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[Podcast] 4152 The Most Shocking Conversation Of All Time - Call In Show - July 25th, 2018

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Question 1: [1:01] – “I'm a white Canadian male who recently married into a black family and I'm experiencing some racial backlash. I have a very independent view of the world and this conflicts a lot with my in-laws’ views on race/racism and how it affects black people. I'm wondering if you have any advice for dealing with this and/or help me work through how I should handle it.”

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I feel like this is the typical liberal black interaction with a liberal white person. Where the liberal black claims racism and the liberal white does anything to satisfy the black so they don't think they are racist. Yes, the liberal white will even throw away the culture that ended the most racist event in history, slavery. I personally feel there are other podcasts a bit more shocking, like the one where someone married their rapist.

However, This show was brilliant. Sticking around bad people is enabling them and the better thing to do for them and yourself is to leave. And to have kids with such bad people would be deplorable. I liked the dr phill quote, "The only thing worse than being in a bad relationship for a year, is being in a bad relationship for a year and one day."

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