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A critical question, for those who want to stop war.

Joe the Hobo

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I was flabbergasted when I turned on an old animated comedy film from the early 1970's and saw a caricature of "the left" that could have been made today. Seriously, watch the first few minutes of this (until after the 3 female characters show up)


Despite things seemingly being so similar back then, they never ended up in civil war in the 70's, Did they? If not, they already had the solution to preventing the imminent "war with the left".

To prevent war we can do what they did then.

My question then is; What was this solution? and how did the people of the 70's stop warmongering leftists, THEN?

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Hi @Joe the Mountain Hermit

Your ask is of prevention, right?! (thanks for the link btw)

The problem for me contributing in the way of the op is 'cause (I think) the war is on. Graduation doesn't mean it's not yet started.

When people double down on despicable ideas and willfully(choose to not listen ='la-la-la') silence others who'd push back/offer to debunk it, it's when the war of ideas had started, the inevitable detachment from reason is initiated by a group of people. Escalation seems to be spending up with ever more hyper-armed and out of touch narratives being put in place of anything that has/could exist/ed instead, memory lane's getting longer.

Maybe you are too optimistic,

Maybe I'm too pessimistic,

but Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern just got rejected in NZ... did you see what the interview with the 'Maori-native-descendant' was like?


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2 hours ago, barn said:

Hi @Joe the Mountain Hermit

Your ask is of prevention, right?! (thanks for the link btw)


did you see what the interview with the 'Maori-native-descendant' was like? 


Yes I saw, so are you saying it is different now? That the same underlying attitude was not present in the 60's/70's? if it was, why then did that era not escalate to war?

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43 minutes ago, Joe the Mountain Hermit said:

Yes I saw, so are you saying it is different now? That the same underlying attitude was not present in the 60's/70's? if it was, why then did that era not escalate to war?

I could be wrong, but yes. I'm putting forward it's different. Much more vicious. Probably has to do with how much 'damage' sane and well-put arguments can do to 'castles of sand' and so nowadays they just 'snitch-you-out' like a d...

I might be assessing it incorrectly, back in the day at least you were weighed down by multiple hoops to jump through before you could become any substance of shining beacon of truth = or threat in the eyes of the ones running the show. Nowadays, they must act pretty quickly or you could end up becoming a dangerous meme which in many cases can be more threatening than a coherent argument since humanity still responds viscerally to the symbolical and visually engaging with a pinch of subconscious... ie. - colours, logo-s, body language, packaging shapes and sizes... etc.

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welp, I think we can wrap this one up. The cure is: plenty of psychedelic drugs. Someone who isn't me said that they can knock down internal subconscious walls (the invisible electric fence) and leave you with only your true self WHILE ALSO heightening empathy hugely (this is why hippies always talked about vibes).

note: typed this before barn's second reply.

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7 minutes ago, Joe the Mountain Hermit said:

welp, I think we can wrap this one up. The cure is: plenty of psychedelic drugs. Someone who isn't me said that they can knock down internal subconscious walls (the invisible electric fence) and leave you with only your true self WHILE ALSO heightening empathy hugely (this is why hippies always talked about vibes).

note: typed this before barn's second reply.

If you mean how to make things worse, sure drugs are an alternative.

I mean, the boomers didn't really work sh*t out but just postponed and borrowed to d'eheat:yucky:h

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