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I had a dream...about wrestling


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First off, damn, it's been a long time since I've been on the boards, let alone posted! 

For context, I am a pretty big goth.  I love darkness, monsters, demons, ghouls, ghosts, graveyards, castles, metal, and (90s) WWF, amongst other things.  A couple weeks ago, I had a very vivid dream, in which I met The Undertaker, and I told him he was cool.  He wanted me to join his Ministry of Darkness, but I had to be initiated, which in this case, I had to let him pierce my tongue.  I hesitated for a good while, and finally I backed out, because I was hearing other disembodied voices coming from other members of the ministry; they were in pain, being punished for screwing up something.  He didn't like my decision.  Then, Kane stepped in and saved me from The Undertaker as I ran away.  Afterwards, I caught up with Kane in the parking lot and thanked him.  I felt kinda star-struck and I remember spinning around and passing out.  Next thing I know, I realized Kane helped me to my car and then walked off into the distance.  

There is more, but this is the part of the dream that stuck with me most strongly.  Granted, I have been watching a lot of old attitude era Undertaker/Kane/Mankind/Paul Bearer on YouTube, so it could simply be that I was just remembering it all from how I've spent my downtime lately.  But, I think there could be something my unconscious is trying to tell me, metaphorically, possibly about myself.  I have mainly been very fascinated by The Undertaker, but after a little time to think about it, I think my dream MAY have had something to do with me and my own brother.  I have forgotten how much more I sympathize and relate to Kane, as he is the younger brother, who never really fit in with anyone, had a hard time finding where he belonged and when it came to career success, despite wanting to be a better champion than his older brother, failed.  Similarly, my older brother has his own house, quite well off, financially, and I am still living with my parents and working on my own business, though I haven't failed by any means.  It's just taking longer than I expected.  Unfortunately, my parents (specifically my mom) don't quite understand this.  She is afraid that I don't know who I am and am still figuring out what I want to do.  It's frustrating trying to explain what I do and what my goals are to her, not to mention that her perceptions of me are so off the mark from the reality.  Generally, she is just concerned for me, and I have come a long way from just arguing with her and throwing a tantrum when I've had enough.  

So yeah, does anyone have any thoughts on this, or perhaps any of this sparked curiosity?  I just felt like sharing.  


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3 minutes ago, SirMetalhead said:

First off, damn, it's been a long time since I've been on the boards, let alone posted!  

Welcome back.

Was there anything noteworthy happening before the dream?

Just an idea, maybe...

Have you thought about if the dream was expressing a strong desire for being reached out to, saved from something that you could be suspecting to be on the horizon if nothing changed?

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Not that I recall.  I am not sure if it's the first event I dreamed during my sleep, but as I said, definitely the most memorable.

Hmmm, possibly.  I mean, I have little to no social life, save for my bandmate(s) that are also good friends of mine, and I haven't dated in a little over a year.  It'd be nice to have that (relationship) again, except way better, but I can't help but feel there isn't enough time for everything.  It's a conundrum.

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Conundrum is another way of saying 'paralysis', as of now, from the perspective that led to it.

Would you say that you could explore more and maybe find out different and new perspectives and possibly solutions too?

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17 hours ago, barn said:

Conundrum is another way of saying 'paralysis', as of now, from the perspective that led to it.

Would you say that you could explore more and maybe find out different and new perspectives and possibly solutions too?

That doesn't sound too far off.  Perhaps I am paralyzed.  I just don't want any more trouble, and disappointment.  In any case, I'll do some more reflecting on all this.


36 minutes ago, Jsbrads said:

Dreams sometimes reflect what you were thinking about before going to sleep. Have you read stories or watched movies before going to bed?

Yes, hence why I said this could just be a part of all the wrestling I've been watching lately.  

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20 minutes ago, SirMetalhead said:

That doesn't sound too far off.  Perhaps I am paralyzed.  I just don't want any more trouble, and disappointment.  In any case, I'll do some more reflecting on all this. 

I think that's a wise choice.

Maybe this will help you... Sometimes it can get anxiety provoking and inconvenient to put these things under microscope. What has been useful for me in those cases is to remind myself my present (I'm here not there) and the good reasons why curiosity will bring me closer to understanding, which will eventually be substance of getting better things... as long as I'm open to finding whatever I might find. (I know this might have been a little abstract but it helped me a lot, so my focus was constructive)

As in:

" I just don't want any more trouble, and disappointment. "

                           contrasted with

" What I want is _____ because it will enable me to ______.  "

20 minutes ago, SirMetalhead said:

Yes, hence why I said this could just be a part of all the wrestling I've been watching lately.   

Huh. Interesting. Wrestling. Struggle for power. Domination. Immobilisation.

(the stuff that we're drawn to and frequently expose ourselves... there's always a reason)

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