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- -  - 22.09.2018 - - -

Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit),

Yes, people who agree with the op are terrible for that...:woot: well, according to your perspective... good thing is, you've got no tickety-clue whatsoever what happened here and I don't think I'm inclined to share with cowards. Tie a knot on that, 'arrow person':laugh:

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I have no experience and don't plan on getting a woman until I'm financially independent and owning my own house (either outright, through mortgage, or a tenet who happens to be capable of mortgaging but chooses not to for some reason) but I do have some ideas...

How about through any great guys you know. Like if you know a successful guy in your field, how about his sister? Or your boss's daughter? They certainly come to mind.

Alternatively, a more passive approach, is simply to do what you will and wait to be pursued. After all; a smart woman pursues the busy man, or at least the man that most clearly is demonstrating himself to be on the right path towards family and future. 

I would not recommend co-workers or anyone out of college. #1 because of potential rape or harassment accusations (they know who you are and can make your life miserable if they don't like you, perhaps after rejecting you or you rejecting them) and because they're not oriented towards being mothers. A working woman cannot be a mother--however if she has no debt (i.e. her work is something she can safely drop) she could just be pursuing what's effectively a hobby or "pre-marital project" (like maybe assisting in running a family business). Naturally a woman out of college is even worse because she most likely has a debt you will have to pay... Not only was she stupid (why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars if you're just going to get married?) but she costs you dearly just to be a maybe-functional wife. And that's assuming she doesn't consider your ability to pay off her debt attractive... 

Overall: you have to be very cautious with women. Act as if you're a woman from Victorian England: don't be alone in the same room with a single woman (follow the Mike Pence rule), don't be a slut, and of course be prepared to walk away within the first few minutes (if she's late for a date, leave immediately). This will both protect you and quicken your pace in finding the right woman for you.

Aside from all this: if you have a particular hobby that involves playing with others (like a sport or martial art), you might find a decent woman that way. It worked for Stefan Molyneux (although he wasn't actively searching for a woman--and perhaps that's important). 

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On 08/18/2018 at 9:25 PM, ascfgdxz said:




- -  - 22.09.2018 - - -

Howdy 'tickety-doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit),

Yes, people who agree with the op are terrible for that... :woot: well, according to your perspective... good thing is, you've got no tickety-clue whatsoever what happened here and I don't think I'm inclined to share with cowards. Tie a knot on that, 'arrow person' :laugh:

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8 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Alternatively, a more passive approach, is simply to do what you will and wait to be pursued. After all; a smart woman pursues the busy man, or at least the man that most clearly is demonstrating himself to be on the right path towards family and future. 

A passive approach definitely will not work. In dating relationships, women take the passive role and expect men to take the assertive role.

Church groups come to mind.

Be Red Pill aware. Read the Rational Male books by Rollo Tomassi.


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25 minutes ago, ticketyboo said:

A passive approach definitely will not work. In dating relationships, women take the passive role and expect men to take the assertive role.

Church groups come to mind.

Be Red Pill aware. Read the Rational Male books by Rollo Tomassi.


No, no: I meant "passive" as "wait to be selected". Not "passive" as in "wait to be directed". That's to say I'm suggesting he does what he wills and sees what women appear to desire him the most--what women are giving the subtle cues that indicate an imaging of her and him together in the future. Unless he's an inherently passive man, I wouldn't recommend actually being passive with women. Just in attracting them. I have passively attracted women in my short life and while I'm definitely not a success story I can say it worked to gauge my level (which, at the time, ranged from "not good" early on to "pretty good but not what I wanted" by the end. Honestly I wish I was more active when I was younger since the last girl I attracted was actually a decent one, unlike the ones that preceded her). In fact if I had to act based only on my past experiences, I'd never pursue women since the best ones pursued me (although indirectly and subtly) while I tended to pursue women for the wrong reasons and of a bad kind.

Besides: what I want and what most men want appear to be very different. 

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Maybe try going or starting a philosophical aligned meetup or show. Like Stefan did a show but I guess it was canceled so people couldnt meet up smh 

anyways, maybe trying online could work if you put your philosophical ideals on there and try to look for it on womens profiles 

Just to be warned tho, most women your age don't want to settle down. More women go to college than men and college is meant for career/job(since you have to pay it back) so young women these days are job/career oriented. 

however, the internet is massive so if you really want to meet any kind of women, leveraging the internet and moving will most likely get the job done. 

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