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Chicks Dig Serial Killers: Extreme Jerkboy Edition

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Really lame, as well as evil. Where's the challenge in killing presumably innocent women and innocent children. If it's "Alpha", pretty disgusting. One sick b*tch, marrying it and it would be a Russian.

Not exactly an endorsement, for even a night-watchmen state.

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Considering how hot Basic Instinct is, I can't say I'm surprised there's a kind for the gender-reversed. Also the woman looks like... Well, you know... and I guess we have a pretty compelling case for actually having a death penalty (I can't believe the Ukraine of all countries doesn't execute people, especially murderous corpse-rapists!). It astounds me how most Europe doesn't actually have the death penalty... talk about cucked up.

What got me is that his name is "Tkach" (pronounced "cock" lol, or "cahtch", like "cock" and "catch" put together) lol. 

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