without outside support.”

Question 3: [2:32:21] - “Do atheist tend to lean towards far-left ideology? If so, why? I once believed that socialist governments tend to push towards atheism, but I am beginning to believe that maybe the reverse is also true. I am surprised that many critical thinking nonbelievers are so quick to buy into the half-truths and unsupported claims that socialism offers. They will argue against religion using empirical evidence and logic yet when choosing a political affiliation, they throw reason and evidence out the window. I'm increasingly concerned about this due to the growing numbers of "NONE"s here in the US and what impact they may have on the future of our republic.”

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1st caller -


Interesting observation I'd like to share. I 'know' quite a few astro-phisicists, mathematicians, theoretical physicists that do gloriously (well paid, freedom within choice of project) at companies invested in coming up with tangible and practical application of AI dev. , linguistics, security, crypto... all the really 'dense' stuff. Also, within the 'office' there's no where are you from, who are you... just problem solving and upgrading, continously. IQ-G seems to be more important, merit is "God". Outside, after-work hours... different story.


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