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° (instead of, lack of) it's demonstrating negative in-group preference

° supporting the fracturing, alienation of a part of society in South Africa, inevitably fueling racial hatred (the next domino)

° making a statement on the stance the government is aligning itself towards its own legal framework for the future, goes hand in hand with UK newspeak, totalitarian leaning I guess (Muslim majority by 2035* geez?).

not to mention, if I was an investor and saw that statement, I'd probably see if I could reduce what I have going on in the UK, just to be on the safer side of things...

...with difficulty, but I get all of these. Hence why I am not living there, won't go there.


What I can't understand is why would any investor move resources, get developments going in a country where the government has legal procedures in place to take over/expropriate/steal without negative consequences or equal reimbursement.

Are there more or less foreign investments going into Venezuela? (begging the question, I know)

Does Theresa May (she's just a puppet btw) seriously think/implies there'll be investors lining up to fund random warlords one after another? ( as high turnover of leadership is usually the case within tribal wars, no sane developer who can't fund apart a strong enough private army will even consider it )

Am I missing something here? What's in it for the UK? There's only loss to be 'gained'... Apart from the betrayal it's also a very ill decision politically and economically. Is this sabotage?

It seems, things are a lot more degenerated than what I had imagined they'd be. This is seriously scary stuff and I'm having trouble accepting it.



*ref - 'Muslims outnumber...' (Telegraph)

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