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Feminist Regrets?

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Badly written. It rambles in an agonizing way. I had to read it twice to make sense of it.  After reading it, you realize that she is feminist enough to only care about her grand-daughter but not feminist enough to care about the central core beliefs of feminist ideology.

Those being:
- Anti-marriage
- Anti-family
- Patriarchy theory
- Man hatred.

Her traditionalist views run counter to modern feminist dogma. She is confused actually... she thinks she is a feminist but she is actually a tradcon.

So our confused wanna-be feminist who is a tradcon can't understand the modern mores she helped usher in. (Well golly gee, that's typical...) She clearly didn't realize that the feminist movement was never about 'equality'. She also never accounted for the selfishness of female nature and the selflessness of male nature. Having worked hard to dispense with males, ie: husbands, teachers, etc., you tossed out male morality as well.

The feminist world she created makes women unaccountable to man and somewhat unaccountable to mother nature. (Her biology).  Mind you women complain endlessly about and spend vast fortunes to postpone the effects of aging... but I digress. She is confused because no one explained to her that the 'yeah you go girl!' and 'free the nipple' culture means encouraging female hypergamy. The sexual references she makes is a symptom of unrestrained female hypergamy. Sex is reduced to a transaction. The tradcon feminist author didn't realize until the end of her life that she destroyed her own value system. She destroyed the future of the little bundle of joy she was holding in her arms.

To answer the question she poses herself in the essay... Has feminism made life worse, not better for today's generation of girls?

My answer. Yes and No.

Yes in that there is now a large body of law that privileges women over men. The welfare state guarantees a huge welfare transfer from men to women. The whole justice system grotesquely discriminates against men. Technology and society has liberated women from childbirth and no one shames them for their choices. Society picks up the tab for all their bad decisions.

No in that the backlash has started. The feminists have ushered in unrestrained female hypergamy. The 80/20 pareto has kicked in. The folks left out of this system are starting to get pissed off. The slave class of males may one day decide that they don't want to pay for services they can never use. This 'outgroup' has started to organize in what has become known as 'white nationalist' circles. Politics is polarizing and lines are hardening. Feminists depend on men to support a justice system that does not deliver justice to them. At some point the tipping point will come and there won't be enough men to support the status quo. 

The rebellion will begin.

Hope this helps.

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