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race, ethnicity, gender, IQ and medical research


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Hi everyone,

I have sent these comments to over 100 medical journals  and as of today I have receive no feedback. 

I created one of the largest commercial epidemiology databases and have been reviewing the data in clinical articles for over thirty years (over 50,000 articles).  One can search the database for over 300 diseases and procedures by sex, race, ethnicity, SES, education, time of day or year, age, weight, country and the list goes on. One variable that is NEVER considered is IQ/mental ability.   It is my assessment that this variable is important to consider. Individuals with a low IQ often make "unhealthy" choices.  Different populations (race, ethnicity, cultures) have different mean IQ's and this risk factor, could in part, explain differences in health outcomes in various populations. 

 The current political environment will not allow for one to consider IQ as a potential risk factor for any health outcome or for that matter any difference in outcomes. Why?  One reason is that one risks being fired from their job or called a racist, simply for even suggesting this hypothesis.  

I am not a racist. I am 78 years old and some of my relatives were killed in concentration camps during WW II.  Because of cognitive dissonance, many Jews did not leave Germany at the cost of their lives.  I believe we have cognitive dissonance when it comes to IQ.  Are we to believe Natural selection impacts all aspects of human traits except cognitive ones? Are we to believe different outcomes are only a function of social/economic/cultural  inequalities?  If you/we believe this to be the only answer, who will be the next victims of those who demand social justice when there may, in fact, be no injustice?  The bald fact that social pressure serves to prevent research in understanding how mental ability impacts our health is a very dangerous sign for the well- being of our society.  Will you speak up or stay quiet?

Effective treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis. 

 I was taught to "seek the truth and it will set you free."   What have you been taught

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38 minutes ago, dataguy said:

why do you consider my actions good comedy.  good comedy makes people laugh and relax. Bad medical diagnosis can result in considerable harm. Dataguy

My last post started :

7 hours ago, barn said:

Hi voter,

Thanks for your interest and the new views h...

Unless you voted, it's for someone else.


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12 hours ago, dataguy said:

One reason is that one risks being fired from their job or called a racist, simply for even suggesting this hypothesis.

Doctors are even under pressure to not consider race while treating patients, even though there is a correlation between race and certain conditions. The doctors are supposed to pretend race doesn't exist ("only a social construct"), and throw their patients' health under a bus, for political correctness. Ridiculous. For example, look at what this retard is doing: https://www.npr.org/2017/02/10/514150399/what-s-race-got-to-do-with-medicine

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Thank you for providing the link to this TED talk. I have such an adverse -- actually, physical -- response as I watch this that I confess to switching it off after the first three minutes. May I ask if you have direct evidence that doctors are encouraged or influenced or trained in this regard?  If so, this is certainly not good.  Of course, if it is true (which I'm not doubting) it would be something "subtly encouraged" and if so, who are applying such pressure.  I'm not questioning your statement; I'm interested in further understanding or exploration.

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The women (mixed race) in the TED talk uses the exception rule. most blacks are not of mixed race, particularly in other countries like Nigeria, Ethiopia, well you get the drift. Sure there are taller women than men, but for every women over 6 feet there are 2000 men.  The epidemiology data I collect by race and ethnicity is not just data from the USA but from studies and registries from specific countries all over the world. To suggest or imply  that looking at race/sex  has no value in understanding medical outcomes is a great example of emotion overcoming the facts based on hard evidence.  Muslims in the middle east have a tradition of marrying first or second cousins (30-60%) which involved genetic problems in offspring. Birth defects, psychological and mental issues are found at much higher rates.  i believe the women in the TED talk was a layer. She might ask one of her colleagues if a doctor treated someone and he/she  that did not take sex or race into consideration how the doctor might fair in court if it can be shown that race/sex does matter?  DATAGUY

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34 minutes ago, soozable said:

Thank you for providing the link to this TED talk. I have such an adverse -- actually, physical -- response as I watch this that I confess to switching it off after the first three minutes. May I ask if you have direct evidence that doctors are encouraged or influenced or trained in this regard?  If so, this is certainly not good.  Of course, if it is true (which I'm not doubting) it would be something "subtly encouraged" and if so, who are applying such pressure.  I'm not questioning your statement; I'm interested in further understanding or exploration.

https://www.google.com/search?q=medical diagnosis race

Top results are "The Misuse of Race in Medical Diagnosis".

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This is one of the latest articles (From BMC Cancer Journal ,2017.) I just reviewed this medical study for possible entry into my database. I would estimate that close to 20% of medical type of data  has ethnicity, race, and or sex in the title.  I will have more to say about this trend later.  DATAGUY


Childhood cancer incidence by ethnic
group in England, 2001–2007: a descriptive
epidemiological study
Shameq Sayeed1, Isobel Barnes1 and Raghib Ali1,2*
Background: After the first year of life, cancers are the commonest cause of death in children. Incidence rates vary
between ethnic groups, and recent advances in data linkage allow for a more accurate estimation of these
variations. Identifying such differences may help identify potential risk or protective factors for certain childhood
cancers. This study thus aims to ascertain whether such differences do indeed exist using nationwide data across
seven years, as have previously been described in adult cancers.
Methods: We obtained data for all cancer registrations for children (aged 0–14) in England from January 2001 to
December 2007. Ethnicity (self-assigned) was established through record linkage to the Hospital Episodes Statistics
database or cancer registry data. Cancers were classified morphologically according to the International
Classification of Childhood Cancer into four groups – leukaemias; lymphomas; central nervous system; and other
solid tumours. Age standardised incidence rates were estimated for each ethnic group, as well as incidence rate
ratios comparing each individual ethnic group (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Black African, Black Carribean,
Chinese) to Whites, adjusting for sex, age and deprivation.
Results: The majority of children in the study are UK born. Black children (RR = 1.18, 99% CI: 1.01–1.39), and
amongst South Asians, Pakistani children (RR = 1.19, 99% CI: 1.02–1.39) appear to have an increased risk of all
cancers. There is an increased risk of leukaemia in South Asians (RR = 1.31, 99% CI: 1.08–1.58), and of lymphoma in
Black (RR = 1.72, 99% CI: 1.13–2.63) and South Asian children (RR = 1.51, 99% CI: 1.10–2.06). South Asians appear to
have a decreased risk of CNS cancers (RR = 0.71, 99% CI: 0.54–0.95).
Conclusions: In the tradition of past migrant studies, such descriptive studies within ethnic minority groups permit
a better understanding of disease incidence within the population, but also allow for the generation of hypotheses
to begin to understand why such differences might exist. Though a major cause of mortality in this age group,
childhood cancer remains a relatively rare disease; however, the methods used here have permitted the first
nationwide estimation of childhood cancer by individual ethnic group.
Keywords: Childhood cancer incidence, England, Ethnic minorities
* Correspondence: [email protected]
1Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, Richard Doll Building,
Oxford OX3 7LF, UK
2Public Health Research Center, New York University Abu Dhabi , Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates
© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

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12 hours ago, dataguy said:

Childhood cancer incidence by ethnic

I haven't read the study you referenced, so I'm not commenting on that specifically. I have only a general comment.

Other factors have to be accounted for, like socioeconomic status. For example, blacks have a lower IQ on average, which causes them to be poorer on average, which causes them to eat worse diets or live in cheaper areas where exposure to carcinogens is more likely. So, while cancer might correlate with race, the causative factor might be IQ. For example, while blacks on average have a lower IQ, there exists high IQ blacks. Do high IQ blacks have a higher risk of cancer? What happens to risk for cancer and race when you control for IQ?

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The above medical study was just one example of the TREND in medical studies to consider sex, race, and ethnicity as a potential risk factor in a particular disease/procedure outcome. Many disease are caused by several factors (multifactorial) and in the study the statistical expression is often called a risk factor. For example if you have a risk factor of 2 this means you will have twice the chance of getting the disease compared to someone who does not have that risk factor. In the vast majority of cases SES (social economic status) and education are risk factors the authors look at.  It has been my thesis that poverty (low SES) and lack of education are correlative factors (they are symptoms not causal) and that IQ is the most likely causative factor.  My original entry (rant) covered this topic in some detail. To reiterate, IQ is never considered and therein lies the rub. The medical community is scared shitless, to be crude, to consider IQ. Often the conclusion of these medical studies is to suggest poverty and poor education opportunity are a major risk factors  and  that more money be spent on governmental health assist programs and better educational choices will improve outcomes..  That advice is often misguided and counterproductive.  I have been contacting the medical community to include IQ in their studies. As of todate, I have not received and feedback, pro or con, on my suggestion. This was one of the reasons I turned to the Freedomain community for help and suggestions.  DATAGUY

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Hi @dataguy

Interesting study, thanks. Here's a link to the original.

I was wondering, how would this study be updated, were weather acclimatisation and topographical comparisons with similar ethnicities living in warmer climates/more exposure to sunlight... etc. introduced, would it budge the metrics? If yes, how so? Just an idea.

Some time ago I stumbled upon a study assessing the physical and mental health level of doctors in the UK, with other professions comparatively placed alongside.

Now, I know it's off topic but I think it is also another aspect of the health-care-industry that receives little to no attention.

I would be curious to know your take, your feedback either here or on the thread there...


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Hi Barn,

As I pointed out in my introductory comments, one can search the database I created by time of day, week, longitude and latitude, temperature , and so on.  In medicine, one publishes their findings in a journal for providing others with facts that might improve health care. If some of their data is faulty, or not inclusive enough, and  their conclusions have limitations, a letter to the editor, comments directed directly to the authors, or a new study is undertaken to point out potential problems in their research.  DATAGUY


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Old boys club. Collectivist mindset. You can't play by their rules, which are contradictory. What to do, not really sure, a lot of thoughts come to mind...., productive action other than what Stefan is doing??? Some coordination might be helpful.

For the most part I don't think it is intentional, but unconscious. Whats annoying sometimes is when collectivists contradict themselves within the same sentence or paragraph.

Like with the concentration camps, killing individuals. Cubans, Boers and Europeans. None of my relatives were killed, not that I have that many. Had a grandfather POW(was a pilot), that was going to be shipped to the gas chambers at Leipzig before the train tracks were bombed by the RAF. Was interesting reading his diary that the behaviour of the station attendants was similar("friendly"), as described in a similar situation "Mans Search for Meaning" Vicktor Frankl, though the people weren't as fortunate, pretty horrific reading the book.



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57 minutes ago, dataguy said:

Hi Barn,

As I pointed out in my introductory comments, one can search the database I created by time of day, week, longitude and latitude, temperature , and so on.  In medicine, one publishes their findings in a journal for providing others with facts that might improve health care. If some of their data is faulty, or not inclusive enough, and  their conclusions have limitations, a letter to the editor, comments directed directly to the authors, or a new study is undertaken to point out potential problems in their research.  DATAGUY


I think that's a fair approach to research, being constructive, demonstrating intellectual honesty... etc.

What does your response mean in light of my question? Do you think the ideas I proposed could have a substantial effect on the study, do they make sense to you (in its current, superficial form) ?

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11 hours ago, dataguy said:

My original entry (rant) covered this topic in some detail. To reiterate, IQ is never considered and therein lies the rub. The medical community is scared shitless, to be crude, to consider IQ. Often the conclusion of these medical studies is to suggest poverty and poor education opportunity are a major risk factors  and  that more money be spent on governmental health assist programs and better educational choices will improve outcomes..  That advice is often misguided and counterproductive.  I have been contacting the medical community to include IQ in their studies. As of todate, I have not received and feedback, pro or con, on my suggestion. This was one of the reasons I turned to the Freedomain community for help and suggestions.

How would a doctor know his patient's IQ?

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57 minutes ago, dataguy said:

someone asked how a doctor knows a patient's IQ. In most cases they do not.  In my humble opinion they should.  Complex medical instructions to someone with a low IQ (less than 85) might not be understood .  DATAGUY

They should. But how? Most people haven't done a test. So, take a 2-3 hour IQ test before a doctor's appointment? IQ is pretty stable over a lifetime, so you could do it once and store it in a database doctors can access.

You can also get a pretty good idea of the IQ range of someone with just a short conversation. Doctors are probably, in practice, already taking into account patient IQ. They just do it through indirect measures. SES is pretty apparent after a short conversation. So is IQ. Doctor takes that into account and diagnoses and treats accordingly.

Most people have an automatic IQ detector and treat other people accordingly. It's not as precise as a formal test, but a precise IQ score isn't needed in most cases.

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Most of my friends  and associates do not have an "automatic" IQ detector.  For the most part they associate low IQ with poverty and or lack of education.  Many of my friends and colleagues have accused me of being a racist or white supremist when I broach the topic of IQ and no longer associate or talk to me.  My wife and I  are  shunned  in our community for our views on IQ.  I am one tough son of a bitch and I do not back down on bringing up how important IQ is not only from a medical standpoint but for life in general.  What I am suggesting is that IQ is a very important health indicator and it should be part of a patient's medical history.   

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You and I know that low IQ is the major cause of poverty but the general population (that includes the vast majority of professionals) DOES NOT. When I bring this topic up the general comments focus on  IQ tests are biased towards minorities and that poverty, poor parenting, inadequate schools, poor nutrition, and the list goes on are the major causes of poor performance on IQ tests. When I ask if there is a reasoned way to test cognitive ability there  answer is no and the vast majority of  them will always point out that low IQ scores are do to environmental causes. When I say that IQ is about 80% determined by one's genetics and I can provide evidence from  the majority of experts who study intelligence, the anger  starts and emotion flows forward and reasoned discussion ends.  DATAGUY

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