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1 hour ago, ofd said:

Why would the money creation change if there wasn't a government around? I don't see how that follows.

At the moment, government debt money creation is underwritten by tax payers, future & present. What if that compulsion / coercion were to end?

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the answer to your question is in your question "would it be any different under NAP?" yea it will be NAP 

Amazon received over a billion dollars in government money which continues 


And because Mr. Bezos is a genius, he took the no profit route as taxes apply to profits. Also because interest rates were so low and inflation is getting higher its basically free money anyways.

if you didn't get the message this whole thing is socialism. Normally businesses pay the "tax" due to risk/competition in the free market. but when you are dealing with the incompetent & immoral socialist, the taxed pay the business  

btw don't hate the player, hate the game. This is what is needed to compete at the highest levels of business under coercion. A high price to pay imo. But when the market hits its regression to the means and the blood money dries up, The free market will return stronger than ever, and because of how efficient the free market is especially in the digital age, I doubt the free market will ever leave again :) #BitcoinCash 

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Government could help to increase the number of slaves as a form of money? Romans or modern day China. Haul back Silver & Gold in massive treasure ships like with the Spanish Empire, as referenced in "The Wealth of Nations". That would increase the money supply, lower interest rates, but potentially increase inflation, cause stagnation technologically and upset some people. If government did help to increase the money supply, what would be worth spending it on? I guess drugs could be used as a form of money, the addictive properties of some making it useful currency. Tobacco sometimes was used as currency.

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At the moment, government debt money creation is underwritten by tax payers, future & present. What if that compulsion / coercion were to end? 

How much money does the government create compared to private banks?

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