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British Government to fire on its own people?


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Yesterday I had a conversation with my Dad. I showed him a video of an interview that Nick Griffin did with Red Ice.  In that video Griffin talks about how it would be impossible for the whites to rise up and destroy the muslims/ethnic minorities in a civil war because the elites would take the side of the muslims and in doing so would destroy the indigenous whites.  My dad says that's not possible because in such a scenario the british military would refuse to take the side of the muslims and refuse to fire on its own people.  He mentioned how if they were to fire on their own people they would be firing on their brothers, fathers, friends etc. He also mentioned how it just wouldn't be possible because the government's made up of individually elected mp's who would then face insane backlash from the people and their rule would thus be over. That it's different to the Soviet Union because in the West we have "rights" and our government is elected and that we and wouldn't accept our rights being taken away like that. That Brexit is a sign of a growing backlash against our right being taken away. I then mentioned how it was possible in the Third Reich for the Germans to oppress their own people, and that if it was possible in Germany it would be possible in the UK. He then responded saying how the Germans are "a strange people" and so dismissed my point.


Is he in denial? Both my parents were getting very emotional saying that I was "paranoid" and "incredibly insecure" and should worry less. I was trying to have a rational, non emotional discussion. But they get emotional and and hysterical and dismiss my points as insecure etc. So who's right in this? Are his points more valid than mine?

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Hi @Crusader1986

What your parents were saying (if I understood it correctly... familiar ties stronger than civil contracts, ruling elite risking their total ousting... etc)... reminded me a deep and lengthy conversation with a person who's lived smack dab in the middle of oppression coming from the military/government.

The anecdote :

When I asked how it was possible that fathers, brothers, old neighbours came to take in people from their neighbourhood, in uniforms, armed to the teeth against civilians... The answer was given in a sad and soft tone: "They are brainwashed so much, you can't imagine how little they think about questioning their superiors. But there are people who are nothing like that, doctors that operate on victims of street-clashes inside businesses because if they performed the procedures in the hospital, the police would at least lock them up for supporting the resistance..."

Having written this, I'm reminded of a book Jordan B. Peterson has on his recommended list - "Ordinary Men".


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18 hours ago, Crusader1986 said:

Yesterday I had a conversation with my Dad. I showed him a video of an interview that Nick Griffin did with Red Ice.  In that video Griffin talks about how it would be impossible for the whites to rise up and destroy the muslims/ethnic minorities in a civil war because the elites would take the side of the muslims and in doing so would destroy the indigenous whites.  My dad says that's not possible because in such a scenario the british military would refuse to take the side of the muslims and refuse to fire on its own people.  He mentioned how if they were to fire on their own people they would be firing on their brothers, fathers, friends etc. He also mentioned how it just wouldn't be possible because the government's made up of individually elected mp's who would then face insane backlash from the people and their rule would thus be over. That it's different to the Soviet Union because in the West we have "rights" and our government is elected and that we and wouldn't accept our rights being taken away like that. That Brexit is a sign of a growing backlash against our right being taken away. I then mentioned how it was possible in the Third Reich for the Germans to oppress their own people, and that if it was possible in Germany it would be possible in the UK. He then responded saying how the Germans are "a strange people" and so dismissed my point.

Just point out all the times governments have shot their own people. If he believes British people are excepted:

  • American revolutionary war. British soldiers shooting British colonists.
  • American civil war  (when Americans were genetically British)


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When I talk to him about this subject and also bring up the subject that we're going to have a civil war with the muslims within the next 10-30 years, he says it'll be impossible for the muslims to win because we grow the food and control the food supplies and all we have to do is stop the food from flowing to the towns and cities and they'll all just starve and die. Is it really going to be that easy? Does anyone have any good, logical, counter arguments to counter that claim?

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10 hours ago, Crusader1986 said:

When I talk to him about this subject and also bring up the subject that we're going to have a civil war with the muslims within the next 10-30 years, he says it'll be impossible for the muslims to win because we grow the food and control the food supplies and all we have to do is stop the food from flowing to the towns and cities and they'll all just starve and die. Is it really going to be that easy? Does anyone have any good, logical, counter arguments to counter that claim?

I have nothing specific as a counter argument, but the scenario you describe is similar to South Africa. The white South Africans control the food production, but they still allow themselves to be murdered and raped daily. It looks like the only thing that will interrupt food production is confiscation of land from the farmers. White people won't defend themselves. They prefer death.

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