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Black offenders in the U.S. receiving longer sentences than whites

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I remember watching a show Stefan did on this years ago on YouTube, where he went through how black offenders in the U.S. receive longer sentences than whites for the same crime. I cannot find it anymore, not sure if it has been removed.

According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission's report published in 2017, a black man on average receives a 20% longer sentence than a white man for the same crime. Whether or not violence committed in the past year is factored into it doesn't make much difference, accounting for less than 1% difference. 


Is anyone able to debunk this? Or is it true? And if so, what could be the reasons apart from the obvious leftist narrative?

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On 7/17/2018 at 7:01 PM, neeeel said:

repeat offending might be part of it. Are blacks more likely than whites to repeat offend? Do you get a longer sentence if its your 2nd, 3rd, crime? I dont know but its one possibility

The repeat offender holds harder sentence with usada. I imagine this could be a possibility. Democrats will paint a diff pic.

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