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australia and new zealand shows...

s p pack

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Main Stream News Headlines tonight....

Two Canadian speakers being denied an entry visa due to 'Hate-Speach' and for being 'Far-Right'!!!

Hey, these guys sound very like very unsavoury people, and i vote for any Government that blocks these evil sorts.....    ....

Oh wait....

Hang-On....    .....No

No way....


I feel this country (new zealand in lower case)

has fallen down some leftist hole of no-return....

Could these set of events have a positive twist?? can it really be  that Stef and Laura are so powerful and 'scary' that world powers full threatened? Ha!


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Hi @s p pack

Welcome to the board,

Welcome to posting.

13 hours ago, s p pack said:

Main Stream News Headlines tonight....

Two Canadian speakers being denied an entry visa due to 'Hate-Speach' and for being 'Far-Right'!!! 

It would have been light-years more preferable, had you sourced SMTHNG, ANYTHING... but at least I had the chance to read up on the REAL story for myself...

"Lauren Southern & Stefan Molyneux Granted Entry into Australia and New Zealand"


"Both Southern and Molyneux it was confirmed by Axiomatic Events today had their 408 visa applications approved."

from here (The Unshackeled)


As in:


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  • 2 weeks later...

There was even a video(think it's been removed) on one of the "news sites" showing a picture of a load of worms then Stefan on the stage speaking at an event.(muted) Utterly bizarre and disturbing. Alt Right, Far Right. Lies upon lies. Impossible to make an argument or have a speech, totally flies in the face of the notion of freewill, like a load of zombies. 

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